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Approved For ,e,"/ Releatigirkee9/0910.,t1LIGIN4RD IINFORMATECAI ECT Chinese Communist intelligence Activities in ieacao and Haig Kong 25X1A PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. Early L'ecember 1950 REGEOMOVR0071's ,traointm, EPORT CD Nn OATE DISTR. 31 MAR 51 NO, OF PAGES 3 NO. OF ENCLS, eeeow) SUPPLEMENT TO REPOT NO. 25X1X YUAN Yao*, head or the leacee Underground Activities Station of the South China Sub-Bureau, went to Carton and obtained the approval of YEE Chien-ying and FANG Feng for the expalAon of the Intelligence And Armed Activitiee Divisions* of the ieacao uniS The intelligence Division is to be increased by the addition of a fifth seotion under the leadership of Gh,'EN Ch'uan (et ). A fourth Bootie L, headed by LiU Yung-nien (ej ), is to be added to the Armed Activ:e les Division, In both Divisions, the size of eaeh section is to be increasel from 11 to 15 members. The chiefs and deputy chiefs of both Divisione are to have pistols; each sectioe in the intelligenee Division is to have two eistols. All members of ?the Armed Activities are to be issued pistol/ and 100 bullets, and the Division is to be equippee with ten sub-machine gels of new type. This plan is to taco effect in January 1951. On 7 December 1950 Y1/4 Yo oa 1 led a meeting of his top-raeking associates to report to them ths d.;rectives received from higher authorities and discuss the steps tr, co taken in connection with them.; Among those who attended the xneetini: which was held at the alan :euang, Trading Cempany, were P"Ele3 (15 0* 71 Ping-Yuan* e'0 ,Lin*, Kuangti )o LleaTG Fei CIAXG (Al le ng (a_ ) e'uei (Op ) , FANG Shao-min M. ) CLAeG "Ne i-ya Oki 1".. ) , and le LiAliG Chien- 1 ur4t.:,r* * irohlem discussed Leoludecl tee fol.! /deg: a . Expansi re of ,he Anti-America , A id-t o-Ko rla campa ign in ela cao * b sladiQs; meelures to be taken against American, Briti 1 and Kuomietang undereroune activities in .aacao, in an effort to wipe them cut. c A creole' etch to be kept on the activities of Kuomintang members in -e:ereo, wit*4 special reference to their underround activities, CLose obeervation of the measures taken by the e:aceio 'Government and of 4he persr:ns in authority favorable to anti-Comeamist activities in -,acao*e NAVY AIR :LASSIFICATION NSRB CISTRIBUTIO:i uy,Jvacieci to with the the The Approved For Release 1999/09/09: CIA RDP82-004 Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007100710003-6 ??7- S. OFF 25X1A CeeNTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGEgar -2- o, Efforts to enlist the help of the personnel of the kaceo Gevertment in tracing the activities of huomintang and Americen agents. LIANG Chih-ohih*** is leader of the liaison section of the laceo Underground eetivities Station and concurrently underground liaison ofs7icer for the Communists in Chungshan, the Kwangtung-Kwangsi Colurn, the Shihoh'i Military Centroll Commission (MCC), the hsien government of Ghungohen, and the Pel River Administrator's Office. He is manager of the jih Esin ) Bank, e member of the board of directors of the Macao Chinese Chamber of 'Commerce, end president of the association of drygoods dealere, A busineeeman of ieng stending in liacao, LANG has been a member of the Chinese Communist erty (CCP) for more than ten years. His bank has served ns a liaison ad financial organ for the CCP in Chungshan, the formee East River end Pearl river Columns, the Kwanetung-hwangsi Column, and for the Underground activities Station. he is in charge of the Chinese Communist businessmee's egovemont in leacao, and baa received authority from the CCP to recruit Seeomintene members and others to the Cormmnist onuse. LiAaG was e member elf the group which made a tour of 24ortheast Chine, end soreed as elacao eopeesentative at the ?eonle's Representatives Conference in Chuagahan hiene Re le in close contact with K10 Lin, CLANG Peieliege*e*, L1LNC P'ei, UC Helen*, LeeeiC Ch'ans*, KAO ehon-wu****, MA aan-oh'i****, HUA&C Chien-lung, Chih-eheng*, ChAeG Chlianen HSIEH Tsti-sheng*e* and ethes Commnniets. eees 1. HUANG Cho-ju e ), also known as hUAgG Pin g 4 A,C), a young heaegtung woman who was born in Shanghai, was recently transferred te Hong 'Cepreg and hIstoao to do intelligence work for the Third International Jeer East Lnformetiee Office**. A graduate of the military intelligence echeol et Chiamussn, ebe has worked in Tientsin, Peiping, Mukden and other northern cities, and was transferred to Canton in the fall of 1950. HUANG speaks English and Ruseiea in addition to Mandarin, Cantonese, and the dialect of Swatow. Lor duties include contacting, at sooial gatherings and in places of recreation, American, British, Chinese and Portuguese officials and wealthy businessmen and high-ranking employees of foreign agencies, for the purpose of gaining information. In. Hong Kong she stays in foreign hotels, but her nailing address is 123 Connaught Road, second floor.***** ae. 5.. LI Sung ( 44,-,404z. ), a Chinese physician in Hong Kong, is an underground agent for the Third international ear Sest Information Office. His centers of activity are his clinic in the East Asia dank Building, ane his residence et 7 Carden lerrace,eeeeee LI I*, also known AS LI Shu-J. ), a former member of the exueetive eemmittee of the huemintang branch in L3C50, defeated to the Communists it eee end of 1949 and has been doing inte/ligonce work ene he/pine In tee erderground labor move/eV, under S10 Lin and LIU Eeng-chui ee*. ne is te ateeduete of huomin axe ) University, Canton, end Wa6 foe some time the :elan of the eutan e ) ;Addle School, which hes elesed. Ho wee bead ef ekes businese depertment of the ehih Chich eih Pao, ea eveiree te ehe eecee eerbers' Union, and an important leader in the Seomietang Aboe meveteet, fli has been essistine K40 Lin's labor movement and Leyinis 0 pal-pelmet, Isemintene labor movement personeel ane laoorers to join tae Ceemeniets, eo well as eathering information on all anti-Cemmunast ectevities in ICAO he also works for the division of the Third, International ler hast Information Office which is headed by his fellowetoenemee, 1.115 Seleechene, 1. TSENG Chao is!! e'.1)1 ), also known as TSENG Hain (1g ), an intolligeneo etaff officer of the iwangeune-awaegsi Column, has been ecet to eaoac as Load of its Lace? intelligence unit he is a merber of the CCSe, and was trained in the War Staff Training Class of the Chinese Commudist nilitary Academy in northern Shensi, after which he served as staff officer ender TSENG Shang. In Lacae his organization is concerned with enti-Cemmunet Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007100710003-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007100710003-6 (;E74TRAL IN TEL LIGEN CE AGENCY 25X1A activities of all sorts, and with the agencies maintained in1.1AC&O by mainland anti-Communist guerrilla uaits ha also watches the activities of gang leaders, military men, racketeers, wealthy individuals, and persons of local prominence. One of his missions is to induce Kuomintang military oorsonnel and agents to defect to the Kwangtung-Kwangsi Column- TSG maintains liaison with intelligence stations along the ccnet of Chungshan hsien. He keeps in secret contact with YUAN 'Tao, K'0 Lin, PENG Chao, L1ANG P' i, KAO Chen-wu, 1IANG Chih-chih, MA Wan-oh'i and KUO Hsin-chien, 3. ILA Chen-chung ), former deputy chief of staff of the Kuomintang Canton Pacification Command and also Canmissioner of Civil Affairs of the Nationalist Kwangtung Provincial Government, finding himself neglected, out of work, and restricted in his movements after his deffction to the Communists, proposed to YEH Chien-ying that he be assigned to do undergroad work in Hong Kong and. 'ilacao. This was approved, and he wa.. sent to recruit Kuomintang personnel to the Communist cause, and to get information on their aotivities in I,Lacao and hong Kong. He accordingly let it be known that ho was no longer associated with the, 9,ommunists, and established himself in foom 106 at the BSin Chia Pia Ili -4-fg ) hotel. He travels frequently. "Nitween Hong Kong and &ace?, and is assisted by his kinsman, KUAN Plei-t'len 3iTilk..), who visits Canton to Keep EUA in touch with the South China 3ub-Bureau. In early 1)ecomber 1950 EUA was instructed by EAVG Fang to oxtend his activities to cover American activities, aspeciclly those nonnected with mainland Tuerrillas. 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A **** aadreas of the New address, which was MIMIComment. 1949 lists Or. LI S reported 123 Connaught Road as tha Democracy Publication Press. place the Yao Lee Printing Company at this that of the hna Shang Pao in Bong Kong. The Hong Kong telephone directory for June nn,74 at both these addresses. IL Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007100710003-6 25X1A