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#NFORMATION REPORT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800550011-2 CLASSIFICATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT COUNTRY Germany (Russian Zone) SUBJECT Soviet Military Rail Movements PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. Or Tag 491T19 STAT $ WHBfa TU BSAAfUaO CP TBS PSPi9AA011 SCT CO V. W. C., CI A$9 at. AS Aff6L19S9, fTC TRAa$mIPG OW Oft 7NS OS4'LLARCP CD NO. DATE DISTR. 31 January 1951 NO. OF PAGES 9 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION The following rail shipments were observed between 25 October and 23 November 1950: 50) mot Erg -jo and-2"S Three RR cars 4Yvith Schoenebeck on the motor vehicles Elbe River to P archim 25 October One tank car with Velten to gasoline 26 October Three tank cars gasoline One RR car with vehicles One boxcar with military goods One boxcar with military goods with Ellerholz to Parchim 27 October Dr esden-Klotz s the to Parchim 27 October Five boxcars with military goods Dranse to P archl.m 23 October Gross Hasslow to Parchim 28 October Dranse to P archlin 31 October CONFIDENTIAL srn This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. ..,, rwiAoer note: 2008 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800550011-2 -- e%e'.w I r-1 r% r- K 1rl n 1 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800550011-2 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGEN .2- Three boxcars with military goods Three boxcars with onions Tea boxcars with military goods One tank car with gasoline One boxcar with supplies Two RR cars with motor vehicles Dranse to P archim 1 November Calbe to Parchim l November Pcrleberg to Parchim 2 November Velten to P archim 2 November Perleberg to Parchim 3 November Sohoenebeck on the Elbe River to P arohim 14 November One boxcar with mili-Velten to tart' goods rarchim 16 November One boxcar with Schwerin to furniture Parchim 23 ? 1'NTovember The following ; Iitary shipments passed through Frankfurt/Oder between 15 and 21 November DAti Night of 15 November 17 November Night of 19 November 21 November ^l November Shin~ne A,'~ c i on 58 boxcars with From Eberswalde troops toward Cottbus (1) Sixteen 1O5-mm guns From Brest--Litovsk with pneuunqtic tires toward vEberswalde (2) and split-trail carriage 24 boxcars with ammunition From Brest-Litovsk toward Eberswalde Train with 19 crated airplanes Train of 28 tang cars CONFIDENTIAL From Brest-Litovsk toward Ebersvaalde From Brest-Litovsk toward Eberswalde Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800550011-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800550011-2 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ?3r On 21 November ten tanks arrived by rail at the .Era ~t/Oa rei g tsa r s tanks were unloaded and four were redispatched to Fuerstenwalde0 The following rail shipments were observed between 18 and 26 November 1950: 50X1-HUM Fourteen gondola Brieske to Berlin- cars with coal Hohenschoenhausen' 1 Crop sstraese 18 November One boxcar with Item Bernau to No 16; according to Bernburg bill of lading, 21 November blankets and cloth One boxcar with Item Bernau to No 1.6; according to Premn.itz bill of lading, blankets and cloth One boxcar with Item No 16; according to bill of lading, blankets and cloth One tank car with diesel oil One tank car with diesel oil Four tank cars with diesel oil Bernau to Jueterbog-Feues Lager 21. November Troeglitz to Dresden-harbor 2 redispatched to Satzkorn 21 November Zeitz hydro genation plant Troeglitz to Dresden-harbor, redispatched to. Wildpark 21 November Troeglits to Dresden-harbor $ redispatched to Falkensee 21 November one boxcar with Berlin-Osthafen, apples to Griebnitzsee 21 November Twelve tank cars Troeglitz to with diesel oil Dresden-harbor g redispatched to Neustrelitz 21 November Two boxcars with Neu.ruppin to 1 0 boxes; of che- Teltow.le oat i,.icals for the fi11- 22 November Ing of foam ex- t inrulahers kl> ?sits hydro genation plant Zeitz hydro g enat ion plant Zeitz hydra genat ion plant VFB Minimax CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800550011-2 w Ir1r-.r1& 1-1 1 A I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800550011-2 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WAIMR= LOW-2"4"U" ore boxcar with Auerbach, Votland, ladies= silk to Bernau unde3arwear 22 November One boxcar with Koenigswusterhausen coke to Berlin-Rwnmelsburg 23 November Twenty boxcars with Frankfurt/Oder undetermi.nod to Ju.etorbog goods One gondola car with Hohenleipisch to arenaceoiu3 quartz Oberschoerieweide, Huettenwwerk, VV)B Ala 26 November The followvin mi and 4 Deoernber 1 19 flatcars with 27 November 50X1-HUM litany shipments were observed between 27 November 950: 50X1-HUM Sixteen boxcars with Brest-Litovsk yr .litany goods; and to Strausberg large containers 'T'hree boxcars wi triiitArV goods: th Pra#f'endor# to Guben-border 23 November Two boxcars with military goods; Six boxcars with military goods; 6I" P #affendor# to G ubenr-boxer 23 'ovember Pfaffendorf to &iben-border 23 overfmber CONFIDENTIAL' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800550011-2 A I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800550011-2 CE{TUL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY One boxcar with Brest-Litovsk military goods and to Stfausberg three unnumbered, 23 November signal trucks; Ten boxcars with military goods; Three boxcars with ammunitions One boxcar with military goods Five gondola cars with briquettes Four gondola cars with briquettes one boxcar with copy-books Brest itavsk to. Muellrose . 29 Novembor. Brest-Litovsk to Bad Saarow 30 November Brest-Litovsk to Jessen 29 TTovember Brieske to Puerstenwwalde 1 December Brieske to .~{ uerstenwalde I Dece-trxber Halle to Wall dfr i ed 1 December Three boxcars and Lberswalde three flatcars with to:'uollrose tank tracks 2 December Two tanks to Fuerstenberg/Oder 2 Decor her Four boxcars and two Brest-Litovsk flatcars with large to Strausborg containers: 2 Becembar Two boxcars with military goods Two flatcars and six boxcars with tank tracks Five boxcars with briquettes Doeberits to uestrin.--border 2 December Lberswalde to r?uellrose 3 December Klettwitz to Fuerstenwalde 3 December CONFIDENTIAL 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800550011-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800550011-2 "enT CONHDhN I IAL CENTRAL I) TE IQE tCE AG ICY slalnm -6s- From-jQ anc aAj Three gondola ears Brieske to wtih briquettes Fuerstenwalde 3 December Sixteen boxcars with Strausberg to ammunition; Guben-border 3 December One boxcar, 7 gon- Brest-Litovsk dola cars and 16 to Jessen flatcars with forty 3 December 1Ot. m rp'inns Twenty-nine boxcars Brest-.Litovsk to with ammunition? L~amitsch-Wilmersdorf 3 December Thirteen boxcars Puerstenberg with rye to Muellrose 4 December One flatcar with Henningsdorf bar iron to Muellrose 4 December Four gondola cars B:i'ieske to with briquettes Eberswal de 4 December One boxcar with Eberswalde to undetermined goods Bad Saarow 4 December One boxcar with Wildau to work-benches Eberszvalde 4 December Empty shuttle-train Kuestrin-border of 20 coaches, 30 going in the boxcars, 1 flatcar direction of and 2 gondola cars Cottbus 4 December Forty-three flatcars Brest-Litovsk and 4 gondola cars to Jessen with ninety-five 4 December 50-mm .. a uns On 28 tiovember, flatoers carrying 34 new passenger cars arrived at the Frankfurt/Oder shunting station, coming from Cottbus. They were probably to be made up as a train, together with other flat- cars carrying 25 more passenger cars which were parked at the railroad station, CONFIDENTIAL 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800550011-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800550011-2 CONFIDENTIAL CM ML INT X CE AGENCY 7. on. 28 November, the 7 P.M. leave train from Frankfurt/Oder to MMagdeburg MIS occupied to dap: ity0 The Blue Express which left Frankfurt/Oder for Brest'-Litovsk at 4:30 p0m, on 4 Dee-ember wits almost impty, On 4 December, flatcars carrying about 100 .A, guns of about 50 mm arrived in Frankfurt/Oder, coming from Brest' Litovsk. (2) 50X1-HUM The, leave train which arrived in Frankfurt/Odor from Brest-Litovsk at 4:30 p0i:1- on 4 December was occupied to capacity by military personnel, about 80 percent of whom were officers of all branches of servict). The officers left the platform for the station, hail. carry: ng only small suitcases (3) 50X1-HUM 10, The following military shipments were observed between 26 November and 6 December WILMW= WLP Forty .,uns of more Brest-Litovsk than. 76,2 mm to Jessen 26 November Twolve boxcars with Brest-Litovsk military goods to Muelirose 27 November Eight boxcars with Brest-Litovsk to military goods Berlin-R? mnielsburg 27 November Twenty flatcars Bound for Jessen with radio cars 28 November Sixteen tank cars Brest-Litovsk with fuel to Felten 2 December Twenty-nine boxcars Brest-Litovsk with caution signs to Lamitsch reading 'tExplosive 3 December Cargou Forty guns of about Brest.Litovsk 100 mm to Jessen 3 December Two boxcars with Brest-Litovsk to military goods and Fuerstenwalde eight 37-mm AA guns 5 December 110 Between 26 November and 2 December the daily volume of leave traffic averaged 400 troops going to Brest-Litovsk and 630 coming from Brest-Litovsk. On 26 November, about 100 .AF officers and about as`mrny EM arrived from the U,S.,S,R4 (3) =a9*r_" CONFIDENTIAL1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800550011-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800550011-2 Is EMT- CE.'R~il, ML.IGENGE AGENCY 12t, on1.December50X1-HUM _ be at once for dispatch to an undetermined destination. (5) 13. Daily leave traffic between 3 and 6 December averaged 460 troops going to Brest-Litovsk and 765 coming from Brest-Litovsk. A hundred officers wearing red-bordered golden epaulets arrived in Frankfurt/ Oder-on 5 Dece c about 170 officers with sky-blue epaulets on 6 December. M IA. (1) The route of the train does not indicate whether it carried 50X1-HUM soldiers due for discharge or replacements from the U. S. Although the influx of recruits from the T.I.S.S.R. ceased on 26 October; one more train of 25 boxcars with personnel arrived in thn Soviet Zone of Germany via Kuestrin on 23 November (2) Most of the guns went to a ma 3.n o a There are three possibilities for the distribution of the guns: first, Soviet units are being reequipped with modern weapons, including possibly the replacement of 57 and 76-mm AT guns with 85 or 100-mm AT guns; second, a new Soviet artillery unit may be activated, the personnel and weapons of which were shirped separately; and third an increase in the artillery pieces issued to the German Volkspoli- (3) The volume of leave traffic in both directions between 26 November r b id N ovem e - and 6 December hardly differed from that reported in m 1950 There is again a high percentage of 50X1-HUM officers, including air force officers this time. It cannot be determined, however, whether the officers returned from leave or ~NFtDENTIA ; 50X1-HUM V L. all heavy.-duty flatcars available were to Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800550011-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800550011-2 .saenm:-- ut N RAL INTEL' LIGENCE A CT .9l. 50X1-HU tanks ands heavy loads of' more than 30 tons a It is not 1.nown whether the cars were to be used for shipments within the Soviet Gone of Germany or outside the zone. CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/10: CIA-RDP82-00457R006800550011-2