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r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500090002-5 - CEN1RAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY rIEPOR liNFORIVIATIO COUNTRY USSR (1,:insk Oblast) SUBJECT Construction of Minsk Auto Factory PLACE ont DATE 01' INFO. REPORT CD O. DATE DISTR. 20 JIM 51 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. ammowlovia SUPPLEMENT TO REI3ORT NO. 50X1 50X1-HUM 7f1;..3W1:1; ?OlAilidLidAaai..T1 I THIS 153t311F12 r catITAltisIfiFORLATiON AF &tat HS TINS NATIONAL ORMUZ il OR Tim Psurfn 5.1ATES WITHIN The 1116ANINO OF THC ESP1ORACH P,CT r,o 4 c.a. C.. 31 AA1O 31. 43 AMENDED, NH TRANS1316/HON ON THE REVELATION ---:* 011 TT E C.:;1:1.T0171: IN ANY WAINER TO All 611ACTHORIXED PER300 Hi P30, ; HIESTED '.11 t.Art, REPCODUCTION or ma PORN 13 PROHIBITED. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-HUM Location: The Minsk auto factory, north of Minsk (530 ft,' N9 270 3'7E), is located in the area used bY the German armies es a tank repair installation.* After th German retreat w:rt of the area was damaged, and the build and installations left standing form the nucleus of the f, .!Tory. The vactnt pro- nerty between the city and tie the construction of other indt he:factory is pc pular- ly called MAZ. . torWs to be used for Installations: Durinr carried on by. n7's, a convicts, strictly of other installe half finished 9 operation are t cokl, uction of large shcPs was 'er0Mrts of the vast area Russian m Pl-cs, worked on construction oq14, hops are under construction, some Irl and some erP in operation. In ndri es shoris for making Iron nnd fray cast- ings, machine sho forge hammers, presses, and stampinr machines, In many -cases machines were set up simultaneously vith foundations end onpration started; in ci:her oases work Etarted before the roof was covered. Torkbenches from the Oerman tank repair works, reparation machin- ery, r?nd Pussian made conies of American 50X1-HUM machinery (such as cutting lathes from which square iron nuts . are made) constitute the technical equipment of the auto works. roduc+ion: T he Minsk auto worksProduces six-ylinder Diesel 50X1-HUM trucks, copied from an American model. Motors are deliv 1 rfro7 Yaroslavl by truck and asmi.zia-jcd at the auto works. heavy differential, housings ana chassis being produced, and it is Probable that other parts are also manfacturee. 50X1-HUM F01117 to six finished trucks of this type leave the factory daily. Also rroduced is a smaller type, four and ona-holf ton Ounp truck with six-cylinders (2) and an hydraulic .dumping rFloha,itsm. This rodel d1solars large sir suct-Ao fUters; A primitive truck trailer Is also made in the auto ractory _ ._ STATE A1.1 pNAVY , i AIR 1....a.n...),..) 1 i t %Jr% 1 %. NSR S J I 1 tA.I.V .i.' DISTRIBUTION ____, FBI I I , I V1113711nt tie, ge nalige NamCE 70-11 ria,31 S 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500090002-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500090002-5 CENTRaL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 50X1 Auxiliary industries: Tn the northern pL7rt of Trinsk 1et4een the ctty and the auto factory, construction is .nr-- ceeding on other industrial sites which in all nrobabily will. bp auxiliary industries of the alto works0 on the ht side of 'hP rond.from T'insk to auto works the f-un ticF. for a ball bearing factory were started -vember 1040. T-te architect directing the ball bearing lrolect 7as a (;:nu) 2awalkat, a overnment architect by nrof63ssion, from Konigsberg. He was released and sent home on 2 D'ember 1040 and is report- edly living in the environs of Cross-ersuo Another "T, (mu) Kaubel, also took nart in this project but was later sen..enceei for sunnortinr the Hitler rerime. Also in this area Is a completed stre4,t car denot; howev!!r,no tracks to this installation have been laid. 'Then in oration the street cars will probably carry workers who live out;ide the factory settlement to the factory It is nlanned that a bicycle factory, a section of the anto trust, will be built in this area Accding fn reports this factory will he connected with the TirTnnabar factory in Rrandenburg. Factory ?settlements: Large settlements for workers are ourit5.: in the 1ate vicinity of the auto factory. ?Stores end nthlIc buildinrs ar under construction to service the sttle- ments. 50X1 -HUM Comment: th.e. f,.ctorv. 50X1 -HUM is Locate southeast or lainsk on the road to lobruisk (53-09W, 29-14_6). CONFIDEWTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/30: CIA-RDP82-00457R007500090002-5