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April 5, 2000
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Publication Date: 
November 13, 1950
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R006300060003-7.pdf113.94 KB
Approved For 'MA&A-RDP82-00457R006300060003-7 /. (~ 25X1A ~ CI.ASSIFICAT 1ON COIti'TlOL - tT. `'. ')FF ICIAT i7=?`I.Y CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Germany (Russian Zone) DATE DISTR. 13 TIov. 1950 SUBJECT 1. Foreign v1inistry Views on International Situation NO. OF PAGES 1 25X1A 2. Cabinet Reorganization PLACE ACQUIRE DATE OF SOURCE in the 41inistry of the Interior. 25X1A 25X1X NO. OF ENCLS CUSTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 1. Foreign Minister Georg Dertinger and an unnamed member of the SED who is an official of the East German Embassy in Uarsaw have independently expressed the opinion that the Soviet Union will probably resign from the United Rations organization, since it is consistently outvoted on all significant issues. 2. Dr. G rhard Reintanz, chief of the legal division of the Foreign t inistry,, recently stated privately that the present crisis will not lead to a general Saar, and that the USSR will not intervene directly in Korea. A similar opinion was expressed by rather Josef Plojhar, the Czechonlova?simixinister of Health, during his recent visit to Berlin. 3. An anonymous lead article in tdeue &It on 29 October, attemrtin> to ingratiate the East German government with the French, was 'rritten by De tine er. He in- tends to write a series of such articles, which 411 be published in a= Z_qjj on coming Sundays (not necessarily every Sunday). On the occasion of assigning to a colleague the task of writing an article on the Prague conference for 3 r t, which was to be directed especially at hest. Gem n youth, Dertinger explained that the Soviet Control Commission had ordered rxire restraint in pro- paganda against the 'Zest, and a ded that such words as "puppets" and "war crlmi.- nale" should be avoided. He said a "much more moderate tone" should be adopted? 4. At a recent meeting of the Ct3U Executive Committee, Otto Tluachtca expressed dioap- pointrYent at the fact that the t?IDP is to get the same number of poets as the CDU in the now list of cabinet r:inisters which is scheduled to be announced on 15 November 1950. However, Hans-Paul Gantor-Giiratis (CDU) is to be IAinister of Trade and Supply. 5. In the course of the reorganisation, a functionary of the J GB will become to be set up :sinister of bor. A State Secretariat for Church Affairs Is CONFIDENTIAL CLASSIFICATION DISTRIBUTION T=]-- ---t-1 ,App Ec~p Iease 2000/05/18 : CIA-R !rector of Centr^! Intelf Bence to the tester of 16 October 1673 from the ff&by--[ CONFIDENTIAL in accordance w!th the