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Publication Date: 
December 20, 1950
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25X1A Approved For Releq_-1/ q 6IG41 ADEW00457RCOGOM FO R W1 T 10 REPORT CG N0. COUNTRY Garma: (Russian Zone) K;IB QTY InIIP. IATION DATE DISTR. '20 ;v-L 50 PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. Zeiss-Jena: "iiscellaneous information on Organizations Research, and personnels 25X1A 25X1X NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENOLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 1W Fischer is the chief of the Eastern Department (Cstabteilung) of Zeiss- Jena, This department is the one-which is often referred to as the "Ruesenabteilung00d Fischer was formerly Zeiss representative in Russia, is over 70 years of age but has great vitality. He conducts all negoti- ations with the Russians, although he is neither a technician nor a scientist, but merely has commercial experience, 2, Zeiss is interested in research in the field of image tubes (Bildwandler), especially as this approach is useful in the-Infrared and x-ray field,, but he added that they are unable to make any progress as long as the socialized radio industry is unable to supply high-quality tubas. 3~ Effective 1 January-1951, the VVB Nechanik (the organization dontrolling the socialized photos cinema,`and office-machine industry), located in Dkesden Tiergartenstr., is to be reorganized and broken up. Those firms now belonging to the VVB Mechanik which are-coneerned with optics and precision mechanics are-to be transferred to the V W3 Cptik, located in Jena,, Dipl. ing.. Bischoff, of Zeiss-Jena, is to take over the supervision of the camera industry within the framework of the V13-0,ptik. Ukder this arrangement a plan is being considered whereby the pilist models of cameras gill be built at Zeiss-Jena;, while the actual prAductiin, including that of the necessary machine tools, will be carried on .n other factories of the V7B Optik. 4~ Concernin ; the Zeiss specialists in Rv.ssia, it was stated that they eak l_rl be *1ivided into distinct groups: the surveying 3nsl;ru sent group; the bombsight group; and the reproduction group. The most Important specialist in the surveying-instrument group, for example, (further unidentified) reportedly had been in the Zeiss works in Heidenhein (Weotern Germany), and to have returned to the Russian Zone because he was not satisfied with his work. The groups now in Russia are working in fielis in which work has either not been resumed since the war at Jena or at least not in any sig- nlficant degree., permit. 5. The corresponding groups in ileidenhoi which specialize in bombsights and surveying instruments are said to be preparing to move to Spain, although one of these scientists, Kueppenbender, was refused en exit ATE STATE as EARIiEY ~ ~ CoNFIDF~DiTI CLASSIFICATION Document Ito. ~ Do - ~r e ed TeleTe2i No Change 11 161086 ^ ^ De?laseiAed A-RDP82-00457R006200340005-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/0 82-gt006200340005-5 Dull r GEFUTRAL INTBILIGMME AGENCY 6. Winzenburg, who has been in charge of ^oastru-stion Of the Contax camera at Zeiss-Ikon, is said to have proved a failure there. However, in view of his excellent reputation in the field of military optical instruments it is expected that he will devote more time to the latter field after the reorxzan_.zntion of VV' Optik and VVB MechanIk takes place. 7 A. scientist who recently retw-ned from the USPR for a few days'leave to Dresden ii.entioned that he had news of Prof,, Frieserd* Frieser, according to this scientist, is working on an island in a large lake with some of his former colleagues with who-Ai he had been c- uployed in Zinnowitz. He also said that the widows of same of the Zeiss specialists in the US3!t had requested perniasion to return to Germany, but had been refused., 25X1 A * _Corment: Prof, Friesen Li a specialist in the microdot field 99N TD7 TIA i Approved For Release 2001/03/05: CIA-RDP82-00457R006200340005-5