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CLASSIFICATION T/Ce=1, - U.S. CNLY Approved ForReleaseNRIMMTattIKVE-Writtp06200771ktiVa- NO. IINFORMATION REPORT CD NO. 25X1A COUNTRY Poland/Go rmany Gretts4plaMilhAtovalala DATE DISTR, 22 NOV SO SUBJECT Water Traffic on the Oder River NO. OF PAGES 3 A 10 ts'lk PE ACE /31.)QUIRED DATE OF INFO, 25X1A 25X1A NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 25X1X 1. Water traffic on the Oder River is limited to vessels owned by the Soviet- German Navigation Company, a Soviet stock company, and to Czech and Polish shipaing. Barge traffic extends from Szczecin (Stettin) at the mouth of the Oder upstream as far as Kozle. Beyond Kozle the river becomes too shallow to carry barges, although there apparently exists a joint Czech-Polish plan to connect the Oder by canal with the Danube. The Oder transportation system serves Upper Silesia by means of the Gliwice Canal, formerly called the Adolf Hitler Canal, whose Oder aerminus is Kozle. At Ratzdorf (053/V30) traffic from the Veisse River enters the Oder; at Ftrstenberg the Spree Canal fram Berlin enters the Oder, and at Hohensaaten the Hohenzollern Canal from Berlin flown into the river. The Gliwice Canal has not yet been restored to use. 2. From Kozle to Wroclaw (Breslau), a distance of 162 km., the Oder is very narrcw. and shallow. Sufficient depth on this stretch is maintained by means of a large reservoir located northeast of Kozle and by a series of 22 locks, each of which is long enough to accommodate one tug and a tau of three barges. Because there is very little current, barges are towed downstream as far as 'areclau. The trip in either direction requires from too and one-third to three days. The trip from aroclau to Cryan?, a distance of 460 km., is made by current-propelled barges in six or seven days. Tugs tow the barges back upstream to aroclaw in ten to twelve days. A tow contains from three to nine barges depending on the size and load of the barges and the power of the tug. Barges are towed 20 kn. from Gryfino to Szczecin because of the lack of current in this stretch of the river. 3. The administrative offices of the Polish Oder Navigation Company are located at Ulica Eleczkowska 40/50 in Jroclawa The company has a branch office in Szczecin as well as small offices in Nazi?, nalczyeo (P52/C12)? Nowa Sol (052/240), Krosno (053/t700) and Gryfino (054/053). There are customs inepec- tion stations at Krosno and Gryfino and docnment inspection s.,ationc at a small village at the mouth of the Neisce aver and at Gryfino. The crews of the barges and tugs are not permitted to go ashore at any point between CONF/DENTL CLA SIFI ATI N SEC T carrna, - u.s o STATE 1 t* ?ARMY NAVY Y NSRB DISTRIBUTION I '7 I "t? 4 AIR q , . - \ X -- Mt to . . a_ ? CONFiEr..::??T:AL acoordan with the ;etter of 13 October 197 from the .Director of Central intelii once to the Archivist of the United States. Next Revicw Date: 2008 Approved For Release 2000/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-004 Document No,' . o hange It Class. DecIat'sified s."Changed Tc: TS S Aut 1.: AULiU2 Date: Approved For Release 2000/05/16: CIA-RDP82-00457R006200770012-0 eT/CONTROL - U.S. OFF.I ,e-ena CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCr -2- 25X1A Krosno and Gryfino. Border controls are strictly enforced in order to prevent illegal border crossings. No Polish barges are allowed to enter the Soviet Zone of Germany. At one time barge and tug crews contained many Silesian Germane. Theme have since been replaced by Poles, and at present only Polish nationals are employed by the company. There are approrianately 1200 Polish barges on the Oder, almost all taken as reparations from the Germans at the end of World War II. About 500 barges are either being repaired or in need of repairs at the present time. Repair yards for barges and tugs are located in 'Cozies. Wroclaw and Szczecin. In addition, there are 19 yards along the Oder at which new vessels are built. These include three yards in 'Cozies, three in Szczecin, four in aroclaw and one each in Malnia, Rogi (P51/726)0 Dobrzen (D8bern)0 Opole, Brzeg, Katowice, Ualezeee, Glogaw, and Nowa Sol. The barges have a capacity of from 100 to 900 tons. Two men are assigned to barges of from 100 to 300 tons, throe to barges of from 300 to 600 tons and four to the largest barges. Barges are eonsecutivelynembered from 100 to 1300 and are identified by the number and either the nerds tiOdra-Kozle? or the letter 112111 (for Zegluga - navigation) painted in white on a red background on each side near the bow. About 62 tugs handle the Oder barge traffic. Of these, 30 are attached to the port of Kozles 22 are based in /reel= and 10 in Szczecin. The first group, which circulates between Kozle and Jroclaw., consists of tugs of from 150 to 300 hp. and manned by about seven mon. The tugs based in -,Iroclaw are more powerful. The tugs in both ports are either of German origin or were bought after ':Jorld Jar II from the Netherlands. Those based in Szczecin aro of from 100 to 250 h.p. and have a five man crew. The following ex-Gorman tugs are based in Jroclaw: Name Hors2222a Craw DOLKO I 750 12 SLASK 1050 14 KOPURNIK 750 , 12 GRUNWALD 500 12 KORDECKI 500 10 WALBRZYCH 400 10 SIKORSKI 350 10 KRASIUSKI 450 10 NANKIER 350 10 6. In addition to the vessels of the Polish Oder Navigation Company, there are about 60 Polish barges of from 100 to 350 tons capacity attached to the port of Szczecin which carry gravel dredged from the river bed near Bielinek for use in reconstructing Szczecin. These barges are toted by Szczecin citiy-tugs and are marked with the words nOdra-Szczecin' in white letters on a red tiaolo- ground- ?. Czechoslovakia has on the Oder about /CO barges of 350-900 tons capacity and 21 taps of 200 to 750 h,p. Ten tugs are based in Kozle? six in 7froclau and five in Szczecin. The Czech barges and tugs belong to the Czechoslovakian Oder Navigation Company (CSPO)s, and can be distinguished from the Polish - veosols by the letters COM and a four digit number in the case of barges, or the vessels name in the case of tugs, painted in black letters on a white backgeound. Tug stacke are painted with a red stripe and one blue star. The Czechs no longer employ Germans in the crews of their vessels on the Odor, although they are known to do so on the Elbe River fleet. There is close collaboration between the Poles and Czechsvand the vessels of both countries form a common pool. CONF iENTIAL SE T/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2000/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006200770012-0 Approved For Release 2000/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006200770012-0 k_TLA T/CONTROL - OF LPAlkopAIIcmizrONGINIPILL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ?3. 1? 25X1A 3'. Cargos of Polish and Czech barges consist largely of coal and coke trans- ported by rail from the mines of Upper Silesia to Kozle and shipped to Szczecin for use in that city's factories or for export. On the upetream trips barges are loaded with lion ore shipped from Sweden and destined for the foundries and smelters in ntowice, Czechoslovakia. 9. A Soviet corporations, the Oder Navigation A.G.s, also operates a fleet of barges on the Odor. Barges from Berlin carry imports and exports of the DDR via the Uohenzollern Canal to Szczecin* coal and coke from Poland is shipped to Berlin from Kozle via the Oder-Spree Canal.. On the southern route the Soviet corporation operates about 800 barges of from 200 to 750 tons capacity and about 75 tugs of from 120 to 800 ii ..p The main border control point for this route is at FIrstenberg. In Poland Soviet vessels are subject to customs inspection at Krosno and document inspection near natzdorf. The Soviet-owned barges are manned entirely by-Cerman crews. The barges are identified by a yellow triangle on tfhich is printed in black a number and letters of the Cyrillic alphabet., Soviet tugs are identified by the name in Russian painted in black on a red background. On the stack is a red stripe. SEOMIT/CriNT?OL - U.S. orrIcIlLs ONLY Approved For Release 2000/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006200770012-0