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March 14, 1951
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.INtELL I crew of 37-40 men. Vessel is loading 5,000 tons of wheat and su yphurio acid for Durres. .j, 5;3, i'LEI-CWV, Captain kctpesou. MS (,J1USTA13TA, BOO tons,, Captain Jicolau. This vessel was built at budaoest. Approved For RelppAes Ot@&-18i. i. DR82 457ROO71O f4.O 1 M. L rn1an a/A1ba. ia/ USSR Runaaxaia:'i L=erchart uiaarino (sD NO. DATE I)1ST 14 MAR 51 NO., OF PAGES 2 NC. OF ENCLS. (UST D (BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO 25X1X REPORT NO,. The following vessels belonging, to Sovromtransport are SS ADELEs, Ca.,tain 0vidiu Cernatoscu. This vessel is presently under repair at Constsnta? US FREDERICK E1 GE3,S 5,000 tons, Oaotain is Virgil Gheorghiu, with c,'{S 'ItCSYLVAi1IA, Captain Titu Stenesou, cruising speed 18,5 knots, maximum speed 22 knots, This vessel was built in Copenhagen in 1938w iiS SULIISA, 800 tons, crew of approximately twenty men. The SULINNA was built at Turnu Soverin in 19,110. sharing; "llovaaber 1950 a cylinder block p,:racked and the crew was imuaediateiy changed T. '.S m IDIA, GOO tons, with crow of 20 men. This vessel,, which was built at Turnu :lever in in. 1:)50, struck an undea.- +ater rock in Suline harbor and is now under repair. h IS -- i~UGALIA,a 800 tons, crew of approxi. aately twenty menu This vessel was built at Budapest in 19506 33 DI..1ITROV, fon..ierly the fbuiRLEti under the Dutch flag. "' he SUL114A, CO_ISTICIT!i, t; IDIA, and :Air GAL:LA operate only in the Black Sea since they have not received e. certificate of seaworthiness. The SS k'LE1fA 0V is u fed principally for runs between Soviet Black Sea ports and Albania. During the past six months the SS ADELE has plied between Soviet Black Sea port's and Albania, but on her last voyage transported grain ~.o Sweden. The I13 F-!. Di;RICA E,iGELS sails between Constanta and Idortheras European and -Baltic ports and between Soviet Black &)a and northern pores. CONFIDENTIAL AP.t Y A{R FHB Ietter o October 1978 from the 1 A CC:NFILD77 'IAL in accordance with the This dortiment Is hereby regraded to i Archiv.s c. the United States. Next Re~i~yyr8~ h Releas L e 2000105/18 : CIA-RE I % O _____140011-0- !?cis'nPnce to the Approved For Release 2000/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007100140011-0 e~pe CUM-AL INT&LLIGS1JCL AGENCY 25X1A 2 CONFIDENTIAL The SS DIITROV,8 carrying wheat to Alexandria Egypt, from France, spent ;one month in Alexandria harbor because of congested conditions. This vessel then proceeded to Constanta, loaded 5,000 tons of corn for kgypt, and returned to Alexandria, whore it spent two months because of congestion and boiler repairs. Carrying 3,000 tons of wheat and 2,000 tons of special ement3, the DILITRUV left Constanta on I December 1950 and arrived at Durres on 6 Decaaaber, Cement carried by the DLIIITROV on this trip was the type that binds in winter weather. Un its latest trip the DiLITROV sailed directly to Famagusta,Cyprua fret Constanta, thereafter calling at llaifa, Durres and ,unspecified Soviet Black Sea ports. During the spring of 1950 MS TRANS`. LVANIA made a direct run between Constanta and Gdynia, carrying approximately fiften hundred grounded Greek partisans and members of the Central Cormitt ie of the Greek Communist Yartyti At the present time the TR NSYLVAIaIA is transporting Jewish-immigrants from liumannia to Israel, 3. The following officials of So'v omtransport are identified, .Director-General,, i vdo J h._or, Soviet citizen; Director of JDwTigation, Gutkin, Soviet citizen; Director of -d eless, Libinov, Soviet citizens, Re inal Director at Constanta, Sinz, Soviet citizen, frequently on leave-,, Soviet officials who go on leave usually do not return to their posts. All higher ranking employees are Soviet citizens; their deputies are Runanians. However ranking personnel are partly Soviet and partly Rumanian. 4,, Three cases of ..?ibotage have occurred on the DLiIT1t0Vt n,, At an unspecified: date, 2,000 kilograms of oil contained in ton barrels were put on board in Constanta. Six or seven of these barrels were found to contain water, Some employees of the Sovromtransport fuel depot in "Constanta were thereafter arrested, b. Acid containers for the ship's refrigerator system which had been shipped to Constants, from eloesti were found to contain only compressed air,, Approximately three hundred kilograms of meat spoiled and was thrown overboard. a. hhen the D1L IIROV left Durres after unloading the special cement and wheat in December 1950, a strong deviation in the compass was discovered to have been caused by two iron bars placed on either side at a distance of 1.5 to 2 meters. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007100140011-0