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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
May 2, 1951
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500200009-5 'N'4GENCE: AGENCY RFPORT REPOPT COMENTIAL CUON ( Po-lart6 SUBJECT Airfields at Fyzdny and Chojnica PIJACF ACOUiRED '..ATE OF :NFO. 1 50X1 DArE IMSfit. 2. May 51 NO, OF PAGES 1 NO. OF ENCL.& L?ISTET) BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 50X1-HUM ME.4:777:Mg1-;aVitZWIE nr.1gttDAJflS ITIDIMETID2 0.717?Cilt1e r mourai.arrerizp, rar, wont =ma arnmr! e MILTI1g0 MTI E:PSO:IRGLE Er:7 so I.A.G.., DV rIDID Mr:3 =MM. 11-2 74/473G1ZMOD 711E tItSVULATICD cognerwm gm MOT marsh AV Fir110111010.17tE MEAN IZ IEI rr wt. me7SODV.3=1 91, VW: MOW KOnerrau. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-HUM The airfield at Ohojnica (Mnigsberg in der Neumark - 053/Q40) is located 700 meters south of the town. It was originally built by the Germane durirg the war , and has been in Soviet hands since the German retreat from this area. Its area is 1.5 x 1.3 kilometers, with the longer side running east- west, It is entirely surfaced with gravel, and is very hard. There are no runways morked. Four hangars, in excellent condition, are along the east side of the field near the Chojnica-Kostroyn (Mstrin) railway line. Other instella. tions are a radio station, visual signalling station for day and night, wind indicator, workshops, fuel and lubricants depot, administrative building, ard sentry post, A specially built road leads from Chojnice to the airfield 2,. In mid-February there were forty-four two-piece fighter planes on the field, in addition to four biplanes, known as liaison planes, and four larger aircraft, Until the end of 1950 there were only about a dozen planes at the field, and a small garrison of approximately 500 men. The garrison now consists of motorized infantry and motorized artillery, as well as the aviation units. The latter are quartered in the south part of the town, near the alanaeld, 3. The airfield at Predry (P53/774) is loceted 300 meters south of the railway station at Zydowo, and midWay between the villages of rdeliniec and Gorazdowo The ground in the vicinity is flat, open on all sides, drained, and fertile. Built by the Germans during the war p it was used by the Soviets for a time after the war and then abandoned. In the late summer of 1950 a group of 80 Polish engineers -rrived to undertake restoration of the field. By 18 December there remained 24 men and one officer. The field had been newly levelled and rolled, its bounderleemarked? and a wind direction indicator erected. There ware no hangars or other buildings, and no indicetions that any would be constructcr14 No aircraft were on the field at that date CLASSIFICATION SE DISTRIBUTION 1 7-;;;j6ZY11;711. DerInped Cimpud To: IS S Rath.: BR 10.2 Deo.. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500200009-5