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Approved For Re~9 N0 45 9 IM F ATI O REPORT CD NO, 25X1A 19 a! Al 51 COUNTRY Chile SUBJECT Activities of Communist Front Ponu].a.x Bloc PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. 25X1X NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT W. lA The following, information has been obtained on the organization of the Chilean Coraeztirist.-front group, Bloaue de Partidos Ponulares or Bloque Popular (Popular Bloc, through which the Communist Party hones to be able to onerate more or less orronly in the r.olitica.l field in snite of the anti-Comm mist laws which forbid such activity: Founded: 10 October 1950 Menber Parties: "Dernocratico del Pueblo" Party Doctrinary Radical Party National " ro-I.La:anez Movement Communist Party (which is referred to as "nonular forces" to avoid rer+ression under the Law of Defense of Denocracy). Directorate: Representatives of each member rf:rt-t,, rho can be replaced at any time by the order of the directorate ci' the a; =Tror>riate party, The presidency rotates each month among the members. The present Directorate, ,which remains in office until March 1951, is com,'oosed of the followring: President: Santiago Wilson (Democratico del Ptieb? o ) This document is hereby rerrnded to CONFIF.Ni T IAL in accordance with the to to of 1.3 Octo!,tir 1978 from fora Ca ::or cf C c . r l it " once to time a of [TT LSD: d .,'atcs. Secretary General: Rene Frias Ojeda (Communist) Secretary of organization: Orlando Budnevic (Doctrinary Radical) Treasurer: Severe, Sana.niego (Democratico del Pueblo) Political. Secretary: } mtberto Hartonez (Democr .- tico del Pueblo) STATE jEA12 Y MRS ISTRIBUTION ARs?1Y FBI e y i .. I(_.~ stye f _ ~4t1 ~p ~LJ 197 a - Approved For Rele se 1999/09/09 : CIA-RD ,-A44&7RO T CLASSIFICATION C0i1FIr Approved For Release 19' V 1A-RDP82-00457R0Q M90010-5 CENTRAL IPTTELLIGI! NCE AGENCY Coordination. Committee: This corrlittee will meet In March 1951 to elect the new Directorate. The Coordination Com- mittee is comnaosed of representatives of all the parties belonging to the Popular Bloc: Communist, Rene Frias Ojeda, Flies Lafert-te Gavino, Salvador Ocamno Pastenes and Enrique Kirberg; Domocratico del Pueblo Party, Santiago Wilson, Htvnberto Martones, and Severo Sarna- niego; Doctrinary Radical Party.. Armando Holzanhel, Rudecindo Ortega Mason, and Orlamio Dud.nevic; Ibanez M vement, Aristides Novae, Pedro Diaz and Ceara oe Ferrer. Labor Matters: The heads of the syndicate dersrtmenta of each member together form the Ponrlar Blocs Syndicate Directorate, Meetings: Normally on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30 n,,m. at the Doctrinary Radical Tlt).rty7s headquarters at the corner of hgu:tina , and Arturo Alessandri streets, Santiago. 2K The objectives of the ?'ovular Bloc are listed below: a) To encoure.we the unification of all authentically leftist parties., b) To fight against the renressive laws end to seek the liberation of tolitieal figures and labor leaders rresently immrisoned by the goverYment. This rrogrsm is under the control of Santiago L abarca, rresjdent of the Communist Committee for the Defense of Public Liberties.. c) To develon a nonular campaign in onroeition to the rise in the cost of living? d) To con-bat the "Ross Plan", a financial recovery and anti-inflrtionary rropram by ex-Finance Minister Gustave Ross, for which the government has shown considerable interest. I'udeeindo Ortega has been made responsible for carrying out the anti-Ross eemnaign, tr:.zrting; with a sr~eech made at the Il February Popular Bloc-Socialist Front manifestation at the Caurnnlicsn Theater in Santiago, e) To demrnd that Chilean inderendence of action be maintained in snite of current international events, such ca the Korean War and the comin,r Foreign Ministers' Conference in tieslnington. f) To defend Chilean co--ner from Imerican ynnerie.listic fir_:rs.. Salvador 25X1A Pastenes, Comrrcunist Senator, rlanned to make a speech in this connection in the Senate, a nonu.lariza.tion of an earlier one made by Salvador Allende, Popular Socialist Senator. The first joint public meeting of the Ponular Di oc and the Socialist Fror_t, held on 11 February- 1951, indicr ted t'_ at the differences between the two groups had not been settled. According to press accounts, the Socialists, narticule.rly those belonging to the Socialist Party of Chile, denounced Communist international polity, and caused dissension between Communists and socialists present at the meeting. Approved For Release 1999/09/0,V: CIA-RDP82-00457R007100290010-5