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Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007500410009-2 _ . (1-HUM _ ? ? ? 1=NTRI 1 NTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT COUNTRY Aibutia qwroriE111,41TOON ria:PO?T SUBJECT Port Installations in %eves Harbor; Pilot Facilities; Shipping PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. CD NO DATE DISTR. 14 NO. OF PAGES 4 NO. OF ENCLS.. (LISTED DEL= SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 50X1 -HUM r.-r,-,.----,-, r ,..4 Xtrel37.1= 41,11741US $171)4124TIOlt; ASTECTRISTIIS ISITIONYtt OLTIETISS ''; 1 '..117,V:: ... t:rzeio grasru Tint%rwrzsravatcr.t.ts..a oval:nor'...tux= itoriTglol .' I, = Cr. it C.:::=1 Tif all xmarAurattut C47=917 AS MO, ,'. =71 ,LITIC1=1) ezszoauctraz7 !fl fl PIWZrar2D-4 , THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1 -HUM Port Installations: 1, Existing demeeeres in the poet of rrreee, inc=ca d=ing Warqd Wnr III are presently booing repaired, 2. The dismantling of the old wooden 'Reding stage previously initiateC by the Italian authorities during the period of their occupatiou often:alias is continuing; this landing stage, uhich extended from tho coutol of the port to the northern pier, will be replaced by another uooden landing stage. approximately 100 meters in 'length, with a depth of 21 feet along the eestera side which would permit the mooring of 4000 to 5,000 ton vessels. The depth aleng tho caetorn eide by cooLrast, is net more than 10fee't..? aid only large motoreemilboate or fishing *heath can be moored there //// / A 1/110 weetern m'ole 1 s a3 so beim e - -tee ete 1 - - t i 1 -,-ted r'erill oe "be compieteci, 'hog jesf;eilcacci'tLckar2;1;;3;:nettrrier, ;Mich perm:Ito loading care to come quite close to the vescole maoycd there; above these tracks there is another larger track, in the center of tho melee for two port cranes, which aro presently being tested,. Thee? ceencs are each said to have a MX:1MM lifting capaoity of more than 10 tons, and the length of their arms is said to be adequeto to scrviee aey yeses's, moored there or ha-.101.e an7 tyr.-_, e --7c1=2.:_c_. Tua piee Is spaelous and mould pernit the rapid handling e tie rr.,:ny e,ods which eeeeeco- lust remain ?tacked ep, exalting loading?4/ 4. Warehouses for perishable goods aro located on the northern pier; at the eastern eni of this pier there is a =all conai-irucLica yard. where a motet-- sailboat of approximately 500 tons and a wooden tug-boat of about 400 HP are being constructed, The motor for the latter vessel has already been received from the USSR, 5, The petToloun landing stage has a vary small wooden pile touard its outer- most on alongside thia are moored the tankers, which throw their mooring ceblee ie, e7ete 'attic eet up alcag the mole, Ori,:eelee, .ee ee:::ereiewed. pipa-lirt7 Extended from the nolo to the tanks; one of thane to lines. , .? ,4 ,\,,?,,,,, CLASSIFICATION , PT. /001iYR0T. _ -1. s. (WPM TA LS 011T7 .., v .. 1 i DISTRIBUTIOM I 1 ? i',1, e, '' ?? , - SW.1 NAVY 14SRB ARM' / MR I " _1 I 7 1 s I I 1 i44i IS> 440-tV I 50X1 -H UM f.cument No. 4'.o Change In Class. El ? 1 Deciass;fied ' ass. ChPnged TS S ? ..nth.: HR 10.2 ":ate: By Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500410009-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500410009-2 i) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500410009-2 .? 111011TEAL Sr:ea/CONTROL -U. s, orrIclus ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY -2.. horever? had been completely destroyed and renmved by the Gerrene ei that at the present tiee there rains but the single pipe-liae. 6, The only oil tanks uhleh exist in Durres are thetthreo ehiCh had boon eonstructed by the ACIP Oleiedda Geuerale dello Industrie di Potrolio); these uere damaged during the ear, but have oCece been completely repaired, Tho combined capacity or these tanks is estimeted at approximately 61000 tone of liquid fuel, The tank lccatod at the end of the oouthern breakwater of the poet, along which runs the pipe-/ine described above,. 7, A pumping station is located in a small house next to the tantel as these pumps can only pump the feel outuaed (i.e., tomard the moored tenkers), there is no mea nn of inteke of petroleum uhee tankers ara unloading th6 feel? and the vessels themselves mnst do the pumping tovard the tanks, The pipe-line Join a poor state of maintenance, and does not permit the pumping of more than 103 tons par hour. Thereele no pipe-lino between Dueree and Tirana, and it is not believed thnt the Is nny lezediete intention of c.entrnetkee oee. The ftel is teanspoeied Iron Durres to Tirana by means of tank ef-eo,ariA is Writ tn mr merr,4 of a t00.-hr,m+ -eldh formerly beloneed eo Davy. a, the nAjrl*er,,,ro tr.:77-7 ' nested to iucompeteelt personnel, eho aro eeeceted tc 1,neee rnleeetv:., n_eced their unhappineso with retard to- the si.;,=tica ia 1:Uch :;:eeeeeeves. The mr-n in charge of this group has no technical leneeledee in 'Batten; re- lating tc petroleum; since he receives all of hie orders from the alcove refinerie.en his functions aro nn more than those of a storekeeper. 9. In addition to tho above port fneilieies being repaired and constructed, several eater-iatake noints are being see up aloag the moles and the chore in order to permit vossolo to renlenish their uater supplies. Veseele ehleh do not fly the Albanian flag do not refuel in Albania. retkahou.e.s 10. The lighthouses of Cape Laghi and of Cape Durres, as wall as the red and green signal lights of the pert, are in regular operation. In addition, approximately 2 miles from the entrance to the port, there are tuo buoys (one red and ono green), uith intermittent lights. The red ono indicates Shoals, and the green one a derelict vessel; vessels desiriag to reach the harbor must pass between these tvo buoys. ? v1tioers: 11. According to enconfirmed information, there are no barriers to navigation other than those emplaced by the Italian Navy. A safe route to Durres need by some vsesels consisted of following a true course of 170 from point 400 239 11 and 190.* 03 Er uhich brought the veosels to a point two ellen off. Cape Laehi.* 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 12. it and cylinders? used for obstruction purpcsesr aro piled vp cr the western pier; these are In very poor condition. Pust222.2:1==reiel.202dElPt1=5 om 71a=1J-747010,: 13, Neither *Police or Customs officials in the port of Durres carry out any searches on board uhelther upon arrival or departure; Trg.... 50X1-HUM mission for the crew to land, however, is not being granted, A policeman, ermed with a Thompson subemachine gun, remains on duty on board at all tines, Sr AiST/CONTROL -U, S. OFFICIAL S ONLY COMP Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500410009-2 ' CO IDENTRAL /00UTROL u0 S. opplans ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY -3- and all eivilians who come on board to perform various service,: are also escorted bye non-commiseioned police officer, Prior to the veccel'e deperture?.the captain is escorted to the State Bank for the payment of Dort riehti? and then he is 'irertodiatenv eel:meleen erned? at all tints under survei/lance. These stelet socueity measteess aro said to have boon imrAemented late in December 1950, follomine the capture and eeecution of ? five Albanian parachutists allegedly nem in from Italy, 14, The port of Durres has a single pilot, Ahmed Lei, a former ren-commissioned officer of the Albanian Port Captaincy Service (now retired) 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM During the olmence of the Part Commander, who visits Tirana frequently, bin functions are under- taken by the pilot, who is assisted by two young naspiranten of the Pert Captaincy Service, 15, There are presently three tug-boats in use; one of these, which has a meter of about 240 RP, assists vessels exacting maneuvers., and taus fishing-boats and other snail vessels which are in :difficulty. The other two tug-boatsA of approximately 80 HP each, are in a state of disrepair, end great difficulty is being experienced in attempting to repel? them. In addition, as deeceihed in paragraph 4 above, a wooden tugeboet of about 400 HP is presently being constructed- AP4i2j1110AM: 16, A small radio station, of approximately 1.5 kw, has been constructed close to the officer: of the Port Captaineyein Durres, toward the end of the moot .mole; the station ens being tested at date of this 50X1-HUM report. 17, A bettery? located on the slopes of Cape Laghig is reported to have fired Its guns at an Italian vessel when it arrived in Durres without prior notificatior. The artillery 'nieces, which are camouflaged by green foliage, are located on different levels of the hill, on the side of the sca. The fire- control post is located in the femedisto vicinity of the foemer royal villa. Shiim,_nra_TLefflsjn Durree: 18, During the course of December 1950, the traffic of Soviet, &dish, Rumanian and Mee:a-ten merchant vessels increased considerably, with an estimatee average of five veeoels per week coming into port during the period 1 Nene-ear 1950 to L. ;anuary 1951, In all cases the Polish, Bulgxenn and Rumanian vessels (of an average tonnage of 4000 to 50000 tons) moored at the prineleet1 mole, while the Soviet veesels? with only two or them emceptione during the ? period in grestion? mewed at to former AGIP landing tage, 19. The Polish, Bulearian and Rumanian veRsols npleded mr01 ntlqw,-.41%; grain and large quantities of tem items (railroad ties wiring, etec)? while informant uas emiy able to state that the SOViet, VOSSelS enlonece enrchandise 50X1-HUM in large anE well caeoe end erateo. SE 4Ticarram _ 17, So OFFICIALS ONLY ;MULL'S: ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500410009-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500410009-2 , cir`"":2;railein T/CONTROL U. S. OFFICIALS CilLY CENTRAL EITELLIGENCE AGENCY ,4- 20, These vessels then loaded shrimp, skins and oil. 21. The Bulgarian vessel DIMITROV (5s000 tons) tins expected in Durres on 17 January 1951s with a mixstl cargo of grain and iron items. Another Soviet vessel end two Rumanian vessels wore oirected to arrive in Durres an 20 and 22 January 1951. 22. Equipment for the establishment of a new distillery in Kuccrve arrived from Czechoslovakia; two Czech tochnicians arrived at the same time with the equipment. 23, Porto Palermo is considered to be the locality in which interested posity could easily unload informants. Such points, however, are under special surveillance, the sea approaches to Durres are rifted, but that an entrance this minefield is located 30 miles from Durres. A safe route consists of travelling 16 miles north of Durress nce southlmrd to ths harbors staying within 3 miles of the shore. . in tarittittl; SR0?;;C:ONTROL S? OFFiCTALS ONLY 1 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM ii Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/13: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500410009-2 -