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Publication Date: 
April 4, 1951
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500660009-5 50X1 CLASSIFICATION ?G0L12R0L/U3 1:3 0 71,- Germany ('3oviet -,one) COUNTRY REPORT Oranienburc Airfield TOPIC EVALUATION DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED? REFERENCES- Pt er.rflPTMNfl iiiihmma,,,,InnmAti) 4 Tril 1951 50X1-HUM PAGES 2ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS 50X1-HUM I. During the period from 1 to 5 "arch 1951 the 'Thite Tv-n" restricted area (the former 7einke1 settlement) in Oranien- burg UT 53/: 67) -as occupied by air force and army units. Blocks :!os 1, 2, 3, 14, and 15, in addition to 11 houses on the former Lrast einkelstrasse, -,ere occupied by air force soldiers. * The 48 rooms of blocks 'os 1, 2, and 3 ,.iere occu- pied by about 240 717. Block .0 14 has 64 rooms, 32 of -Thich '"ere occupied by 16 offices and their dependents, the other 32 being occupied by 64 officers. Block o 15, ,.ihich is commonly called =7otel, has 48 rooms oecupied by 96 officers. The soldiers billeted in blocks -os 1, 2, 3, 14, and 15 '"ere flying person7.e1. 2he 11 houses on 7!rrst e'-,-kelstrasse served as quarters for 440 ground personnel. These houses have a total of 88 rooms, each being occupied by five soldiers. * 2. The officers -,ore blue-bordered golden epaulets, -hile the "ere 1.!learing black-bordered blue eraulets, sone -ith propellers and some ,-ith crossed lightning-flash insigne. 3. The name of a'r force 7ajor r-neyev or: legedly a commanding officer, -as heard could not be determined -thether "aneyev officer of an air unit or of some other Tt -as not no-n .CY" long the air force tiqued t the field. 'aneyeff, (f al- nentinned. It 50X1-HUM -,as the commanding air force oranization. urits had 1,een sta- 4. On 9 -arch, 10 to 15 77-2s .'ere parked in the northeaStern conier of the -?ranienburg airfield, five '77-2s 'Tier() seen at the take-off point. Three other IT-2s ,lere aloft. Prom 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. aircraft -iere continuously circlinp the field. There -las a closed ceiling, but visibility "as good. ',2he planes took off and landed from the north-est to the southeast -ith stron7 side -ind. o radio installations or radio trucks -ere seen at the field. ASIFICATION IECTO11-1,707.111'10L/T73 OFFT.CT1',1 Document No C7,-- -7- r P I+ _? Daft: 11 -1.1.1G 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500660009-5 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500660009-5 -007TTIVUI OFFICT:LI.077 2 50X1 5. On 10 parch, about 40 t-An-enpine piwles -ith in-line enrines 50X1-HUM and double rudder assemblies -ere parked near the hangar at the northern side of the Oranienburg airfield. ''** "umbers 1 nnd 46 riere seen on the rudder asselblies of of the planes. 6. The northern part of the restricted area rear the -hlte "2On occupied by air force soldiers. ?he school in this area ,.,as used as an administration buildinp. :bout 300 air force sol- diers were f.uartered in 11 houses. * Comment. ".17om the data contained in this parer:m.0 it 50X1-HUM ap,-"Te7Frnia-the c7uartered a total of 680 air force T4. and 176 !?,ir force officers. he individual data cnnnot 50X1-HUM verified. emmont. ?he field is occupied by a bomber reriment euipned -ith. about 40 71--2 nicnes. 1-77--r.C_.77?:011773 OTIPT,I'L7 07,7 4^,a 4r.-7A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500660009-5