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Publication Date: 
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CL ,SSnCAoIool c ,.....{. - Approved F6CR-6sdF LWjCF-Q 2-00457 'Q INFORMATION REPORT rL.ACZ ACQU IRED 25X1 DATE CF INS 0. ,-a ca o/china 2 31 L"fCUL?1HT .OPlTAit10 IWPOCiY3AT10P! AFP4CTl8lI TG{Q HATIONALDRITHSD Gat U:UTF D atTlE8 W)THI?A T94Q CIQAf *N9 OP THE ESPIONAGE ACT 6D L R f.., I AVV 92. AS AkiQCiDEPt. ITs TDAM0r31G81OP1 OR THE 82VQLATI018 CF 4'7?. WNV28779r3 AMY NArMrD,: TO AN UWAUTYcOPIXaD PQf2ON 13 PRO. fi'42 TC:8 1'f IJ.D, C,PEODUCYEOU OP TUID FORM 15 P001119riRD. 25X1 CLAS'1IFICATION 3 atsRB DISTRIBUTION The arrest of the rioters. A guarantee by the JGacao Government that there will be no repetition of the incident. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 5~'.' TE P ARI,IN CONFIDE N Hlf~iHli)~-- in QrCjaTCQ Mth the rector of October 1978 froip t?o Central Ifte:t1 Archivi oa st of the United J nce to the stag.3. Next R", ~ rove1 V&ReO a 2003/08/111: CIA-RDP82-0 Chinese Comnuraist 1~eaotion to Aati-Communist Demonstrations in .aoao DATE DISTR.. 18 DEC 50 NO. OF PAGES 1 2 NO. OF ENCLS. RUSTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION On 11 October 1950 both Or. K'O Lin ana C11UEN :man received instructions from the Chinese Comuiunistt government concerning the incidents in hacao an 1 Ocstober*, The instrua:tions took the line that m.acao had insulted the Chinese Communist flag, and directed that the following five demands be presented to the ..aceo Government. . A clear expression of the "Macao Government"s attitude toward the incident. c.. A guarantee to prrtect the security and property of overseas Chinese in i aoao. 0. Indemnity for dasAge caused by the riot. On 14 October CH'EN An began negotiations with the a:aoao Government. On 16 October 00 Lin a.ii CHIN Lan called a secret meting of their staffs. At lkf t .e meeting, whic:: was hold on the second floor of the hair Chung Hang two r;solotions were passed: . To take firm st(; s in revenge against the Kuomintang (KI1T) leaders in Lucao, in particular the AiationaT'ist Special Commissioner for Foreign Affairs and. LI p ng_shih**, secretary of the ;~,acao bran..h of the L&T. b. To compromise u aiyh the >+.acao Government.*** iriolueril" id not indicate that it had reached the tf a riot. A fuller account of the 1 October celebrations, indicated that tLey were carried out without serious into rfe re-act . Document No. No Change in Cass. Declass"fied lass, Chin o: Ruth.: D 25X1 ------------ 25X1 G G`~ Approved For Release 2003/08/11: CIA-RDP82-00457R006400720003-3 CENTRAL I.N'TEL] IGENCE AGENCY Comment. His name appeared in the Chinese Communist Djaulcllsl or l.acao, which listed Kilt? Too-fan as Nationalist Special Commissioner in :cacao; overrusent probably indicates that the incident is finished. Approved For Release 2003/08/11: CIA-RDP82-00457R006400720003-3 1Conunent. The final decision to compromise with the Macao 25X1 25X1