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Approved For Relewt-'04i~J/Q E]IA1~-1E1 Q0457R 0560009-1 CLASSIFICATION 39 COUNTRY Soviet ::one of Germany REPORT NO. 25X1 TOPIC Soviet Rail Movomorits in the Soviet Zone of Germany 25X1 EVALUATION fl(except as noted) PLACE oBTAINED_._.__~_._.._..r_ =____._......_._...,-.....: 25X.1 DATE OF CONTENT see be;lova4a -- 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 I 25X1 3 September 190 I DATE 0f3TA.INED LATE PREPARED REFERENCES. 25X1 PAGES..._ ENCLOSURES REMARKS.. 1G A train of 47 flatcars and 17 boxcars, loaded .with unidentified cargo, was en route from Schwerin to Altengrabow on 4 y . ,; , e SUC-W-aff-the consignee. 2m No military shipments were observed in the Schwerin Railroad District between 27 July and 4 August 1950, 3, A train of more than 50 boxcars and flatcars, carrying about 150 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets, fifteen guns and. twenty-four trucks, was seen on 25 July 1950, The train came from the direction of Schwerin and was headed toward Ludwigslust, were seen in Frankfurt/Oder between 1 and 8 August 19500 la., A train of 20 boxcars and an undetermined number of flatcars carrying foul guns of about 35 rte, caliber with split-trail gun carriages, and ten trucks, passed through Rathenow on 26 July 1950, The train came from the direction of 7ustermark and was headed toward Stendal, (1) 5, A shipment of 5 new trucks, coming from ?rest Litovsk, passed through Frankfurt/Oder on 29 July 1950. A shipment of 43 new trucks, coring from Brost Litovek, passed through Frankfurt/Oder on 30 July 1950, (2) G, A train of 25 coaches , occupied by 1,200 soldiers wearing red bordered black epaulets and tank and artillery insignia, was unloaded in Frank- furt/Oder on 30 July 1950. The train came from the direction of Cott- bus? (3) 7. A train of 18 boxcars loaded with ammunition, coming from Prest Litovsk' passed through Frankfurt/3deer on 31 July 1950. No military shipments 25X1 Document fifla -'a_ 4 -----_._ CONFIDENTIAL This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October .1978 from the Director of Central !r~dto~~~ Archivist of the Unite to es. Next Review Date: 2008 lease 2003/08/11: CIA-RDP82-00457R005900560009-1 25, 1 Approved For Release 2003/08/11: CIA-RDP82-00457R005900560009-1 25X1 25X1 B. No aiilitaary shipments crossed the border near Fr ans.:aurt/Oder bet uoen 30 July and 5 A.u dust 1950. Tho two daily leave trains l.xet~aeen Frankfurt/Oder and 1.1rest Litovsk were occu,?ied to about sixty percent of capacity. (b) 94 Shuttle-train I com..osed of 4 I,oxcars, 16 flatcars and one gondola car, totaling 76 axles and 301 tons, .rent from " urzen to hers.valde on 33 July 19504 It was an empty shuttle-train for trans- portation of troops, 104 1, train of 2 boxcars, 7 flatcars., 9 gondoli cars. 3 tank cars and one coach, totaling 56 axles and 762 tons, 25X1 I Fcars en route from '? ttonber? to Jueterbog on t u;ust 1950, carrying; troops , 114 Shuttle-train I Icoq losed of 4 boxcars, '7 erroty and 16 loaded flatcars, and one coat , totaling 122 axles and 637 tons, ran from atzkorn to Lieborose on 6 August 1950, carrying troops, (5) 12 G Shuttle-train II composed of 4 boxcars, 22 flatcars and one I coach, totaling ].1? axles and. 466 tons, .vont from Lieherose to 8atzkorn on 7 ku _;ust 19504 It vaas an empty shuttle-train for trans.)orta.tion of troops, A train o flatcars and one coach, totaling 58 axles and b60 tons, I I was on route from ,,ha,-en- laus-- dorf to A angr a bo+a on ' u' us ' ` ~.. s Carrying troops 25X1 14. 5huttlc-train 0 co:lposed of 24 flatcars and one coach, totaling 106 axles and 451 tons, ran from Ho ppo ;arten to :Wue nsdorf on 8 August 1950, It aaa.s an 3:i?ty shuttle-train, 154 A train of 44 boxcars, 9 1a ?cars 1, :zondola cars and one coach, totaling 120 axles an; 1,237 tons, opci.t fro: "Tuensdorf 25X1 to lill.ersleboa on 9 A u;~xlst ).950,, carrying troops, 164 %a- ilroad telex raris of b auzu: t 1950 ordered the assembly of the following railroad cars on 7 and 0 --u gust 1950: 'lace and Date 3 boxcars, 0 flatcars Trobbin 6 a.m4 7 'ugust 1950 Juetorbo ?Lltes La ger 'j zLun-ust 1950 7 h-u 1950 )I hma-'ars. 10 flat Ktu.m orsrl.orf 6 a4ra4 8 lu-ust 1950 174 A railroad ts1e. rar i of 2 "Ir-Ust 1950 inquired about a railroad car loaded with gasoline, dr ms, dispatched from Velten to Linden 18 o the f'ollo;rin; railroad. cars be assanbbled on 7 and 5 ,1u;; ct 1950-. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/11: CIA-RDP82-00457R005900560009-1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 was at the Eherswalde railroad station on 12 August 1950. The engine was headed toward Berlin. (10) and (11) 25X1 25X1 s 3 Approved For Release 2003/08/11: CIA-RDP82-00457R005900560009-1 10 boxcars 24 flatcars Dallgow-Doe}aeritz 6 adra4 7 August 1950 Neuruppin 1 -1 7 August 1950 3 boxcars, 8 flatcars Trebbin 7 August 1950 Rehagen 7 August 1950 Juetorbog Altes Lager 7 August 1950 Brandenburg/Alt 7 Auzust 1950 Zinna 7 August 1950 boxcars, 1h flatcars '7ildpark 7 'august 1950 Neuruppin 6 a0rn. 8 Au,- ,,us t 1950 t boxcars, 10 flatcars l3uetzow 8 August 1950 Kumnersiorf 8 August 1950 Frankfurt/Oder 8 l1uf;ust 1950 Jild.park 8 August 1950 Railroad cars were to be used only for short hauls. After loading, the shipments were to be dispatched to receiving stations., according to orders of the dispatching units. (7) 19G From 80 to 100 hospital cars were assembled at the Beelita-Hoilstaetten railroad station, and 100 to 150 hospital cars at the Leipzig railroad station on 2 August 19500 (8) 20. Six T-34 tanks were unloaded at the Frankfurt/Oder railroad station on 5 August 1.950. They went to the Duelow Kaserne. 25X1 25X1 25X1 21. A train without an engine was at the Lborswalde railroad station, on the track leading toward Angormuende on 11 "u lust. 19504 Four All gm-is of about 80 mm caliber,, and 9 trucks, 25X1 trains 9 were seen to be on the 22. A train of 8 boxcars occupied by soldiers, and an undetermined number of flatcars carrying ten 75.-ran AT guns and twenty seven trucks, Approved For Release 2003/08/11: CIA-RDP82-00457R005900560009-1 Approved For Release 0 / FINILR005900560009-1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 C olmants (1) The some train may have been seen on 27 July 19501 vho stated that it as allegedly bound for ?'lltengrabow and also carried four &A guxis. F __j The guns on the trains :mentioned in both reports were probably 57-tuna AT ,unsa (2) Shi'ments of trucks have been r:,pportod 25X1 (3) Possibly soldiers due for demo bilization or personnel returning from the Ljeboroco maneuver area of the 7th s Mocz Div to they r li'r- ?-Purt/ Oder -post, (4) The information is vague,, Probably two sots of two 1 ave trains each running be ween I+rankf ud r a d Brest Litovsk These arc 25X1 25X1 25X1 east--bound and west-bound. 25X1 25X1 (5) the low weight 25X1 25X1 25X1 (6) (7) indicates that the train probably carried only motor vehicles? ti>irtilar shipments between Satzkorn and T..-' eberoce were also reported in late Lay and early June 19r,O I 25X1 25X1 (9) 1 (8) The nuaaber of hospital cars at both railroad stations is coasidered un- usually high, since a hos_)ital train averages only 10 or 12 hospital cars. (10) The train carried an element o MoeZ Army (11) 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 F 25X1 the unidentified ANA Div of the Fourth Ods ~o~F~oENTrA~ 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/11: CIA-RDP82-00457R005900560009-1