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Approved For Release 2003/08/i 2:XCA-RD T0457R007400630002-3 COUNTRY CLASSIFICATION Germany (Sov-i t ~nne' TOPIC *ailitar'r Inrort tion From Dr EVALUATION see L'e71ow PLACE OBTAINED 25X1 DATE OF CONTENT 12 to 23 F. bruarnr 1951 DATE 0B'17AINED 25X1 A DATE PREPARED 27 !.',arch 1951 REFERENCES PAGES - a REMARKS. 25X1 X D 1. 25X1 0 2. 25X1X 0 3. 3t , 25X1X 0 5. (NO.&TYPE) 25X1A .__,..REPORT NO. 25X1X The S5 Kaserne in Dra,sden~-r/ilder 'Mann (N 53/F 29) seemed to be occupied to capacity by about 1,000 troops between 12 and 23 Feb--. ruary 1951. According to the observation of tank tracks and state- ments by local residents, the installation quartered a tank unit. yo1diers observed wore black epaulets, some of them .with tank in- s1 Uri.~a, on their overcoats. Seven JS tanks 25X1 were seen at the installation. (1) Residents of Nickern said that the Luftnachrichten Kaserne there quartered 2,000 troops. Soldiers observed wore red-bordered black epaui-ts, some of them with tank insignia. T fence was placed. from 500 .to COD meters around the installation. Truck entered 25X1 the 'billeting area. (2) The Koenig Georg Kaserne still seemed to be occupied to capacity by soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets with tank insignia. The area behind the installation was criss-crossed by numorous tank tracks. On three subsequent days, numerous sentries patrolling 25X1 around the motor vehicle garages in the billeting area. 25X1 25X1 The ..aschinen,ewehr Kaserne seemed to be still occupied to capacity, Gate guards wore red-bordered black epaulets without branch-of-service insignia. On 20 and 22 February, the Ltaschinengewehr Kaserne was occupied to capacity by troops who,wore red-bordered black epaulets. The unit. there which assembled in the barracks yard in three ranks on Red lrnV Day was ostim^ted at 250 to 270 troops, including officers. Soldiers were seen training 25X1X VT A.RRIr-W 1, 1 Document No. ------------------ Ho Change In Class. U Dec-lass;'Aied t!a4-s. Ctt ! ?g a ?ra: TG A k ? {~ r.2 at another time with two model 1931 AT suns of 6. On 22 February] the Napola quartered a unit of about 600 troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets. Only one soldier was observed to hear tank insi .nia. The iMtall^ = on did not seen to be occupied capacity. 25X1 76 rtm caliber. (4) 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/12: CIA-RDP82- 0.44 0V7 0, 6 _3 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007400630002-3 25X1 00, ~ ~\I , 25X1 7: 25X1 tab 25X1 25X1X 25X1 A ) 25X1 (2) (3) 25X1 (4) 25X1 (5) 25X1 (#) 25X1 25X1 (7) 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1A 25X1 was parked in front of the clubhouse opposite the Napolol.:~, (5) Between 13 and 16 February, the Flak Kas me in Nickern quartered a unit,, apparently an AT artillery unit? chose personnel wore red- bordered black epaulets. Soldiers v:ith two heavy AT guns of about 30 mm caliber and about 150 drilling soldiers were observed. Gate ygua.rds wore red-bordered black epaulets. There was little vehicular traffic, Truck was in the billeting area. (2) The 14,nchrich,en Kascrne in Uebigau was occupied by two units, an engineer unit and another unit of personnel wearing red-bordered black epaulets. The engineer troops wore observed at bridge-building practice. Gate wards wore black bordered black a aule s 25X1 I k6) A German living near the Adolf Hitler Kascrne said that the installations had quartered artillery troops for same tine. Sentries and patrols wore red-bardered black epaulets without branch-of-service insignia, (7) and several previous reports mentioning 25X1 headquarters units of t e First Gus T10cz Ares indicate that 25X1 the SS Kaserne, dilder Mann, quarters the unidentified My Tank aF R t of the First Ode IIecz Army. 25X1 The number of troops in the u.-: nac i c tten Kaserne seems to have been overestimated 25X1 by the first source. of the present 25X1 report stated that 800 troops were oca a ere at the beginning Februar3r 1951. a 25X1 reginent of the; 11th I sc;s Tank Div may be stationed there The information supports a previous belief that the 7thUds v Tank P rt of the 11th Gds Tank Div is quartereed in the Koenig, Georg $aserne, si Qs the ,.. `VT1 irnit in the Bucherhaus, a detached barracks building in the billet-big area of the =:iaschinengowehr Kaserne, that Kaserne is believed to quarter heads uarters units of the Firm ids Herz Army, possibly, an AT artillery battalion of the unidentified Arty Brig of the First Gds Fez 'D The information indicates no change since the la t report oflato Janu=ary 1951 25X1 A The 11ac richten Kaserne is believed to cuarter an engineer unit and an AAA unit. F- 1 resorted the Adolf Hitler Kaserne to have been only light occupied from the end of Larch 1950 until the rzicddle of January 1951. Available records indicate that the in- stalla on ouax rs a s ~-runit an ordnance de t --A a moor vf:cle t hi repair shop. At the begirmz of February 1951, the Adolf Hitler Kaserne was reported Ito have been again occupied to capacity. TS1o buns have, been observed there previously. 25X1 Comments, e"6" xva n of JS tanks of the present moor t 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007400630002-3