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3 . .t .6. a? ? t al IA, a I a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/16 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007500770004-8 C;FA1A.1....iNfiai..iGE.i.CE. AGENCY UNFORIA.40/01i1 REPOR7 Ai&L.C; Vegetahle Oil ?reduction in China 91.AGF.,1 ACQUtRET) IATE OF REPORT CD NO 17 51 041E FAcTiTR.. NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (L.iSTEC SEIM) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 50X1 50X1-HUM .,:,,?,:.,-zste.,,za.?.if.,.4-4.2kt..?'-.011-F,Laf:aziP.S? 'Seal. :10trr44*/' 'f';::';67. [ C,:- 3:fr,1:73:,' -Zt.g?1131,all tia'.7.31%11117Xtt4 Arrrzlnin VIC VITTIOPMIL Cie MKS!, :13: eV 'itr, -,il:r7137,3 5.17.:f.en mi'll II UM VIIIIVINtJ et rte eeFIZtlftea ACT ^',', 3.9.C. . ' , ? ..rr: 71 ',..'1',. AO ItReart MS nettttlIZSItti on Tile 12117ELATICIP .? al, gs ':::,,,7,..r_:11???:. el fa:1 'n4IiI? TO gin cuAur:tontn7D PTIRZON -1".; Rittile,7 S73 i.,..7.:. nenenuction or "Ins F.tRII!...t enontorno. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-HUM 1 , The China Oil and Fat Company is one of the 12 mononoliTed enterPrises of the Chinese lo,,ernment and is under the direct control of the Trade Ministry. It ,roverns the entire oil and fat industry and controls the nurchase of raw materials, 1u-ices, production of oil, sales and exnort and barter. It also exnorts to the USSR and Other countries to. obtain foreion exchange. "2roduction Plan In January 1950, the Trade Vinistry drew up the 1950 vegetable oil Production estimatfl, which -as again no.ssed a conference of the oil r,nd fat 5,ndustry held in rpy 1050. These figures, renresenting the 1050 estimate of five lrincinal kinds of edible oil ray materials and. the arount of oil extracted, are given below: Paw raterials Total Pro- duction r':eserved Direct Con- for .larming sumntion -xnorted raterial Oil for Oil Producd 7aterio1s extrac- tion :-e seed. Sesame Groundnut Soybean Cottonseed 3,50/:,500 529,000 2,466,500 9,596,500 1,590,000 ,ell units 70,000 10,580 246,650 039,650 31P,000 Total 17,696,500 1,594,980 in metric tnns 87,975 1,L25,000 2,850,000 4,000 3,) 50, 10 7,000 4?3, q'3 /05,600 689,250 958,500 1,748,350 1.172,000 /1,362,875 975,100 l0,3,53r 1.n29,123 -169,1,18 248,110 . 427,7?;-cl 114,L80 1,9138,2 rt of the large oil factories equinned pith modern machinery are at Dairen, Harbin, Ssuningchleh* in r-nchuria; Shon-hai, Tsingtao in vast China; '71entsin in rforth China; and-ijucheng and Han17ow in entral China. In the Southwest and Northwest Administrative 'ions, there are no factories equioned -with machines of comnarable .71::221.11=1 4 sets 47 sets 79 sets 130 sets 701 sets 956 sets !PI ATION ** large tyne un Chie , medium ty-r- :lung Chip small tyle Hung Ch? square tr,p hydronlic --)ress round tyoe hydraulic nress hond-onerate nress TT e 7 STATE' ?ITC NAVY X NSRS FW DISTRIBUTION ?,i;?. ' : .Ni. '. -7' 4( 4k ' 1Y-7i --IP -.1? 0? I 1 AR??IV MR Documult tit% Li No : Ciazs. `i; 3 C Auth.: I7C:-.?2 Date: eS, 7 AD1 1ST neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/16: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500770004-8 4 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/16 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007500770004-8 ? CO7FFMTIAL/C0".TTROI, -0U. S. OFFICIAL3 CULT Northeast China 20 sets /8 sets 2.204 sets 5,903 sets c. Central South Ch ma sets 5 sets 60 sets 196 sets (1- aldhnst 5 sets a 11?7teatCh ? 3 seta f? 112.111aalt4 6 sets 99 sets 91 sets 2 sets 5 sets 349 sets In nll of China, CrITRAL Inr'LLIG77CP /1.0--"Tr small tyne Hung Ch *e hydraulic nress sqlmre troe rouna tyoe hydraulic nress hand-onerated antral eress rPdium tyne Hung Ch'e square type hydraulic press round tyPe hydraulic press haud-operated spiral nress small tyne Hung Che small tyne Hung Che large tyne Hung Ch 'e medium tyne Hung Ch 'e small tyIe Hung Chive square tyne hydraulic press round tyne hydraulic nress hand-onerated soiral nress there are 10 sets 154 sets 198 sets 185 sets 2,970 sets 7,104 sets 50X1 of lnrge trne 7ung Ch'e of medium tyne Hung Chle of weoll tyne Hung Ch 'e of snare tyne hydraulic nress of round_ trne hydraulic Press of hand-onerated snirnl nress corditions of ?ro Potion. Because of the shortage of raw eaterials, nroduction falls well below the 1950 estimate. a. The ceracity of the rachine-onerated oil factories in 7ast China is 205,000 metric tnns. of oil cals. lased on the caleulation of nurchose of raw -aterials, nroduction of the resion in 10 is esti-ted at asnroximately 75,000 n-tric tons of oil and 335,000 re,tric tons of oil cnke. Shanghai, the center of the nress-oil industry, has a Troductive canneity of over 90 _ercent for "ast China. From January to Vay, holiever, actnal oil Pro- duction was 3,855.282 metric tons end cake oroduction erns 15,634,875 metric tons. b. Peiping and Tientsin are also centers for the press-oil industry. Tientsin's ca-pncity for five ronths is 15,943 metric tons, although its nroeuction from January to ray le,s only 2,100,15 metric tons of oil aul 4,856.75 rntric tons of oil cake. Peining's canncity for five months is 5,987 metric tons; but from Janunry to ray. it oroduced only 721 metric tons of oil and 3,031 metric tons of oil cake. Cr%:I1T.TTIALICr-7201, - U.3. OTeICIALS ONIT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/16: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500770004-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/16 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007500770004-8 50X1 COn'IMITIAL/C07TROL - U.S. WolTIAIS ONLY C1.7.1TRAL I!TT:F.TI/VITCF, AC71CT - 3 - c. Dairen is the mchine-ooerated oil factory center in 7ortheast China, Anart from the state-owned Yweng Yuan () ril Factory, there are two main factories: the Ta Tung ( )e Ar ) Oil Proouction Factory and the Hsien Ho Oil Production FactorY, cOlfch comnrise four "uselan oil ' factories set up under the guidance of the Suntly and Crain Trading Comnany of the Foreign Trade Deoartrent of the Uole, and over 40 eeeveee oil factories. The first factory of the Soviet Oil 2actory can nroduct 78 r=tric tons of groundnut oil in one 24-hour neriod, while its atteched Oil Refinery Factory can nroduce in one night 30 eetric tons of refined oil. The factory itself is well equinned, but suffers from lacl- of eaw materials. The second_ factory of the Soviet 011 Factory oossesses 16 sets of cornound melting (Yung Chi m ) oil extracting rachines. Its calaety, on a 2h-hour basis. Is 66 retric tons of soybeen oil from a supply of 400 metric tons. Thie means a require-ent of about 30,o00 metric tons ner quarter. The 1.950 n1Pn llove for a sunnly of 96,000 metric tons. lurine the first euerter 26,000 r=tric tons of soybeans had been nrocessed. A third factory is still under construction. The fourth factory makes so-ns, congeeIed oil, oeygon and glycerine. The nlanned nro- deletion of the state-oened Tweng Yuan cil 2ectory is 8,500 retric tons of soybean oil from n leriod of 10 months In every year, and. 76.000 eetric tons of bean cake with n suonly of 81,000 retric tons of ooybeans. Actually only 97 enrcent of this total is available. The continuous-tyne oil nress ran nroduce a yearly sunnly of 7,900 retric tens of groundnut oil, requirine a supply of 20.700 retric tnno of -rounnuts. At nresent, these are in short sunnly and none have arrived recently. The yearly canecity of the nerilla ocymoides nresses is 9,730 retric tons of nerilla ocy-olies oil. and 15,130 retric tons of nerilla ocyroides oil and 15.130 metric tons of oerilla ocymoides cake with a requirement of 27.020 metric tons of raw mater1al., However, work has been susnended because of short sunnlies, Conditiomesefelala. a. In 1949, the sale 6i' edible oil in Shanghai averaged 50,000 piculs (about 2,500 metric -tens). After January 1950, the sales decreased graduaily In the month of May sales were down to one-third of normal. 7"ven the various bean cakes could not be exported. Because of decreased shinning facilities there is little exeort of bean cake at oresent. A large mart of the oils can be disposed of locally only, while the bean cake is sold orincinally in the farming areas in Chekiang. Some coke also goes to Kwangtung, b. The production of oils and cake in "ast China, inclu'ing that from orimitive methods, and nuelic and orieate oil factories. is 310,000 tons of various edible oils and 1,150.000 tons of cone. Based on a nonulotion of 11..01).000 in '7est China, each nersot gets only one share of about five catties of edible oil yearly. Cake is used for molAng fertilieer. On the baeis of 30 catties of cake for one mon, there Is only enough to fertiliee 77,000,000 reu of rice fields. Because of the low buying mower, the ienression Is given that there is eeeroroduction, but this ie not the case. c. In nentral loath China yearly nroduction of various hinds of edible oil from oil-extracting nress factories is 78,000,096 metric tons. Proluction ()I- canes is estimated at 53.519 metric tons. There has been stockniling. hos-ever. The ? erivately eened Kai ring ) Oil Yactory end the state-ooned ann rame ( 4 ) Oil Factory at !lucheng and Hankow both have a stec,-eile of 20,00e to 50,000 nieces of bean cake (1?50 June Relort). The Ronan nrovincialny owned oil factory also has a stocimile of cotton cake. CO17,'IDF.TTIAL/Co'1TR0I, - U.S. OFI'ICIALS OITLY neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/16: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500770004-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/16: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500770004-8 corYinr-TIALicrlaan - U.S. OeTICIALS ONLY IffT7LLIar:TC7 eGnICT - 4 - 50X1 d. Oil nress factories in 7ortheast China, eith fevoreble conditions es well as suffieent labor reserves, are unable to exeort in greater quantities. 3ale is internal only. Precise statistic s for the l'irst half of 1050 for all China are not yet available. Holiever. at the first Plenery conference of the oil and fat industry, the figures of nroduction and ,ale for the second half of 1050 (July-December) are estleated, excluding the Northeast China reeion, at a total of 64,000 metric tons of edible oil from the five nrincinal kinds of raw material, narely, yellov bean, neanut, cottonseed, sesare, raneseed. Production of cake vas 226.350 metric tons. The China Oil and Fat Comnany is resnonsible for the nurchnse of edible oil (24.795 tons), vhile the amount sold by the various nubile and -private oil factories is 39,205 metric tons of oil and 926.350 metric tons of cake. The oil bouaht by the China Oil sni Fat Corr-any in for externel mer'rets, the remainder is to be consumed by the five big cities, Shanehal, ienta1n, Peining, 'Ian!eow and Canton. The stendard amount of sale is 25 .rcent of the total amount of censumntion of these five cities. The amount of s-,le by the factories the-selves includes the amount of internal and external sales, vhile the sale of cake includes the nossible amount to be purchased by the China Oil and Fat Comnagy for external marl-et. ?rices. In view of the poor market for both oil and calee, 'rices have dronned graduelly. According to the stetietics of the Shenghel Oil end Fat industry . Association, the ratio of oil's selline "rice end nroduction nrice in Jrnnary 1950 :as 115 eercent and in February. 130 ,reent. Occasionally, raw material )rices exceed those of nroduction. For exeenie, the 'rice of nennuts wes J!"13 220,000 per nicul on 17 November 1050 in Shanghai. After oil has been Produced, the price received is MI 167,500 (35 catties of oil at 4,000 dollars ner catty; 55 catties of ceke at 500 dollars Dor catty). *IS Co-nent. Th ie is nrobabler the at 124-22, 43-11. C mment. As received in Chinese. COMIDMITIAL/CONTROL - U.S. C'C.`ICI2,13 ONLY 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/16: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500770004-8