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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/06: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800800002-4 -HUM V&mw civ i IML CLASSIFICATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT WO T r CD NO. 50X1-HUM COUNTRY Gert+m?my, (Russian Zone) DATE DISTR. 8 February 1951 SUBJECT Soviet Milltaay Rail Movements NO. OF PAGES 3 PLACE NO. OF ENCLS. ACQUIRED (LISTED BELOW) DATE OF INFO. SUPPLEMENT REPORT NO. TNItI Dkctit3SiIF T?GStTE,I4;G Ii1FQRNATIGYSatF sF"tt1t GTte 2?IGFFA~ Dii.'railu i)8 T1I1! '61ttI1 D StATtw airlift 711a amino or 111Z FxPZ0XACL, Act 50 II.5. C?, S A'.5D S2. AS 3t5E29'DS D, 17'34'P.e9,ti9FAIL51Oi1 O3 T tt IIIIYElAT4617 0P ITS C=Trt= la Atati' F:AAIMR TO AD IIICAt1TIIOP.IY$D Ps"MON Is PRO, 1a e itrovtnd train of 19 boxcars rrith troops passed throu"h r.uostrin on 11 1)oce fiber 1950, on route to Orcifaviald. (1) r-o a ew:: ?1 t r .f w v `, Y r'? i ibo a~Sd train of 21 pa.,se.ngor coaches ca_.i+"raying o fic rs arid 21 boxcars ith 1u:;-_age passed throw.h t'iuostrin on 14 Docerxt;or, girt; from the c? irection of :'Ter1:;i (2) 3? .1t 1 on 13 Doco mb.:r, about f'0 officers arrived in ?rankfurt/ Jder aboard the 111--a : xpres: fro:. kro,staJ,itavsk, T'I3uy included m=any field-grade off'icors. >. sha pm.:nt of )j0 used trucks arrived at the 1" .-ankfurt/Odor mar- shaliri hard from the. on 11.E )ecaniber. (3) The leave train :?rh,ich arrivod in .'rankfurt/0der from Fruo ;,Litovsk on 15 December =-9 occupied to caoacitym Sevonty yes cexit a? he occup-ants were -)ff'icers who, after re istorin at the 1of Bauer Kaasarne, wore reassir and to other pot t: , a., Fifty used trucks arrived in Frankfurt/Odor fro-1 Pr--;.4-T,-Jtovuk on 15 70 Two trains, arch carz,~rin8 0 used trucks, arrived at r ooni ~Y .rustcr?~ hausen on 17 Jocom1mra (3) slii pment of .5.) trucks arrived in Friedrich c on near 3brlin on 21 Do comber, (3) "She following - ilitary rail shipments were observed between 18 and 20 December 1750: CONFIDENTIAL' ' CLASSIFICATION SW =- ..._. _ `...."". l T 'w FT DISTRIBUTION risR[a This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/06: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800800002-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/06: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800800002-4 cENrRAL INTELLIGNCE AGENCY anion b' 'ors-To and `Jato Too-.-)chin--Firms 18 December Toepchin??r'inau 18 December One gondola car coal Fifteen field kitchens One boxcar glass containers Two tank cars traso- line Forty four tank cars military fuel; One boxcar military goods Three boxcars Military goods; One ;oxcar military ;goods; Fifteen ;ondola cars briquettes One gondola car briquettes Twenty-nine. cgondola cars briquettos One boxcar 59 :j-d-raul i c jacks Z ictcau Fuersten walde 19 December Perlin-Lichtonberg- iran furt/Oacr 19 December Finsterwalde-? Fuerstenvialde 19 December V; 1ten.4 ad 8aarovr 19 December i 3re 3t-Litovsk- Volton 19 December ]3rest?- jtovsk-. Muelirose 19 December Pro t Iitovskk 'strausberg 19 iccembor Brest--Litovsk-- Jessen 19 December Knappenrode. 6trauaberg 20 December Y?lott ,jtz,-~ ,,ank: urt/0dor 20 December Lauchhar. er-. ITankyut t/'Odor 20 :)ec01;`ibor ;, uellro,.e 2D flocera1, nor CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/06: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800800002-4 B'rArlo ri i"rrK r-ri n . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/06: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800800002-4 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGE40Y 'li vino t To tank cars Bv.^'-Litovok- gasoline and 26 Volten ermmty tan.; cars-- 20 Docembor (41) 1Oc. ,.,XcePt for suu,n:,)1y s ti riants., no troop r ovai-nonts were obs,ryrved at the Yaarshaling yaxma of ':;ucter ark l:o'F,tvoen 9 and 23 Deco bor0 No ,ooli:g; of locomotives or czpty rolling stock observed, nor were any trains raovirig scastEs :r.?d th r'ouf 1 the -.-Uster c rkk marshalin yard n Do rumors wore hoard about any unusual i.litary rail r. vorlents at other -)laces? (5) (1) three westbound trains with a total of 55 boxcars with trooos had passed through Kuestrin on 2( Ilovsmber. It is believed 50X1-HUM t at those t c 1.i anct "ac train mentioned in the ores nt re. fort carried recruits iaho ar^r~i"vatf. in the x)Ci"J.Lt:'ii u n, schedule., u0i2G :3tf k3:t a:x t:.l~ behind the influx of recruits having n._apa. an 1y ceased the end of October 1n50a ;;other a shi y5rent of officers goZ ng to the U 0 O+J L'~ o for roe sit nrient or do obilizatiorl, or a 1'li'7t ont of officers' s azl? lies ben ropatri ntoc1 `b1 information s'1377 that shipments of used trucks also arrived i n the oyiot i(n-) of Gf r - x j from the U.;a0SO 'LO in athi-)ocombor, confirm the raaia fuel su)~)1y depot of the 3O1mu ry , 7.'.'1 ~C'el i,e'_'3 ~?dl'b,3~. 20 :G3CG_':1b7t;$ l.:.. i} O observed with. -a sh T)Y7e_3i, of troops from 'i~ to i ;I'?4~:4:7 in 1'ranhfurt/ Odor on 21;. October 195O. It Dr osumebbly belongs to a co`_'ly)oncnt of the a idenfi,t,ied ~)iv, ;~ossib::3 ~T the 32nd s confirms the 26th }ds 11ecz Z f t of the 7th Ods r; ecz Div in Velars Uen- waldo until 1.9 December 1950. below s to an ordnanco r-v,,pair shop in trausb :r~.;, re po,ated_Ly reported from Toepehin in connection with a:,,4 tIY1.'i uion shipments confirms the 123d :.'arlk f:.a,aair :lao of the O0i' p in :iuollroso until 23 ")ocerber 195t).J ntion in administrative r cort1s e? m-iinod. in t=ie area. southeast of L'uorstormaldoo ropoatecny rC"_xartcd .i r om 'silo llofbauer i asonio in ; r'ie3r 'GO the Stl1C E?r 4f a 7 e ,cR:, ;.:eeR?~ Div in " uers orr a1de until 19 DoceYbo:: .v _. ri-Tation from the '.'u:;tor".mrh r:3arsilalin,, s;ard fit's into the Overall oro cbaro )resented b:r;7 roports r oceived since :4 tie e co:b3GY' !. v ';'?lich indicate that the entire military rail traffic in the Soviot .one Oar-.'in ar d from the to te ;ovir t Zorio of not above norr y :,r ior? to about 20 ')ecommbb:;x?. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/06: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800800002-4