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Publication Date: 
April 2, 1951
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007500540007-0 AR al% V s ,......, -1 L i - , CUNTAOLAIS TiTICIALS : CLASSIFICATION i COUNTRY Paa111_____ __REPORT TOPIC Military Observations along the Railroad Line Frankfurt/Oder-Brest Litovsk --....-----... EVALUATION_ Allaimaliciassereve. Ps ACF_OPar n 50X1 50X1-H UM DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINP REFERENCES_ PAGES 2 REMARKS-- )ATF PPFPARED 2 April 1951 EN LOSURES (NO. & TYPE) DO NOT riRriii AT 50X1-H UM A fuel de oot was seea in Warszawa-Powazki on 3 January 1951. It was located about 3 km southwest of the railroad station of WarszawaGdanaka? just east of the main line to Vhrszawa-Zachodnia. A round bunker-ria building was under construction in the southern section, which contained- underground installations with earth heaped upon them. In the northwestern section of the depot, which had a rail link on the north, 10 long gasoline tanks lay near the ? fence. Four large bunker-like structures for gasoline tanks- were also in the northwestern section of the depot. * 2. A Polish ,military ration supply depot was seen on the sane.. day approximate- ly 2 lea south of the fuel depot, just east of the nein line to Warszawa- . Zachodnia. The depot, through which several rail links led, consisted of six storage sheds and a &Welling and administration :building. The sheds averaged about25k100 meters. 3. A Polish army motor pool was seen on 3 January 1951, about 50 meters north of the -Jerszawa-Siedlce (R 53/t 88) railroad line and about 200 meters east of the northermost Vistula bridge. The installation in- cluded garages, about 100 meters long, and repair shops. The buildings stood in the middle of ? a circular concrete road on which military passenger cars and trucks were engaged in practice driving. ** 4. During the summer of 1950 Polish troops were camping west and south of thC administration building of the marshaling yard of Golabki/taliska (1 53/P 98), which is located west of Warszawa and north of the main transit line to Sochaczew (Q. 53/P 48). The marshaling yerd consisted of 42 tracks with two interlocking plants and a station block, but there were no ramps. Six guard towers with spot lights stood between ? the tracks. *** 5. A train with 14 coaches, two heating cars and a gondola car left Frankfurt/Oder at 9:30. p.m. on 28 December 1950. It was occupied ? by about 250 Soviet. officers and al and five Soviet women and their ?children and was turned over to Polish railroad personnel in Siedice. - - 50X1. the train came from the area of Neustrelitz (N 54/U 54). 50X1 The soldiers wore red-bordered black epaulets with tank- insignia. - COPIFIDENTIAL CLASSIFICATION ' ,c.-.,55./CONTIR.01./US OITICIALSONLY Document No. ___ \ No Chann tn niu?LII n Becin.1,, Ehang2 7,B:: TS ilietim IA 7 -2 Date; 1.41 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007500540007-0 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007500540007-0 - *** Uomment 47.141444F),T7E14?2., CT/CONTROL/US Oi'FICIALS ONLY The depot was said to have a total cananity of from 42W0 to 50000- cuemo COmmento The military motor pool lies in a L:irge military in? stallation on Modliaska 6treet? wherc a .,liotol-ized -,-eeorrnaissance unit and militia units were reported. It is 3,ossible that may have mistaken the arages and raoair shops of that ? or a motor pool. Comment,, It is believed that this is a unit to guard the railroad' ins tions, SE OFFICIALS 301Y 50X1 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007500540007-0