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ww CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Ge .ny- (Russian Zone) SUBJECT Ifiil.f e of Transport Plan of the Directorate, NO. OF PAGES 3 Gelzgr~ ra3. of Shipp in the DIVE for November 19 ~-AV,r N AIR F I u~9~.gts`k3 Gr9 LI____ f~ AsaEGa.. HE 70-2 25X1A DATE DISTR. 8 may 1951 NO, OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO ZP ,l REORT 25X1X The r ;er'L .. a ;:3.n'= s tr,~' o:! n'~Lrti=. 4oF~' rr.;UC, tb~c) ~`x~t~orf. !'1:~.:~ for i.0ve::i~.}erg at 7 , .711yO0O lCti:7'.. c trnfl ;)ort y~Lc:1 of :31 ' *.7'~.Inr' In :.::t`E'_ribor 1950 mi,i fulfilled The oL i1 Gul.y Ll;iout Proscribe(:: to"'s Pu7.fi11ec',: .y297,C2t~ tons 17.0.9 percent P1cn Berlin L60,00() L.:;Xt~ obur.`~; GUt.i,OVl.) Drwocen 8),000 ch,-erin T0,,003 ,re k down i.F to c i$tr ctu uLs Fu f9.1,~ .- nt Fo rcont x - Plan Fulfi1)::eut Porcentra ~ae 14 1 ! 1,0;2 10042 `1,,7.3, 626 L , W41,c12 1 J9J4 03,639 UQ42 .1r905.,77: +r .,10l,O f0 9w~,0 100,0;7 125.0 22,9 'C,705 30,139,0(4! 131.4 C6. 2~3 12302 6, 693,000 3, `36,263 l23 12.0. 1 i ?923,000 13,G0233 i4 1109 CLASSIFICATION s j - ? 4 A U G Approved Fo 2000IQ.5L22e: PY Approved For Release 2000/05/22 CIA-RDP82-00457R007600320013-3 'S p,ET OI +DL W.S. O t' TLS WILY 25X1A CSR I W,%LIGEME AGENCT The low water i , of the ILbe9 Swle and Oder rivers in October continued until , Novmbor with the refit tbs. ; the be and SaAle r3verv were not fully navigable prior to that date. The mean water level at the Dresden wat - es wavy 162 m. The number of shipments from this district decreased., since the Vos ss, .nkeY lock at 1' trelit^* had been closed since 20 November. In this Stralsund district shipping. was held up during apprew t 1Y' 20 days of stMW weather. The utilization of the fleet averaged 5 percent on a sonal basis.. They rotation averaged 2.2 vqjagess with 13.6 ds s a 30-service days basis: The $ o ute performance of the green register fleet was 907,850 tons. The breakdoun into gods was as follaosa s 0 s Not more than a boat 47,000 tons were shipped, i stoad of 65j,000 tons of owl as planned for Fuerstenberg/Oder. The nigswsassteer'hause n railroad station was tmporarlly congested by tins from the S n g vi .strict so that rail . rem service coal had to be rerouted to Mesa. The dota was exceeded in the Dresden d1s3triet t by transferring 15,E toms of coal to the Rai? chasb and 6,000 tons of coal. to the Berliner Kraftwer wh:Leh had been supplied with Polish coal until then. Coke mod, for the firs t, be shipped by water from Magdeburg to iUe. .61_s The tank barges lying ready for loading were not immediately MIW& Fu filled during the last month reviewed; too much time w wasted between thedate of assssi t and the beginning of loading easel for appropriate December. autlsorityp DM Z,9 was?s apprmehed, and luprove=mt Unscheduled trs tl on was necessary in the Stralsund dietri! when liquid fs 91 from 'wed wrecks had to be ahippedm t The quota for malt van not reached because of the priority allotted to gmin t t ie +e. Graiw: Panning by VVE proved ins `ficient In the Berlin district. Dose of the quantities shipped had not been duly reported, while of those reported only a minor portion was delivered for shipment. In the Schwerin district only part of the necessary cperationa could be perf sad because of the insufficient capacity of allo a. A shortage of motor hides ., as volt as additional. shipments of potatoes and sugar a :impossible to fulfill the plan in the Soh*ierin district. This situation could not be isproved, despite negotiations with the competent offices. The were s crit no shipments of in fron Isaac 1enbtu^g visa Wlttonberge and Doemitz. `Dods' Est Shipments in the Schwerin district remained below quota as a result of congested storage space in the Velten and Wittenberge oil sells. Shipments the Stralsund district woro below quota, because the drying of the rti nent goods x-not fin-lobed. LaM only 463 tons of the reported 1,OOO tons were shipped from Ketein. The quota in the e'arl' district exceeded the prescribed quota by about 50 pare t. Large ships utss were also expected for December. Shipmento in this Stiff" di! Btrlet remained below quota as a result of the insufficient storage aapac ty of the sugar facto in '41a"a. r B s Poor fulfilment in the Schwerin district revs* 1te d when the sugar faot delayed aceeptancs of delivery for five days. Dresden reported above quota 'fulfilment restating from the assignment of extra labor at loading points. Hare whip nts ce uld also have been erfeot d in the sstrie~t of .gdeburg, If the sugar factory in Genthin had been able to accept larger a ntitiess. Potatoes: The planning tg the WE for Berlin proved faulty., .th t of the reportevi god not eiaipped snap zshipas~ntss distributed . otherviao. The c a - of 313,225 tone a signed tca the gde~la g b ch office could not be famed and attained only 4105 tom cpeaspite negotiations between the E B and the rase t. t1ures of fsalfi sent in Stsund mess .tad from the pr tur+e sstc ge of sshi tsvs to 1itn. MM/CONTROL d U. S. 'Icms OILY Approved For Release 2000/05/22 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007600320013-3 Approved For Release 2000/05/22 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007600320013-3 RP /coa c,'- U LS. O?FIC Z OWE 25X1A c rirm MMMiCE AG. C! -ai9 4LLng M j a? -, g t Dresden mmaged to speed up shipments of biding s t . to Dresden organizing a railroad shuttle service to the harbor of a en- i. cbstedt, Y gdeburg reported extmalve congestion. ~bre stow XU PO .d ve been dispatched frees Torgau regular and orpeditious loading for din-hest had been effected. lumber shipments in the S erin district increased considerablyp since the lber was toned off before the beginning of the frost period. About 1, 200 tons , of lumber were shifted frcm ran to water transporta in Pirn. Stralmmdd, exceeded the prescribed quota as a re mat of an intensive propaganda OUVQUM. Fern, Eery s Phosphate transports in the Stralsund district were affected by the require is of the district and fulfilment was . Potash frees Schoenebeck and Bart7 destined for Stettin is loaded 8 to 10 days after barge tannage vas made aai l able, beemme the works alley failed to obtain cars for shipment. The nitrogen plant in Pia itz .till declines to ship lime nitrogen by rail during the season, except in smaU. quantities to Sch rin, H tters of the L erti ,izer Center in x1in directed the Piesteritz work, to ship only by rail, which is in ' is lation of existing regulations Other ---p: More goods than planned more slipped in Dresden as a reset of a successful propaganda campaign and the shifting from rail to water ship t. There was conoiderable genes cargo traffic in Magdeburg during the~.:seccnd half of the month and a further increase is expected. Tess Ooods aglct Coding was brri a ell routes. lmprovcd water l in early and id-No ber 1950 permitted the runnier of express vessels on schedule. MVloyment of private vests required in the Magdeburg district susa of increased general cargo traffic, 25(1 GgMWtj eet1ve 1 November 1950, a monthly awaysis of the fulfilment of the transport plays is made in accordance with a directive Issued on 25. Sepe- tem r 1950 a-Ad published Ge et: tt a its hen o at then 'h1a (Soviet Zone Statute look) of 3 October 1950. It is note ,Tort that the present anaysis fans to give data on shipsits of metals s sip. S Cm/cO ROL - 'G. S. OFPICLUZ ? T Approved For Release 2000/05/22 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007600320013-3