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Approved For Release 2003/08/11: CIA-RDP82-00457R006600080 CLASSiFICATI COUNTRY. (11r!rm-4m! l~:nv3 rs+. '?nrt , jC,pjC "lit rxrv nf'r~rr +.inrr f'rnr~ C~~ _ 6 -- EEVALUATION se? Wlaer PLACE OBTAINED) b; C] E OF CONTENT.1-2 25X1 DATE OBTAI EREN PAGES..._. flATF PRFPARFri 6 fl c thr r 14x;7 REMARKS 25X1 25X1 25X1 a club. - IThe barracks ctallation also ouc o curs es. the installation *7::s occupied by personnel of the SOC for arx Brandenburg. (1) 3. according to local residents. the forner Ill Reichsfuehreraohule (hhiitler Youth leader school) on Berlinorntrasse housed key sections of the Su^C for Land Brandenbur-?, (2) The military hospital on Vilindhorstweg was occupied to capacity. (3) The barracks installation at Brandentazrger?latz housed the German finance office. (2) The .11exandrovka Settlement on ilodlitsoratrasse war.: not occupied by troops. 4. Betz?aen 12 October and 1 Novdrber., the Adolf Hitler Kaserne can PappolaUee was occupied by officers of various branches of service, particularly by officers wearing tank, artillery and engineer in- 25X1 sI.a~ Knot-ruction courses for officers were e uc FT-n zero was no rotor traffic. MW troops were, seen lk nc; between the Adolf Hitler Kasorne and the buildings opposite the K,ri egeschule on Kirechallee. (H.) The southern section of the PAarniir Kriegesehule on t appelallee, corner of Kirschalleep was not occupied.. The srindows wore closed and were not li.n,htod in the evenings. The northern suction was occupied by troops of about battalion strength who wore rod-bordered black epaulets. On 1 iiovombor, 40 soldi.ors, a_)parently recruits, dui ~pacl -uith entrenching tools, wore observed at the installation. CL ASSIFICATI p it 25X1 25X1 _ U04 UMW wii. ------/ .1'" --- -------- No Chun.A. Approved For Release 2003/08/11: CIA-RDN S045 F,IIi 00IlW0Q1O 4 i Between 12 October and 1 November 1953s the intoroffizier Schule on the east side of Jaeloralleaa Potsdam (N 53/Z 63), was occupied by troops of not lose than co ar strength. The troops were red- brrdercA black epaulets without branch-of-service insigia. About 15'O troops were aeon at a roll c ill. Soldiers who onto red the in- stallation were challenged for a password., Officers of various branches of aervico wore seen entering and leaving, the b rraclcs installation on the mat side of Jaeger-- allee. The b' of na ar a inchylod a notion n' 1 eta ___1Q:UL_ ---- Approved For Release 2003/08/11 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006600080010-4 ,.. CONF,A The buildings opposite the installation mere occupied 25X1 officers and their fanilies.F south side of Paopolallec was completely doctroyed. 7. On 22 October, the Adolf Hitler Kaserne on appolallee was occu 25X1 6. rho Ruinonb :rg Kaserne, formrly Garde Ulanon Kaserne, on the 25X1 -iod by a high-echelon headquarters, Fifty to sixty fie? d-grade _I'ficers and about 250 ;soviet non and womn, either in civilian =clothes or in uniforn, were seen there. The officers were fx%om various branches of service, Soric of thorn vrrore the insignia of the administrative and medimal sorvides and of the judge advocate ? fr donartmant. (4) 3. On 24 October, M gun ormplacom oats :gore st:i.ll obsorvad on Porn- stodtorf _ ld. The a unition Jump had been enlarged and was lighted ihr floodlights at ni7ht. 9, The 3d Garde (Jlanen Itiasorne housed a large repair shop engaged in the overhauling of motor veh i le en ;i_acs, :)n 24 October, two turners anics were erlolo\'ed at the rooair shoo 25X1 25X1 10, On 30 and 31 October it was loarne hat about 25X1 500 troops were quartered in tie tnterof fizier $chule on Jaegerallce. half of the installation was a, upied by officers and the other half by TJCOs and 3,1. The troops were said to have moved into the installation 'ocently, 11. The former i'kili.taertvaisc nnlaaus (.,.litary orphanage) as not occupied by t roo ps. wince July 1249, the barracks installation on Pri?ste rstrasse 3 as housed the Volkspolizei 7Iea,6quart(;rs for Land Brandenburg and. a police jail. The barracks installation -)n ih' and.onb-urgerplatz hou: cd the finance office for Land tirandenb urg. The bui.1dings of the IIJ Tic) ichsfuehrorsc'hule (Hitler Youth leader school) included the Landtag building .for )'andon- burg. (2) Colonel Kuzulin (f iu , f,ieuto gat Colonel Blekseov (fns), and Tajjor 'art onko . (fns), were allegedl; assigned to o.L'fices in the: Krie s- 25X1 schulo. Their names are s?elled phonetically. _i Soviet bank,, a library, a club, a thcater3and trativo o 'ficos wer'o located in the in- stallation. (a) 1.3, ;~ 1 On 10 an uni en Zr -c 3rd : ry nu~' oxedx 1 officers, 22 I1C0s and Z L. ri the same day, eight German employees were discharged by the poli_tir,:il officer, allegedly because of lack of money. bore discharges :-mere t:, folicr.r. On 1 lluvo_"bor, sentries were again ordered to chock all ':tandbags, briefcases, etc. of the Oer~. ?~. employees. Between 2 and 24 - o-romber, the recruits 1_n the install..:,tiorr received artillery dri 1. the Morning and infant:. - training- without 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/11 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006600080010-4 Approved For Release 2003/08/11 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006600080010-4 C .or nts (1) oor; onnol of th::, Soviot Kamancmtura (2) Co: psro with sirfLIar inform optembcr 1250 (3) The inform tion co < i i ^-f ..os? i t~Areert {oltairostrasso and randhorstvo;g, ( ) nstructicn courses for officers 25X1 25X1 25X1 .sera con...uc ec,. in me xns a taon 25X1 (.5) The units and offices in the IIxior;ssc_hi o have not boon -.e? banned. According to previous reports, either a guard unit of the Soviet Kamendatura , a hotel for officers, or a sig-nal battalion rornnmided 1 Colonel Kuzulin (fnu) were located there. The 30th Gds Gun Arty Brig of the unidentified arty Div in otsc am is., 25X1 vn-th a reasonah b d to be stationed the Dolius Kasernea 25X1 the brigade is pro a y o into {ea s ana. ua u battery and three battalions, each consisting of three It-gun batteries, Consequently, the brigade must have been e:l.uipaed "+ith 36 ;unsa Tro?rover,, twelve guns returned fron it engrabw on 13 -ctobor 17 50, and E another ei