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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
January 8, 1951
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50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800600007-1 v iI'I IL/Liv 11nL WtLL/FIL!i X-ft"' Lt}!1'NTRy Ge ?mamy (Soviet Zone) TOPIC Soviet Troons In Neustr:el tz EVALUATION._._i DATE OF CONTE DATE OBTAINE REFERENCES- nATc pprpAP! n 3 January 19 PAGES? _ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS 10 strasse, Noustrelitz (N 54/U 54), was occupied by about 500 troops 7 Iovember 1950, the Alte Grenadier Kaserne on Ernst Thaeimann- wearing red-bordered black epaulets,, Thirty officers and 240 ELI were seen marchin into the installation that day,, TTo motor traf- fic was noticed,, (1) 2,, The Neue Infanterie Kaserne on Penzliner Chaussee quartered about 3,000 troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets. On 7 Fovember, '0 officers and about 650 En, were seen at a wreath-laying ceremony50X1-HUM in the market square of Neustrelitz, When the troops departed, 6co officers and about 400 men left toward the LIeue Infanterie Kaserrie and 30 officers and about 250 :yen toward the German motion picture theater About a thousand troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets were stationed in the restricted area on Glambeck Lake, Following a 50X1-HUM vzr.=eat -laying ceremony on 7 T?ovember, about 100 officers and 700 E' were observed to march into the restricted area. 4z. About 400 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets were quartered in the restricted area of Schlossgarten,, Two ammunition sheds were under construction beside the two ammunition sheds previously observed in Schlossaartenv Two sentries were seen for the first time at the 50X1-HUM xmraun i.t ion durap,, 50X1-HUM About 200 troo;'s wearing red-bordered black a aulets were quartered in the restricted area of Tier;arten0 Truck ,was identified there a 50X1-HUM 6, About 300 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets were billeted in houses on 1irschenalleeo Twenty officers and 200 ],' were seen leaving the billets on 7 November to attend a ^wreath-laying ceremony0 (3) CLASSIFICATION This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. Next Review Date: 2008 CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800600007-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/04: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800600007-1 CONFIDENTIAL S OFFICIALS 7. On 25 November 1950, the Infanterie Kaserne, or Douaumont Kaserne, still seemed to be only partly occupied. About 40 percent of the barracks windows were lighted that night. Trucks, whose numbers could not be determined, were seen through the doors of the first garage on Penziinerstrasse, just north of tnc5 billeting area, on 17 November. (2) 86 Between 17 and 25 i ovember, only little activity by military personnel was observed in the Adolf Hitler Kaserne on Strelitzer?- strasse in the daytime. Not more than 40 percent of the barracks windows were lighted in the evenings, No motor traffic was noted? About 30 officers with black service color were observed at the railroad station at about 9 p.,m. on 21 Poven,ber., (4) -In mm-U, aat y was also Occupied to capacity in mi -f:Tovember y I Iew-e- d (3) The other barracks installations in Neustrelitz seemed to be occum }pied to capacity in mid-14ovember, (4, most of the elements of the 9th Gds Tank Div were at the post in mid