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111=i- CO'N? ? SUBJECT Connunist Party Plans Its Own Organization PLACE 25X1A ACQUIRED ApproVeertaP I etti N9Fi0i97019 CIA-RDP82 25X1A 10001-2 CENTUA iNTELL!CLNC!:: triENC'r RE JOR". i,`?o Aq FOR '.fti,44 Tt REPC.`;',F;',",r DATE CCF INFO for Kevitslizing V46 ?4\% .0% CD NO 0,1,7 1,:?.,71-!";.. 10 51 NO of: PAGF.:.'., NO OF ENCLS-. ..1,SY.SD BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO,. ;? The following report is a synopsis of e. circular prepared ft Luis Reines:), a leafier of the Co7rumAst Party of Chile, for the gui0ance Only highly trusted Party nembezs received conies of tho c:u,cultAr, and t:,.Ley were instrocted to read it carefully and then desro7 it ifamediaily the circular, &linos? Tovievoki decisions, plans, and 1r,tent secret iil- structions foirmlsted by the Party?s Political (7,onriission 7,`, a .77eepri, The nesting had bessa called c. rely to adopt oranis;77tol..71. rlethoda plenorting the ?arty line, as it was aet forth Ir. :it3 "La Lucha ror la Paz, es la inchs nor el Peru, In la Y.nderepflelcIa flreiorain Stnircle for Pasco is the StrufTio for Bread, 114)nr-,7." Uationnl Indonordenc.1) Y2bis rimoblet was issued abopt yers, is being used as fJ ride to current political rolicy,, The Poll-Lion.' Ca!Inission renort first outlined sorous defects which have been retarding the Party's progress, a. Lack of collective effort has been due in many oases To immler or:Ao]:,s-- tion of the eelis, sore of vhich have rue dArnors to c:orry out ittr,:tneions, b. The fern cloner, although increasingly important, has boon too Tuich lf-Jnorce by the Party. Where farn calls exist, tbey have rat bnor f:.nteural industrial end Arcot cells, C,, Sectaranisn has serionsly inneded the rrrncia of such as the rtaTTEle ejnInst roTTecolvv ereea, aro.' igTm taxes., Sortavisnirm ?los had effoct,on tbr, a%'1s .eve labor urity, The Political Cornission feels ihilt such defects cer2 ho ceoletc):: and t'lat the Porty cari novo forvard front ts nrcsey'; ofEa .71a; been reduced to r. c1ara-co:.7c" -7.1barship, to do-able the nresont recrviting of reu renbers :Is to be the order of the day, ;L:t.1,c1 must be au t72rorgh concrete, rreclse plans .:/orked out regioraly h. eoJa rmesl.srcc,-) 1.r0:1-rbionl nrcEnoct;7, anit should onnhastr,le tl';c : of -J-71t2osos thftrl of: rolaowers. ConrALlt mre !T-a-)14714 1,Y7 ';1'.12,.er to z,r7-cE [-TT ARMV ? ..... nonotraV.on by orerry rroron, CONFIDENTIAL CLASSInnwyq ?1 NiNy AIR __ tiSRB ___ r_44.41.r . I D5STR 19 UT1ON _?_________ ....J________Td _____ Approved For Release 1999/09 _ [ii 4 1 ? I . Document No No Change in Class. El o Csolassligd Class. Chatg:A is; TS $ __ IFI32-01145.00b0 o 25X1X 400010001-2 Approved For Releass?4.. 959/099 ?TW-RDP82-09NR07400010001-2 -2 - The pamphlet points out that at present there are many widely disporned groups fighting alone and rather uselessly for seemingly different caeees in behalf of the massee. Upon careful study these clews will 1:e seen to he the sane ones for aqach the Communist Party has always leught, end eir eeich it euet new act no a Tellyine point The Party mast start thening it cells and by forming new ones. The Political Commission pate a special em sin on the industrial colla, since they are the ones to carry the Communist lire to the rorking class, However, all types of ells must become active, 5. Another of the Part-'s more pressing problere is the need for raising the political and ideoloeical level of rogional and local directorates, vhach could in turn create schools for educating the masses in Communist ideoloJY1 There are a few such schools now, principally in Santiago, but they mnet be formed in every province, capital, and important center: The Politecal Commission is deeply concerned over Party-vulnerability to imperialist, anti-Communist propaganda, an well as to enemy agent penetration.. The masses must be made to learn more about their adversaries and aboee such groups as those responsible for the monthly bulletin, El Comunista Chileno, which attacks the international orientation of the Party. 6. A revenped and revitalized propaganda progrnm is another major tack in the Party'a newest expansion plans. Bvery group and every individual must concentrate on propaeanda. The campaign should be adapted to local conditions but should. fall into three general categories. First, there should be meetings of all kinds, large and small, from clandestine discussion groups to public meetings and dennnstrations. The effectivenese of printed propaganda rill also be stressed. The third medium, mural propaganda, will take advantage of the well-proved picture-plastering method, The Party will take advantage of the cases of all victims of government policies. They will be used to illustrate the evils graving out or the Lac of Defense of Democracy and government anti-inflation policies, which are called mere oretexte to coMbatting inflation, and which are actually meant only to reduce still further the standard of living of the Chilean people, 7. Of primary importance and closely connected with all other Party activities is the proper financing of the Partye The Political Commission states in the confidential pamphlet that the Party must not be satisfied e'a,h lowering expanses to the point where they can be covered by present revenues, bet it must meke an effort to stimulate financial support so that all neceesary aetivitles may be ,2arriog'. on adeenatelee Party leadership cannot continue to live on starvation-level salaries, since oven professional revolntiAnints must have suffirinnt means to dress and live adeguntoly, Thr Part-7 melt our% to ansure .r.voillor payment. of dues by all members; to mintain a. not (7,f sempathizere who will give generous contributions periodically; end to Teced mass collection camealgee, festivals, athletic events, artistic entertaineents, and raffles so that the man in the street will be contributing to the support ef the Party. U. The Party also plans to increase its political activity in the belief that it has underestimated its own electoral potential. An effort is to be made to register the masses for voting, with special attention being given to relgisterine women voters, Zadh militant member is charged with seeing that hie fraonds and family are registered, and each must fight for the restoration of tees? names removed from the electoral register under the LIW of Defense of Democracy. 9. The Communist women's organizations must work for stronger provincial and local eomen's movements, and must take full advantage of the materials put at their disposal by the Comite de Unidad Pemenina? in order to be moot effective in their fight. 10. The Communist youth group, Juventud Comenista, -which has shown by its pro- peace work that it is capable of complying with Central Committee diree.tivns, must become more forceful in the recruitment of young tamer, worker, student groups. It must, show its ability to act independently, as well as in accordance with Central Committee eirectives3. end it must be organi'Aed so that its units ma 7 be shifte6 as a 'ay:01e into r,)-1,1t; in an rnly,,I7oney., . In summing up, the pamphlet noted that t. Party had been muuh too Liboe;J v. the had and worthless elements ylthin its ranks. Thi3 was pripcipally d mc to a lack of emphasis on Commissions of Control and Discipline, ehich in 'awry cases do not exist. The Party must reenel itself aeainst nEcAitegroitetifior Releasept999/09/119.,::: IVA -00457R007400010001-2 idea, e es, CONFIDENTIal;