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CLASSIFICATION mlc;e, ~3N INFORMATION R . O .T CD NO. ANNrovea i-or Kelease'2t9uufw Erb- "e'tPt--KtJf` 5Z-UU40 2bX1A COUNTRY Cep ('hessian Zone) DATE DISTR. 1 OCT 50 SUBJECT' Perscnnel and Production, Zeiss, Jena NO. OF PAGES 2 25X1A NO. OF ENCIS. (LISTED BELOW) DATE OF ~~ M1 25X1 X . SUPPLEMENT TO INFO. AN REPORT NO. SOURCE 25X1X 1. Dipi. Ing. :alther Fischer is the head of the diamond die section (ZD xlbteilung) at Carl Zeiss, Jena.* Fischer is also the head of optical production at Zeissm Ile Eras a close friend of (fnu) 3ielmeyer, fo=ier head of Zeiss optical production who was removed to Russia in 1946. At that timeyFischer was 3ielmeyer's deputy. Fischer is not a member of the SED. The tiro other important officials in th,72, section, both SP,D members, are (fnu) Jeiss, production chief, and .ialther Auer, his deputy. The diamond He section employs between 100 and 2n0 people and is not subject to any extraordinary security measures. 2. Jchnert r,fnu), an assistant for the past four years to E. Fiscszar, '.lead of the foreign trade section at Carl Zeiss, Jena, Tra transferred several months ago to the Carl T eiss branch in Gottingen, where he is at pre sent technical ccismercial director, Jehnort is anti-Soviet. 3. Blagin, a civilian, is the Soviet delivery officer at Zeiss., for the A-1 air training device. The first tyro completed units of this device acre delivered to the :ussians during, the first rrvelc of August 1950. TL?renty more units are supposed to be delivered by Zc ss before the end of 1950. The German designers of the .1-1 training device are 'Ir. llil gars and Bipl. Ing. Pochoi, both of -coin are said to reside in ..cot Berlin. "hey are not employed by Zeiss but visit the firm occasionally. .. Jenaphorr.;,a Carl uoiss pharmaceutical affiliate in Jena, under the direction of lla' L:_ Xnoell, now employes 060 persons and expects to expand its personnel to 1030 by the year's end. Streptomycin is one of the drugs being produced by Jenap1. a ia. 7oitsch (fnu) is also an it:aportant of'icial in Jenapharm. `: 2 is ^ the -'i.r~.n f 7 , tr 5. .tto Sc:ii...Pc.c ctor for cu~,turn ..1 et' ~?ties qt Zeiss, Sc?^iec]L was Lanc?rat in Arnstadt I-efore he ca .e to Z,~;ics. Pipi. Ing. Erich Wolfram is the director of the central planning; office at Zeiss. Personnel director is. Hans Schneider.** Dr. Rudolph Joust is rersonnel chief for VVB and has his office at Zeiss. CLASSIFICATION HSRB This document Is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the 'letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. ftPVd '" Et lVhse 2000/0 81 P~~CJk+9F"W61 Approved For Release R~ 2000TT/0~'TT CIA-f! !Y 0LIIJ 1LL 11i LLLICDIJCL 5d. UC 001-3 25X1A 6. The planetarium, publicized as a gift from the DDIR to Joseph on the latter's birthday last fall, was finally delivered to the Russians by Zeiss during the last reek of July 1950. 7. The following Zeiss specialists mre renaved to 1 ssia in 1946: `.'1ilhelm Hess, construction chief of the dovelo rent office for tools and machines,who writes his family in Jena from Kiev. (Erna) Linnemann, group leader in the develornent office for tools and machines, is also in Kiev;, (fnu) r'ittor, instrument constructor, Karl I'3esling, constructor of testing equipment. (fnu) Ochnerr, chief mechanic for fine measuring in: tr nts. Dr. (fnu) Kuehn, head of the crystal laboratory, uho ,c family is in Leningrad. (fnu) Kurtixi, specialist in bomb release equi.:mont. (fnu) Pultz, head of the construction office for rare finders. (fnu) Dielmeyer, head of optical production at Zeiss. Oskar Focke, group leader in the construction office for range finders, who writes from Leningrad. .+aither Della Della, ,nntructor of obieatzvnF: ,, u., Alber, a technical cormercial employee for geometrical equipment at Zeiss, Jena, and (fnu) Kemnitz, tcchnice"!_ commnercial employee for fine measuring instruments, were arr?^tcd about 1 August 1950. Kemnitz was later released. 25X1A omczent: ialthor Tischer is not to Ur confused with B. pischor, head of the foreign trade section at Jena. a=nt: llama Schneider has recently deviated from the party line and has been o-Mred to undergo further party indoctrination courses. 25X1X COI T CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006000320001-3