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Publication Date: 
October 24, 1950
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Position of Carlos Ibanez del Campo INTELLOFAT 2t 4-d,~ t+a~ t a :~~ r ,""` BFI NATION 20 01 vil8 : CI - 82-004 60 0 T CD O.. CONFIDENTIAL ~,";OUIVTRY Chile PLACE ACQUIRED s)Ai E O FO, 25X1A Ibanez dc}l Canpo has reportedly stated that his dissatisfaction with the px-eeent government stems from its lenient i:othods of dealing with Cor-a--, tst.- inspired strikes and other labor disturbances., lie is also critl_eal of, the tolerant attitude shown by the ~ vernnent when dealing with f: eeuent eases of embezzlement of funds and vrtrious financial scandals in government institutions. tie further stated that if he should come to power again, he would maintain a strong stand against Conrcunisn and a now era of financial morality by governs r Font officials 4 25X1 A Comnon . In spite of Ibanez del Campo's p3odge to maintain a strong anti-Corsriunist stand if he were President of Ch i.le g it is of interest to note that in t ho pact he has been willing to make political pacts with Cora unist and other leftist groups when it was to his political advantago CONFIDENTIAL CLASSIFICATION SEC, 25X1A 25X1A 24 OCT 50 NO, OF PAGES NO. OF ENCIS? LUSTED BELOW) StWPLEMENT TO 25X1 X RE ORT NO. According to recent reports, former Chilean President Carlos Ibanez del Campo's influence in the Chilean Axziy remains high but he is not believed to be sympathetic to their suggestion that he head a "caudillo" typo dictatorship to put an ~cn d to the present political and economic chaos in Chile,, 2,, It has boon ieatmed that on Ibanez del Campo held a lopff and intir>ato conversation with another high ranking retired army officer? He stressed his determination to tale no part in any illegal or revolutionary endeavor to overthrow the government in spite of his dissatisfaction with the policies of Gonzalez Videla's regir.o0 To silence rumors that he is preparing to lead a coup d'etat, Ibanez dol Ganpo reportedly stated that ho is making every effort to avoid contact with military loaders or retired *=y officr)rs and instead associates almost exclusively with political and civilian fissures ARRAY This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. Next RevI GV For Releas DISTRIBUTION