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Approved For Release 1 11109 CIA RDP82-00457R007400590 C`EN . ~'i _t_GL CI AGENCY kE3R 'fit . NFMI POT CD NO. COUNiTh' V.aGa0/+hiaaAaong &c.!ng SUBJECT 3.ovements of Chinese ,:aoao Area PLACE ACQUIRED DATE 4F INFO. 25X1A 25X1X SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 1. In early January three action groups were organizer. in ;:.aoao., The first war under LIANG Chang*, assisted by LIANG Lin* and LI Ch'uan. LI Fai (/I"- ' ? leader of the second group, arrived in t-r,.az from canton in tiotrember.? 1950 and established the Canton Lung 13 bong at 119 ho Pion. Jusin Streat,, second floors Later, LI rented a flat opposite the Asia i:otel and had it furnished as a club house, his activities have included the or anization of the Pedicab Unman., The third group was headed by YEH I;siung*., '- native of the Last River area. These men have been active in recruiting men Ia poor financial a:ircumstaances, to whom they have given living llowancs of from thirty to sixty dollars.. In some :~: ses they have provided :ioarns fcr the purchase of pedicaha. it was proposed that these action Groups :ca.daep f oa e.,r Kuomintang officia;tsp using oars or pedicabs to abcuct them ~aacac? 2-, In February 1951 LU Ch.ih--4sl:uia; ( " , ,. ~s) a Com_runist agent reported to have been seat by the Canton Pub].io Safety Bureau, was living at 23 Shari ( ;.) Lane, :cacao, He was drawia 01,500 each month fro, the Nan T Esnll . Cimo)ar , his close associates was LI Ch'uan (J 4, ),:, 3. In early February 3.951 Y M Phi-?yea ( i ); situ scnowr. as Y.E+t j Liacao, where they stayed at the Capital Hotel., They meat with 10 Tao--shah*r, also known as LO Chih,-hsiung; CI:"E1t Lien (ft". ~) m n?r e* of the Jrm.rr hue Hotel; and LI Ch''uen. On 10 February r'Aa1C and iEN returned to Canton., 4. On 9 February Y1A:N Shih-cherig'**, chief of the Boua.dary Defense .i~i.litarr Control Commission, accompanied by ). UANG Nan, an interprete:r***,, arrived . I:.acao where they stayed at the Central Hotel, They discussed the restriction of movement of people from and to bong !ong and :,acao, which an to be made effective on 15 1?ebruarj. All persons ]!saving China? with the exception 3f Russians, were to be required to have -neraaits from thteir rcasants' Associations, or from the local authorities. `'~V CLASSIFICATION .,/CONTROL U.S. OFFICIALS O LY 1` o f.7 3? STA: 'v ? RIMY Id5R9 f1SSTRt 3U31OEd P.f> N' ai24 COi . ^ }._?.~r?...?.?._?..?._?? Y - f i n ilE;!!RN 14 ARCvS RECORDS 111M jj" A, "'Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-q Ti1:X y. 0I DISTR. OF PACES NO. NO. OF ENCLS. ,us--o : -U.-AN) -14 Document No, ------------- No Change In Class. [] El Deciv,711ed Class. Clarngnd To: TS S ( fkQ 40MIV06-4 Date _ - Approved For Release 1,pp9/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007400590006-4 TfCOSTT:Ob - L.S. OIvICIALS O";;,'. CENTRAL I 'i TEL L.I G aF GE AG ,I CY T'Ati lung-Ilse: 3. ) was reportedly sent to R ac< =., by the; Chinese Car aaaa~i4t `rgrttrea .Politburo. A native of Sertnaar (~ r ) I , ,twang,; and a graduate of the political science departuant of C~a r?g I ,n iJ ivera=itRy, Canton, T'A;~T vent to Peiping after the Chinese (czaanut.a tts took Canton.. At the university he had been a leader of the Youth Crn=:. p. in Lscaao, lived at the Shanghai hotel and his social contact: -vac>res aa:ong the upper class. One of his assistants was a'El Sheng*-**. 6. In early February 1951 an international Corramuuis,t :agent: n-uued CF" IANG Ch t un 'IAEIG Cheuo ch'isn_ ( t A5a 5k) arrived in actoe, Le r t with Dr. V O Li.n., 25X1 X a:ad later went to long Kong by way of 3hihch' i . 7, CE LANG Chun-oh'ian,, a Formosan who served as a noz,-chi Lissioned offi.cer., in. the Kurw Division in the Japanese Army,, received, the USSR and was later sent to the Philippines. In 1950 re ,i-,. 1,4r, Korg carrying a draft for US ; 5OOF,000, which was discovere-c +9h rr. he w: * mr x;.e on his arrival. i llIAasG was daported to ,,&oao,o on. 21 &e,^e :bor 1.950, in a