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I#T"L~CFAX 2 Approved For Release 1999/09/09: CIA-R Q0457R007400450006-9 CENTRA I TELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. 91YFORIMATION REPORT CD NO, SUBJECT Factors, People and Croups Affecting the stability of the Plaza Regime NO OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 1. .anuel Diaz Granados, T'inister of Defense, gave orders for certain officers to be on duty on the evening of 26, Larch, at which time, it was :neared, arned forces led by Carlos 1 ancheno Cajas r:ould attack the units garrisoned in Quito, and action would be taken in Riobamba, Ambato, and Guayaquil. The L inister of Defense had been informed that Lancheno and his followers were not in their homes, and it was believed that action had been planned. It later becarn apparent that their absence was due to their plan to create small disturbances two or three times a week, in order to harass and sufficiently confuse the government in preparation for the revolutionary attack. 2. Information available to the 1.:inistr7;-of Defense indicates that many officers and troops, particularly in Quito, Amhato, and Riobexnba, have promised to assist T,ancheno? In Guayaquil members of the Concentracion de Fuerzas Populaces (CFP) have been holding "lightning; meetings" of the same type utilized by the Communists in 1944 against the government of Dr. Arroyo del Rio. Only a few peonle participate in these meetings or demonstrations, designed to harass g ?vernnent officials, spread pro-'aganda, or create unrest in general; and after such demonstrations, the participants disperse rapidly. From statements made by Dr. Rafael Coello C:errano, a CF T leader imprisoned in Guayaquil, it appears that the following plan has been adopted: to begin a revolution in Quito with the immediate objQctive of liberating Dr. Carlos ..1uevara T.:oreno, c.ho would then proceed immediately to Guayaquil to direct action tyre.%,- In connection with newspaper accounts of plans to assassinate President !Dale Plaza Lasso, a member of the C1? has indicated that this was actually planned b, a Liberal and Cocialist group. One of those involved was Luis -emDortigui, a Socialist, r s" CLASSIFICAT ARMY !R FBI OATE DISTR.. 9 Anril 1951 Beaumont me. N. Chaige In class, ~~.wvv.^ c __Cf WALA4otl Tss. Auth.a 166 I! Vet Obi 1978 -------------- I," 24 Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007400450006-9 Approved For Release 1 9M A-RDP82-00457R007400450006-9 Ci:.,,saJ~.'.L Si,i~~,.i.? ~ialv:, :~ll:saC1 6. The wife of Dr, Carlos Guevara Moreno was in Quito during the week of Ii-1O Larch. She has stated that Jose Maria Plaza, the President's brother, has threatened to liquidate Guevara. She further stated that the director of the penitentiary had informed her that twice Jose L`.aria Plaza, when intoxicated, had attempted to enter the prison at night, but was refused admittance. The director of the prison discussed this with the President, who has given orders not to admit his brother into the prison at any time. Doe. 7. A leaflet was published on 9 March and circulated by the CDTP in Guayaquil, denouncing the grave crime against Guevara, their great leader, and urging all l:cuadorans to unite in protest against a government which closes its ey:s *o infamy and crime. .. An open letter dated 12 Larch l95l, Quito Penitentiary, addressed to President Plaza by Guevara, has reportedly resulted in increased dissatisfaction with the present national government in many sectors in Guayaquil. (B-2) In this letter Guevara denounces the President for the unlawful imprison- ment of patriotic citizens, for ignoring the mishandling of funds b`r the Junta do leconstruccion, and for taking no measures to improve the economic conditions of the people. The letter further states that the President has not even hesitated to enlist the help of Marxists, thus betraying the in- ternational future of Ecuador and her position in continental defense. In conclusion Guevara writes that liberty and justice, scorned and exploited by the President, will triumph and once again be er; joyed by the Ecuadoran people. (Doc.) Carlos Gil Quosada, uncle of Enrique Gil Gilbert, a Communist; close friend of the Minister of Defense; and also a frequent visitor of Rafael Coello Serrano, a CFP leader imprisoned in Guayaquil; has stated that the Minister of Defense, Col. Octavio Ochoa Ochoa, and Lt. Col. Alberto Mittman are planning a revolution against the government.** These officers reportedly have the support of Army units throughout cuador except those in Riobamba, Cuenca, and Guayaquil, According to Carlos Gil Quecada, the President's mother has stated that she wants her son to renounce the presidency. The President, therefore, is morally assisting the plans of Diaz, Ochoa,, and Mittman through his mother. 10. Another generally reliable source has stated that he does not believe that a revolution led by Diaz, Ochoa, and Littman is an immediate possibility. This source points out that the only action which the Minister of Defense would probably take would be to lead a counter-revolution in the event that an attempt is made to overthrow the government. A counter-revolution led by the Minister of Defense would probably receive the support of the Conservatives. 25X1A Conment: The source of this paragraph is the same as that of paragraph two in The information has been repeated in order to indicate the origin of source's information. 4i6limomwnt: This tends to confirm Captain Avila's statement reported CONFtDENTIAl. Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007400450006-9