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Publication Date: 
November 17, 1950
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Approved For Release 2004WP LQt,~fA[~P82.g 1f7R006500720002-6 CLASSIFICATION COIUNTRY e TOPIC, 25X1A REPORT, NO.4 EVALUATION LJ 25X1 X _ PLACE OBTAINED DATE OF CONTENT- DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES 25X1 PAGES ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS 25X1X SOURCE 25X1 C 25X1A Between 12:30 and 10:30 p0ra. or. 20 October 1950 seven jet fighters with swept-back v:in s were parked in front of the hangars at the Oranionburg (; 53f 67) airfield. Four planes of the same type were on the southern edge of the field. * The four jet fighters i:,ade practice flights between 30 m d 5:10 P.m., when the weather was good and the sky was partly cloudy. Tie planes too, off in elements of two at an interval of one and a half aircraft lengths. They climbed at an angle of 30 to t.0 degrees, and vanished after 15 seconds. Ten 'minutes later the aircraft approac:ted the field at a very low level and a. ain zoomed in the same way over the m:mir'_c:l.e of the field. The -)lanes landed after 20 minutes and the other two ;dares took off. i, single -engine hifliwing monoplane coming from the cast landed at . the fi-olci at f4:35 .m. There was no activity at the field af ter n -htfall 25X1,. be extendible, were interconnected and braced. . ILLEGI Another radio station was on the northwe tern edge outside we field. It consisted of four masts about 8 meters high and arranged in a square of about 67 meters. A z,ray green tent was in the middlL; of the square, and a rod about 2 meters long was on the roof o The masts which did not seem to 2. Four searchlights, about 75 meters apart and pointing to the north, were arranged north of the road in the extension of the runway and about 4co search-- motors west of the main rate ;e on ` haelmannstrasse. ** Two other lighta were arranged in the sane way south of t !h road. The searchlights, about 6.: cm in diameter and with red panes, were fitted on poles 0meters high? The southern edge of the field was also marked by landin lihts, the exact arrangement of which could not be seen as the section was blocked during flying activity., A boundary light which was on the ruins in the southwestern section of the field was switched on at night. Additional boun- dary lights in the northeastern section of the field were not clearly visible. Tmjo wooden houses occupied by sentries were at the intersection of Thaelmmm.n- strasse and tme row of searchlights. 3. A radio truce parked under a wooden ro~'f, and a mast about 6 meters high were just beside the railroad line, not far from the first searchli!ht. Approved For Release 2002/08/08: CIA-RDP8+0045FR(3f0MQt2 25X1 PREPARED. _.,..,..'.T'.:,:~m:.,.,.. Approved For Release 2002/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006500720002-6 25X1 25X1A 25X1 Ahomnent. The inforr.:tion con$ixns the occupation of the air-- yield b,,,, ;dot aircraft. One fighter regiment is believed to be stati sze(i in Granienbur;;. F- I 25X1A ter. r::crrt, The esti:jatod distance is erroneous Accordin to an ordranc - ;cap the d7 stance between the road and the railroad line is about 550 rioters. 6ince the first searchlight is just beside the radio station, at the railroad line.. the z. ini_mm distance would be about 130 meters. 7Lh.is a'_rces with the distance estixiated in arossen- 25X1 P..; Duor_.ersta his is probably the same flirPht security installation 25X1A as was previously seen at the :iro.;senhain airfield. There are seven searchlights about 125 rsetr rs apart and in the extension of the runway. A radio station with a mast about 8 meters hi,-;h is near the last .searchlight. There is probably another radio station in the extension of the runway and about 3 , from the first stations ` :.irxilar installations probably exist at the airfields of inour, Alt-.boennewitz, and Lt-:erz 25X1 C ONi+ IDEVTIAL 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/08/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006500720002-6