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Publication Date: 
October 18, 1950
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Approved For Rel,46td gOOOIOW14-` IA~IREW82-0045,7 SUBJECT United States Aid to Thail.*nd PLACE 25X' QUIRED DATE OF INFO., 25 25X1X .SOURCE NO, OF P GE NO. OF ENDS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. The Thai rsr.-,ty- ',rill receive military aid from the United States in the form of weapons for rtoc'hE ni zed units. an;cs, and anti -aircr?1t guns. 1 ra_d.na ?, r props rm. for the !r will be or nixed later. The presenv strength of five Army divisions, consisting of three battalions each., will be increased to +"ive battalions each, In addition; a supply or arms -dfl be kept In reserve for arty er,e-,.- eency which might, nec`:ssita.Ee .J.l?n.p reserves to active duty. 2. The Navy base at Songkhla will be furnshad. additional egni.prtont aid will be made into a base larger than the Navy base at "ettahip? Sattahip will be used only as a stibmar _ne base, with accoimodat,ions 'or smaller vessels. Since it is in- nor sil:le to send the four sub- r rir. s which have been inoperable to 'ao1; ro for repair, it is expected'. that steps will be taken to negc iato with the United States to have there repaired in the Phil1ppir~es . Aid will also be r iv an to the Navy . n the form of ships to be used in coa,~te .patrols. The Navy Air - Force will also be expanded. 3. The Thai Air Faros will receive up-to--crate equipment, for netoc'ologicti.l sure rs for use in military and civil aviation. The Air Force e s bases at. Prachuap T[irikhan and Lampant.* will be expanded to enable those bases to carry on effective roconnaissance. Only t~iree planes are currently based at Prachuap Kirik'ha.n and Lampang, ~A"GIlmoot ?. ---~ ---------------- na Changa In ; ,~,' ~ Declassifk. L class. Changed T u: I S S C ate.: HR 70.2 AUG Cy. .....-178 ------ .STA E tva ~t NSRE3 -.~.~ X15 RlGI-TlCiCa --- _`~_."_ - _ _ - _f~~_._..._.._i._ 00,02 L~ ': 18 Oct 50 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006000220008-7