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Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R0074004400121-3,
A year after the elections of 5 March the pclitica 3itaation of the
eoretry has completely deteriorated&. There les not elven may etable
eeeeknuatioa to the election outburst of the democratic toecee of Ile
reeeIe? either from above (vital the Plastiras Government), nor froe he,
lee (with any eff ctive organization and activity on the part of ble
eorniar factor). The hope ef ensuring ay the electioas a aemoeratic
evcution has been o dieappointment, for the time beiag et cree rate, aud
the noriod continuec to be as revolutioaareras It was beao.h: Th?,
era:, factionalism, the economic oligarchy end elle police and niliterv
areauciacy, hold firmly in their aands all the deeisive poste and eleb-
out any responsibility they determine the course and fortune 0 ' -lac nation,
Thr teenaeional situatioii. uith its peer acuterens, favore these forces
aed provides eaem with a cacek to eeae per ren ehe anti-revotutiorery
motheds which they are applyiage The working VDEWCS erist withoua a ae-
fender and suffer from the after-effects of en unecualisd economic erranita-
ttee and the political terrorism ehich accompanies it
32, The dead state in which tho oolitacal lafe of o ountry finds iter' le
Jaye weeeode eaueoeu :Ler -Gee erase peopee arm naeeou. ior aleyears now
our country bas been facing t serious- oocial crisise ehichv separate and
distinet from the political forms-it takes each -time, has the following
general and more serious historical significance: with its monopolistic
and parasitic formation, the Greek cardtelistic oligaraby has yeaehed a
state of complete contradiction to the needs of the further growth of tbe
nation,s forces of production, and as long as this contradiction in not overe
come, Greek economy reflects and will continue to reflect (but an a =hal
greater degree) a pathological and sickly condition, Simultanopuely,: the
entire lold city-political world, has become oonclustrely bankrupt and
thrown its luck in with capitalistic construction and does not correspond
in any way to the pursuits of the Greek people. In its more geneeel
historical projection the Greek crisis is the oduct of conflict betweeet
the oligarchic economy and the politica/ direction 'which the regularly
established authority follows, and the democratic tendencies waich are
created and developed continuously within the writing clasm? This con-
flict leads to the historical need of a change which must insure the
democratization of Greek social and politica: life and, more particularlyre
the abolition of the products of the mdnopolistic and paraeitic capitallatic
oligarchy; the creation of new productive associations which will bind more
closeay and make worthier the productive activity of the working nation;
the decisive intervention of the popular masses in the political life of
the country; and the substantive functioning of political detocracy so that
It would correspond to the needs of the people os strata. On the whole, the
Greek nation finds it3elf before a decieive bena in tae road, which is
fixed by the imperative, que3t of a democratic historical outlet,. The
economic and political forces which today reign throughout ths land constatete
an absolute barrier to this oad? The longer this is prolongea, the more
there develop dissolute tendencies within the eocial and politacal life of
the land, and the more it threatens the very foundation of the nation.
The Greek people (who are objectively strong) and the Greek popular 907&-
ments were unable, within tha past ten -years, to secure this democratic
outlet and the national demo:ratic transformation upon ehich they-could
have entered very easily, The poenlar movement, despite its heroic and
strenuous zommencement of resistance, despite its unprecedented develop-
ment, and despite the trouble and sacrifices of thousands 1t oembatants?
broae down on its ceurse and has uow reached a very low point in its
ideological policy, in its orgeoaientional judgment and now is cn the point
of dissolution. This bending of the popular factor is, in the final
analysis, that force which permitted the machinery of modern Greek history
to retrogress ten years; it also permitted the ceurse and parasitimn of
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Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007400440012-
economic oligarcny to survIvel, and the return to the politieal icre or
deed and deeoleosed old party politics. The responsibil5t, fee thf,e de-
geserasion of the popular movemeet veigne heavile, upon tin "Ti3 :eeeloveh4
Comnuniet leadershir. a prisoler of narrow orpaeltet:e_ 1 end pol1ticel
perceptions, and of en exclasively inteenstional dependence oe IttnT0-?
Soviet method of force, 'was rnable to coerespond equally?vete the bread
national ad demecratic needs of the Greek popular movement; vethin the
boundaries of its illegality, it fell into a policy line of eeror ehiea
wearied., upset and weakened the movement, and which ultimately helped no
one but the forces of reaction, The Greek eriels.,; from the side of tee
popular forces and democratic transformation, becomes intefraed eith the
crisis which the popular leevement experienced and etill continees to ex-
perience, being erevented from playing ite decisive progreysive role which
t. historieelly deserves.
4. The particular serious danger which is created from here on in is that a
Caesar-like tendency is cultivated and matured behind the conetentlyn
dissolute old party politics, with the assistance of various groups .This
vCaesarismIs, opeculating in the clime of the threatening economie bararuptcye
the general despair and the international ear psychosis is probably making
preparations through elections to sweep up at the proper moment whatever
has been left upright in the free political life of the country toareestrate
conclusively the reorganization of the popular forces and to blatket the
entire life of the land with a sound program of social politicel and
spiritual counter-revolution.
"5, The basic problems uhich today cone to light are as follower; the poneler
forces must re-group themselves in such a inner as to permit a new W.eteeLcal
attenpt to liberate the laud from the revers of old party factionalism and
the adventures of 2Caesariam41 and to accomelish the demooratie trameormeti
of the land,. Fro e a national vim:points, this in tho ouly eey le eneuee a
eeneval of the national forces and the fartherance of a progreie? eeeree
for the natien, From the international viewpoint, this attemp e
eetegorized as one lookine toward the zeintenarce of eeace, Tile
the international tension nal war-like atmosphere uhleh her: bece eeneeedf,
continues to be the more Mely for a good many evare to come,? an fa, is
poseible to anticipate very soon a leseening of she international crInie
ehleh will favor to a large degree the democratic evolution of the countrne
The re-grouning of the popular forces aid the fulfilment of ti e oWectiee-
nust be done on a coneistavtly demoeratic national heels. The denocratie
traneformatlon of the countey cannot be the werk of a conseiracy vhich uould
.leopese, via eirelessf its DI21 on the popular nalsee, Nor Tale' 1-1-0 SC :'.n!!
ie the hope for peace lasts, iavolve itself in the trials of intereaUcea.
antagonisms, because it vould become a concession to the generosiey or one
or another etrong power, The nolitical and eociel ennneination of thn Greek
workers is a teak for the enekere and mnet bo seeured by their strneehe and
their progressive climb le the political end eonial life of the lend The
aatlon will accomplish its historical destine- proceedeng in accordance vith
eho lame of organic evolution, Only by following such a liee eill It le
posaible for them to form the necessare- new politica: framework foe the
couetre,s movemmet,
This framework cannot be supolied by the political action of EFEK, EPEK as
is the organic product of a new political course of the people eed more
the chance result of a doublesenegative trial of the destruction of the old
party facticnalime and the crisis of the left. EPE K is a temporary state
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of aospeir of the democratic MU3302 for lack of another purer orientation
of political form and organizatioa. It makes no difference tact tedee at
iaTSK) embraces a certain part of the peogressive tasses era a iesable
nenbor of democratic members? foe it dereotes neither ideelogicel? nor
political:, nor organizational preenpposltions in order to crentallzer, make
cicala, make worthy and make firm the democratic current with ehach it was
met,. It still suffers 'within, it Tanks the destruction and peeesure ef
ravens capitalism and the flavor of old party circles, There ao uo goartnae)
that once leonlinagalted pouer again? it eould not come to tares once eanin
fees at did last Tear) with the right, 712.7= is not, nor can le become, tho
docauive factor ia the more eeneral rebirth which the times revaa :-ar; La
can may oontributa to a more aeaeren revival movement oeteaao of ital
organizational framework and a position which only one part oa ete foeees
can take within the entire pepulae sea democratic struggle,
8, Nor can the development of the popular atrength conn about !In eonneeeioa
with the positions and pursrits which the present leadership oa the KA?.
puts forth. This Is precluded it only organizataonally and technically,
becauee the EKE still existe illegally? but also from a 'oro general political.
standpoint., The KEE leadership, either because it was not taught anything
by the defeat of the insurrection or because it finds aa the se/e alternative
to the internal erisis its blind ndherence to the form of the American-Sovien
antagonism, is entirely outside Greek practicality and centimes to flounder
Ln a verbal extremism, This element both in its Internal and in its antere
national aspect, is outside the feamework vhich today would penelt the creataon
and tbe deep-rooting in Greece of a broad and fruitful democratic movement:.
without its being struck dove and demolashed during its early etages of growth.
It is characteristic that when the Communist leadorshie even telks about a
democratic: front, this is uaaerstood in a completely eectazaan. toeically
imprectical vay? and those 'who darectly or indireutly echo the pseeholoey
of the Cormenist leadership are less interested in a real aemmastic nnate
and more in using the pretense of eolty to strike dove the demreratic aorees
uhich are not under the control oa the Connonist leadership, The leader-
ship of EKE has itself fallen under (indeed to a large degree) tho lee of
the general decay of the Greek poaitieea
The reconstitution of the people's forces, moreover:? eannoe et to a
deeieive degree within the framewurk and with the Meill3iVe Setlo aay or
the existing political organisations of the non-aorlexaist end 3aWarl aeZt.,
It is possible for each one of those organizatione to preeont a gear er
lesser ideological weight anti a corresponding political suactalco and to
have contributed more or lose to the democratic seruggle ot. the people acre
of these forcee, however, is in a poaition, through its frJ..- eeehanis7e ex-
clusively to furnish the leaiership, to inspire and te rowe all tae eessos
of the people which must necn,saeily be receastituted and vast steugelo for
,es ree)ization of their dea:eratae aims, P97.?t1cuaarly the :*a coneader-
nble number of fignters ana leadang member ho, for a nneaer of reasoes?
liesetate? at least immediately, to Join ony party, while at thc ewe Ti7a
ier sincerely intend to pertIciixete in a 'ort general aemeeraeic struelc
This eituation makes it imperative to foem a front of the aemocraeic ale
popular forcee. aegardless ef 'whether the presence and inatietavo of the
(thief forces of the democratic lei . in this movement is nature), this aront,
eith the prospeet which it Icvolves? is placed beyone the present fieea
line-up of left-center-right. At the point which has been reachea by
ceisis of the bourgeois politicel world, this front Las the prcspect oa
including every honest elemert, regardless of its political origin that
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believes in democracy and is dispooed to stand militant17 at ti'D .51 of the
people, This front will thus have the prospect of eepreseing eo ue:ty of
the peoples forces, provided that it takes a broader bees, At ethe sere
time it will offer the frame wherein will progreseivaey be :alma the coneral
renaisaanc, of the people?s zovement and of the politiceX lire of the country,
Thi m front is the Democratic Union of Workers and Fareers (nou.),
42_0, The DEM is not 'merely an electoral coalition like tho Democzalic Cealition
(in the 5 Uarch elections), Neither is it a new parte eanoeileged nneer
the form of a tfront l DOM is a political movement which eneeere the provet
phew of the struggle and whose development and aims will be cekined by the
development and progress of this rhase, By facing up to the leeeent renater-
rovolutionaey situation and the basically unfavorable allaele ot ferceso
DOEe will fight and will change this alliance in order to realize tae first
stage of ths democratic transformetion of the country, which is the ucce out
of the present dead counter-revolutionary scheme of thinga, This transfarma-
tion means the restriction of the economic and political oligarchy, the re-
turn of the 'working people to social and political life the assurance of
the most elementary economic and political rights of the working people.
What is n=cessary beyond that for the completion of the democratic treesformee
Von of the country? It means the application of final eocialletic volutione;
differences and new crystallizations within the democeatil and popular oenp
are inevitable and every individual party or tendEncy uhieh shall participate
in the DEEA will be free to go ahead in accordance vieh its ovn irdividual
historical and political orientation, passing through higher fcrez af etraggie
to express a more complete historical consciousneer.
nal. The political aims of the DIA for this firs:, stare cet democertie teueenemeei
tioa are the following:
a. .:Reneval of all the illiberal measures of the past four yeare and cee the
consequence of the civil ear? general amnestei releale oV exelaso
restoration of the jobs of dismissed employeee.
b. Restoration and stroeethenine of politicall, later nnlee enc l individeal
e, Demoeratieaiion of the democretic mechaniee niaa freedoll fr?m beeeeueracy
7iceentraliention and scL1-goveenment
I Striking down the old paety tradition and every Caesar-elec. enbleicn,,
.FromptparlAnnentarye manicipal and local electione,
"120 The economic aims of DEEP& for the first stage of the denoceat..,c eraeEforma-
tion are the following:
A blow against capitalistic monopolies social paraseteen end pro toe
b, Restoration and development of the productive force enie pert/lel im-
dustrialization and intensive development of agriaulture and of the othee
natural resources?
z.. Utilization of foreign aid for the benefit of the peopLe and not lee tte
benefit of the oligard47.
L. Developeent of cooperative organieition,
Bringing under the management of the national entity, with the partici-
pation of organized producers and consumers, of certain basic enteeppises
of public utility
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2, The state to assume general control of econordo movemenje,of invesenents
and of oriets,
Geeernment eorminesst
A, Completion of agricultueml distribution and reoonetruction,) strengthening
of *mall agricultural property ounerohip and protection of the teWtO
agricultural products,
laising the livieg standard of emploeees
Tfateneion of social insurance and care,
The international position of DEE% is the following:
a, Except in casco of a general wart which is not imediately in prospoctt
the position of Greece In the non-Soviet camp is dofinitel one ory
discussion but turning her to the international position and polie
of the Eastero Bloc is utoplae. In the anti-Pan-Asieido phase through
which. we are eassing such discussion oonetitatee a clear provooation,
b.. Inside the non-Soviet camp Greece ought to follow a pro-peace pollee
io general and should avoid any anti-Soviet provocation It ehould
not acoept new intonational obligations which eill involve her in the
oystem of antagonism betueeniionerica and the WWI.
v? The Greek people,, In aceeptine American aidt, which is valuable for the
rocauetruction of the country,, ought to struggle so that tala aid 4ha11
not become the beginning of a dimiputior of thoir natflot
The Geeek people will assure their indepsedencee not byeageng 7.
enr against the Amerioano, 'out by taldilg iota thalr hando t71,1) 71,T$1;11ant
avid adothiistration of the country and by applying o !aatfT_onaa pllicy
comonart with their OVA oolitical 0riter5oa,
The Greek people ought to fortify end to defend their ructimal imt000lee
and securityr. The most effective means for this. , however, :Iv, ti.).E, ye:act:toe
of a coneistent pro-peace policy by this country.
o. Tee pro-peace orientation makes it imperative to support oeory intoe-
ootional effort and initiative from any eource whatsoever -not eel_
oontribute toward the lsesening of inmotional antagonism, to thoi
iimiliation and control of armements, to the solution of onoot000denY;
international problems by peaceful meanst to the avoidaoce of ontet
:oteeventioas to the prevalence of the spirit of the Uoitod Natioeoe
to the respoce for small countries on the poet large couotrieoo
to the hinderong of faiteacooeelie.00d Ereorto solutions aod oo
eotionol omanoietion of olcolal pooeles,
IeTie as an organioetion and as elvemene jos strictly xnd l000leely eo
the framework of orIstine leoelity, It leokc to rooliziug Its aims fee
,leelvely by derooratic nears ofoeougglo and it is iiiehtiag in ordeo to
-toe:0840n poogreosirely the doeooratio ::tememork rime to oeoo ]Owooratio eeaaa
Cf vaging the struggle continually more 7eouitful and moro
"13 For the realization of its aims MEI will lodk to the folloeing:
n. Dissolving the atmespheoe of cold terrorism, restooine to t'k.e moons
of the ozople the reeifkry. of their Political and personal earoriee and
ma-Loring to ',them their consciousneso of their social strength
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O, Channeling as many more labor and popular forces as possible into
economio and political struggles?
Educating the working people regarding the necessity of the demooratio
transformation and the democratic means of realizing thenn Dotalhing
the greate4t possible portion of the people from the infinence of the
old parties or of other illegitimate political institations into 'which
they had been. led or are being held by the anti-Cormuniat phobia,
Giving e. now orpnnizational form to the movemAit ?c: form that 13
basically democratic., reloping the initiative of the mosso vhsro
it is imperative that there be a decision or action oa their nart,
Contributing toward the reconstitution and regeneration of the norfassionar
movement of the employees with the predominance 017 a free labor wion
movement among them.
Contributing toward the regeneration and the health of the agrioaltorel
and consumer cooperative organizations with free moneration
among them.
Creating a new spiritual movement in the country which rilI face tp to
eontemporary historical necesvities of the nation and Which will renew
the more gamine progressive traditions-
"16, Party and non-party organizations participAte in DEE A and uo do individuals
nho sineerely believe in the historical necessity of the democrat:lc 'ran-
in the political necesnity of realizing ths within democracy
nad by democracy, and who accept the program of the organization, DEE&
oxpresses in particular the alliance of the two basic classes of VOktEr3 in.
the country, the laborers and the farmers, and beyond that the unity of all
*=1.10 working and oppressed peoplo,, Jean organiontion of the pole
nhioh insures a united political activity in every peotor of the uor, It
lo democracy organized from top to bottom, and the appointnent of ita
leadership will be made in accordsnce with the organination which will be
Ammed in the meantimeo,1
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