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1 ' Approved For Relb ` 119/09hs,-Ct 4 +k 2-00457, :00--P40' They here staying to study borcirr conditions., Oaiiton Garrison ::cadruuartors 11 ..:L1 Canton gar::~ison and -?ublic sa_'ety forces xrero ,7laced und,'r co ix )and of a Gunton Garrison F . ca.c2quax;:ors on 22 :r anuaz70 C is er are as f ollcwrs: "I -ir: ,ison Cori ?ander: ')e7uty ^ar yison Cora der: lst .'ol.itical Cozw.issar: 2nd .'olitica? Coo. ariisear: ,1,11)i-f of Staff: ,c1; tical i)irec; for .avaal Activities : "I:C Yus-shcr ( ~~'. 1? :IU FG I-p Y ing ( - = i ?r C ong- on (, r; ~r ., CJ% "uang L, Tao-chih I' C Ch.i--' As of i id--January the South China Sub43uroau t,7as coo)cratin with other offices, for a coordinated effort in T vangtung,, Ywangsi,. Fukien, 1',iangsi, 'Iurian, and ?u.zpeh for a progra of aid to met 1nh and invasion of Foxrosa, LT*uh .ixr )ortt,ar.ce was attached to the, f ollocring projects b., tie establishmcnt of 12 sea rruerrilla units to operate along the coast between Amoy and 'oihai ( 109-,05, 21-2I ) "en arc to be supplied -iainty frog the River Defense units. ',e;istration' of all sly. bs along the coast and construction of BOO new vroodon ships. Coiabined burthon of the slips would be 100,0r catties CONFIDENTIAL CLASSIFICATIC `'";; --"' Cr"' 1 L TJ.s. (nrT'ICIAI$ CY LY DISTRtSUTION Document No. ----- ---------------- 14o Change In Vass. [] ^ Dec ass tied Cuss. Ch:ang?. To: TS dolt.:! ~~ _ BY: Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-R .0'. oft Approved For Release 199~4pq/jqj,qI -RDP82-00457ROO7400020002-0 ...CJ'-T'CL lJyS,a o:,-,- ?TC .'1SS CTS,` 25X1A C'31MRAL ,L G C AGPL.TCY c , n? istment of doctors and jharmacists, who are to receive Commm st indoctrination in Canton for one gnont2i, 5 U The Canton Commission for the ?ratection of UTri. ping has been reorganized as the F:saangtan ; 7-at,:r 'olice Bureaus, It is org0iized under the 'ublic Safety Do2artmentn Of."icers are as fo1101s: Jt i ? ,ai to j rr luo 'l.i. . ~ ~ ~__ ~ ~ a~t?~ , c Safety .,aoner. ?'[_T CA'un- hs:; ui (f f - ~~ , Sh1..,:)ing ?rotection Ze-4-par. tanent,. CIT1' '' Li r. Control De?r^tment. =?ix _aid i'~t?~cautior's jr, Canton 6 , Gaze ,?ortable radio tel.ephoaas have recently arrived in Canton from Eank ow, They are bei installed by the Canton A '.3cfense TTcadqw-ar orra at various police ,)osts in Canton,, T. or:: 'ong.zrge Lists The 'wangtung Public Safety Dopartmcirt has sent men to ~,or,.g Kong to locate reactionary and rationalist personnel in anticipation of Vi fall of that colony,, Dispatch of A;'c n ?`? and Macao Ag,eis awe brig di. itched to i ri .Tong and acao by the T::ngkuan (11,3-46Y 23-02) L'olitical Security Department, Which was established 1 January 1S'SIa, PUP. . anda Drives ir. Canton f-, Canton c it?zons arc exposed to a "Ibillet ubscriptiont' campaign,, for which eve y fatally and shop is required to contribute as much as )ossiblev {?t: er fir?.ancia' drives are t'_-.o 1"2atr. iotic .1ub:1,ic lice", designed for famers to give U',olir ride to the govorrr: nt g and he `'patriotic Agreement" to ronr:,let,e tax= srzc~ts Cadre Schools in the Canton Area l "j ~ Cver 150,' students were taken in Canton for the entrance exam nation the Cornnunlst cadre and military schools,, `'ilex' are sent to rlanlmw for classification and assigrzraen, :-oar ung ;i,zitta~Wy Area Ticadquartcrs advised the sub-arcas to select, strong younE on fr rm the rai?.itia to too the entrance oxaci:inations for the cat re schoolz.o CONFIDENTIAL TT TT rTY Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007400020002-0