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Document Release Date: 
April 21, 2011
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Publication Date: 
February 15, 1951
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/21 :CIA-RDP82-004578007100470007-9 0l..~tSS4 ~'! OI,TI?1V err~tn.~r t; .o~.e L Lame) P~ ~P; ;~ ~ C}~ ~, .~ ~'e?~~tz~:~ 11.`3 J.~ Cxatc }';uarlouked h~ a road t::arriPr si.~tuatod 8J0 ~~.e;tGrs ~:rs: t of t?~,c ,Farc?tor .forestx^,,r ai"~'ice~ the l~:arri~:r ~-ras t;u~rd:~c~ L-V? ~:ro se~itriesm ;. 'toarc" fence 2 rxetcrs> h^,,;h ar joined this tax?rier aid exzt:-;r~ded in sr southeasterly ctirectiUn4 Fite T~3.1~t~.~= 'ilt~gark woad at "rerder xxe~ Ituhfort .gas also blacked ~~3~ a t~arrier~ ?~ baard Bence 2 ynetvrs hx,ch 50X1-HUM :prevented otastrvatiorx of t?Ze t~i.lle~tin~; ar:.~a north. of .t:Fte rondp ~~ left the t~illetin area on l~ llecezabc~r? On 20 ~eeer~ber it ~s i~:?~~ssib2e to a~~~~ra3Gh tkie installation ira:~ ?ihe r?ir?act7on of ".:ex~uar~ er?oss~.n~ tFie Havel .1ivc~ro Ct~/~SSIt"~CAi'6C1~ ~C:~~T ;C~}~t~'~t~OL..ItT~; 0~'FT~~T,,~.fILL~--;- ____._~ 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/21 :CIA-RDP82-004578007100470007-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/21 :CIA-RDP82-004578007100470007-9 gun i -nuivi S~;CRisT/c4t~'I~,oI;/trs aFr?ICrAx.~ Qi~"r,Y . 2 - -~ ~ -- ' ""?`'?~ ~ 50X1-HUM entered tae .>aelius ha~-~ ~11~ ~~g.~ ~.n ron of the headquarters builc3in Forty affeers rarakint ~ fror>a captain u~ to anti ineludin~ colanol descer}ded from esch Y~us? Officers of all branches of service, including airforce and navys were seen^ `~hev vrere shcnvn to billets in the officers e club, ra .9 recru~ s a sumo of the 50X1-HUM ~raanec porsonno ad left the installation ;rith 32 ~anU, allegedly foing to Doeberit~ for firing j~ractice, O:~y a fe~v soldiers Mere sacra in the barracks yard.o Sixteen dirty 122 :~ duns and sia:taen l~'2 mm guns stood ~.n front of the ~uza shads on 3.6 Decembero Startixda at 9:30 ao:n,q all soldiers had to bathes 50X1-HUM An officers r mvatin~; tivas scheduled to be bald dssring the ~eriad from care in. oract~ gets, at ab a u~~ ua~~~.,~ ~~:~~ ~o.c~;C1 50X1-HUM practice? T'hay w~ fo~.loyv~i b trucks Delius Kaserne here ena~;ed, in aira~in8 y~ractice vaith eight 3.22-rrr~ Equn.s and eight duns, :vhilo the trai.n~:d personnel I+rom. ,9:2? a,mo to 3.1 a.m4 on 11 13ecember recruits ixa the ;were ;eon at 50X1-HUM 5:30 ,~?.*~a., on 13 ~ece~bar., e .~zr;;est c~3raf~:rerace obs ed zvas in ;~ro,~ess for t,zree days ; ri the rZOti ~ on picture auditorium., 50X1-HUM ~,~ ~1ctivit~_?~s observed in the Delit~., Kaserne on 18 DecPraber included the 3 1 a ? ' 0 . o~ _~ r~: fro~z ~:30 to l~ . aam. dun drill off' recru.:its x"au:r lt? ;"~i atzd i'our? 1~2~a ,9 phi? e the trained yoarsonnel did maintenance ~;ork :t'r?om 1 ~-?;;~~ to 3 x~,m~ ixadivi.dual trainin of recruits ~~?itla rifles and ~ ~`;uns9 and iron ~ ?,rns to '~ ~?me indoctrination for all troops? `I'~~e activities on 3~ and 20 ?~ecerrabea? 190 x~ere sas~i3ar to those oY>served. on 1:3 ~ecsraber., From 9:2t? to 11:20 a;,i;~o on 21 ;?ece~~bor9 recruits vrere instrue'ted on truck; in the ~ara`oso At the same time si,x trucks each occu~aed by 10 a^ecruits, left the on for c3, practice,,, ~'~a~~;~ routine eras re~e~~ted by the recruits iron 12 ta. ~ p,rao 'i'he tra'~.rsed 'a+7{~ir;;)s}a'Zel mere er.-;~loycd in technical z'70rk~ the cleanira~; of ~ :zras and motor vehicles s Fro~a 8:30 to ;~ a30 a a~a~ on 23 De-? cer~ber, .~, :~:? cIx?i1:L was head for all tr0o~s in the De? ius Kaserr"ie~ ~t . 10 a ~,mo i;hc~ colda.ers went 'to trake a bath and ~-ul~sequentI_y ~oliceel the I~arx?aclcs yard and quar'~ers. t erbera ttivo oiiacea?s 50X1-HUM arzd L~3 T~:~4I boardec? tz~uclc and 50X1-HUM =a., A ~~orka~-~n statecd that the en,,ineer unit in tl~e Delius 3`~aserrse received ~J rtcrt4.=t~ts on 20 :~?ce:abe.r? ?erso