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Publication Date: 
October 4, 1950
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~~}~JE~~' Pamphlets Issued by t'r~~: Pertai Kar~cuni.s In~?.onesia (PK7) X1,AGQUiRE iDA~E ~ iNFC3. 25X1 6~:9, t7~? SAGES ~ N~. Qi= E~N~LS'~ (LISTED DEL.ONI) S~lPi~~.EP~iE~Ui' T~ REPOF'T i~0. # Doe~xmente.r~t 7~ilS iS U~4E~lALUA7ED INFOR~lA~'i01~ 25X1 1, STATE NAYY _ _N_SRB AR9'AY ~, i A3RF.~j~_ ,__I_FBt_ W ._-COlNFIDEI~l~1 `l~~e fc+llowinp nemphle#s have been issued b~ the Partai Komnxnis Indanes~a ~P~IJ s An,aranl~.sar RUmah?Ta.~.i~.. 't'his booklet contains the Articles of Association of the PKT as passed bar the PKT Confess oi' 11-13 Januaarsr 19.7 at Solo. Qn the Io,st t~a~e are the f'allawi.n#~ 4,hree stat?~ments ~ Lenin: s.. rl ~Tl $,he Strtt~`S!_Le f'ar riawsr the prolets.ri s,ns have no other weapon than or~ani~e.tian,'. b. "The part;~yis thA Farm joining th.e labor pioraeerg w ~..s.bax~~ ng C:~.~s9 3;3d LF~'la1.P. ~ P9 ith the c. PPThe ~,art~ is ~Fhe supr~*me .carte of the laboring class." 25X1 25X I'e~?ta~,~ (Pew Type ~'arty~ ~ , Tn the P~^ef acre, dated 23 June 195?, it is ststPd t3~nt ~.~e PKT mus~i-. be freed Pram socialist, soci?a1 democratic, o~rportunistg ~.nd reformist. e2emEnts, as well as fs~o~n ~"rotskyites sncd snsre:h5.sts~ "~csnest~ ~ssrne,~t, Qnd s3~cere of ~'osts must be made in our ideological struggle accoa~d- ing to principles s.x~d w~a tIlout clemr~ncq. ~.'ha~, is to say we strtacgle not as a clie~ue nor as a :'aCtioil which -is absoltately* ura~rir~cipled.r' Chi pe.g;~ 6 it 3s stated that the Communist P:a.rt~r izay be likened to ?~. labox? move? r~ex?t rslus t'?zrx~9 sr! . C7r-e pages i and 8 ther^ is the following stfitement: R9Oz?ge.nization a.n the words of S~enin ;~hauld cave~c the entire ca1~~:try, and a clivi.sian of labor is ir~staz led to particular eases. ~?tzrther, such an orpatzizatian should be so compact anti aral~.d that 3.t can rem?~ ~ )y o*~er?~.t7.n~ under s,ll circusastances ~ indeed spa strong as "fneing ever i.n a, pasii:ir..n to cope with an enema of far greeter" Z~Y~asc~ who fai? ~.o recogri~c th? ivtborta.nt points descri}red in the pamphlet s.s?e >zdvised to lestre the PK:~. ~alas~_i?asu_ F~.~,] Re1ilIn~one~ia ~P?ew ~fa.~ f'or the Ropublia of Indonesia)o 7?his i.s a ~?ssolutaan af' tl~e PFCI Pa].itbtaro submitted to -the Fifth PI~I Con~~r?ss ort ?'~?~.2`7 August 1g1~~, tlurin~ the tune of the tra.diun revolt. The ?~r~ael~at'!c~m This docWment 1s hereby regraded to IetUte F1of N 81AL in accordance with the October 1978 from the pirector of Oentral Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States, Next Review4p~cav,~BFor Release ~LASSIFlCATiC3N_ CoNFI _ ~R'fiIA 25X1 25X1 CF1`rTP.l~~; Ti`T7'F~I,ICx~?,"?"E AGETICX was n?~;ssed by the Congre;~s. It, gave an explanat:~on for ~1uso's failure and also accozmted for blt;nders made by the party. N'ow c;uoY~i.n~? in part from the booklet: "In 1935, the PKx w?a.s set up subversively s.nd illegallg. During the occunati_on this ~~ndergrounci PKT struggl~;d ag:~~inst Japanese Fascism. ~e committed. by the yKI ~~a.s i-ha~ it, Failed to untlerstancl t3^e no13t3ca1 changes as a consequence of the proclamation off' ~i.ndepenr9.ence on 17 Augnst 1945 p As a mattr~r of fact, the PKI had to emerge ] at that timQ ~.n the midst of society. T't~erefore, as the ille~'ality of tl~e PKI proper w~zs preserved, a false PKI (ipe. the PKT of T"ohammed Jusua~ ara~t ~~xprapto, which r. evolted in Parch 194 in^.hsx?i?aon) and a Trotskyist Fartai Hurrah Indonesia were set up by adventurers . As the consequence of the outbursts o:c t'~~r ~~, s~ F'KT and the P~3I, i~;ranediate steps wens taken to set up the true and. prover PKIe Some of the true and proper Pill cvr~:t~aa~s aG., ap t:~e ~'s:,rt~s.j.:::9s:fa3Miis ~r~,.~..,~a,~i ~, which later committed a blunder by ftan3n~; with the Partai Rak~at '~casialis (S:ic) ref Sut~n c~a.hri.r anrx ~~, f c'f~ {:acre ?^~.r?~, +o the Parta.~. ~os3alis. S?jahrir wFS thus ga.ven the anncsx?tunity of carz~~ ing out his refox?mist policy, by means of enslaving the Partai s~Jo~ialis . s . s c A ;yet of thxe~? labor movements (the ].eC;al. PKIy the PBI and the Partai "Aosialis) together set up the Fropt ~ffiokrat Rnkjat.,," From the vest of the pamphlet it is u~xderstood that the PKI of Arg~a,di;~an Harc~~osv~aroto is a revolutionaag Communist party ~rh? ch is even revolting against the Republic of :Cndonesia as a means of bee~in.g a sat?~e3.ite of the tTSSR, ~'3rally "talin is auotedr "The~?ef are one should. real?zr the fact t.ha+ the Indonesian Bolshevists taili soon seize the font ~^efore them, that is the fort of independent 7nr~oneFs~ a. " The above r~otQd pamphlets have recently been minted and distributed. Caries of these ~~h7.ets (~~,lay) have ~;een received bg CT,A library and ma3r be obtained an rec?uo:st. ~,OP?~"I ~?TTAI CF` 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/11 :CIA-RDP82-004578005900330004-1 25X1 ;~ -x_ - ~: Approved For Release 2003/08/11 :CIA-RDP82-004578005900330004-1 ~i~~ahkan. Oleh Kon~res ke IV pads 11:,12 dan 13 D~anua~i - _ '~ cZ Stir ~kerte= _ __._ :CIA-RDP82-004~7R005Sg _ _ - _ >:. Approved Eor Rel ~OCiNU~B~ :~C~,Ai~RD _ 900330004-1 4 KETER~NGr AZ 95, ~, M~~s ~ ar. a?cat s ckarang ~~arakat kapitalistis g ~ ~"g1., . ,~ient~a~ai tingicatan ~ JAITU MONOPOLY ItAP2TAL~ ~g bex'wu d~uc1 Einan~e kapital ~'ai~u por-~ ' ffen~;~awaan dari kapital b~nle clan IMcZu~tri, Tinglcatan kapital fang ~~~etin~gi ini tak clapat menghi- lan~t:cdf~ kokat~jauan~2 c~tentang ~~i1.1.-f;~,~ dan ekc~ni~mi Berta men,g hilangkmn L~erd~oangan lclas;mela int1an ivIENJEDERHANAttAN clan mena- _ ~. ~ amk an, 2, P elacl. j aran2 iVTarx, Eng e1s, Lenin dan Malin tolah r~engac'l~ar pada kita~b~lltr~^.s.,~keamanan clan percl.a~ ~ `rn~ian..~-~ c1un~.a ini; dapat tert~~. d' Z~ai h~.n,~a dengr~n len~al~n~a su Hunan lta~~~.talisme clengan molalui /,~ - PTtI , a~Zalah Yartai K~4ta kercl~a, ~g beY'pedoman kopada pelacl~aran2 Approved fnr~e~~~/O~~QrI :~A~P8$~O~~fR005900330004-1 Approved For Release 2003/Q~/?~'f;:'1,C~D,~~2"~Q7R005900330004-1 inenentulcan Poli~'ik ,ctal;am t,iap2 so al. diambil :~eha~ai panQ~cal perrriu~ laa.n,ke~~e~ntix~gan. ~~casta ~c~rc'i.~a, .~ ~,PKT b'ertud~uaxz rzas~~.~ra'cat s~bsi- alistis ~aitu satu susunan rna~ s~arakat dir~iana sernua. alat'2 ~~ro duksi dimili's oleh. c~i4n dipergu na?can untu'c ?~epentin~a~n Fnas,~ara?t ?;.at, . ~r~Sosialisme tida?c hiss diclorong~ kan aloh goloi~gan jg ~~edi?cit cljurimlahn~~a ?:.epadt~ galongan fang .terban~alc, Ia arlalah suatu per- gera?rcnn untu~, ?.eperltrigan I~ak~ .fat ~g terban,~ak dan ~g aYa,n'ber wucl~jud apahila. Ra~c.jat ~r~ .terba~ n~ak itu rncnghendalcin~!~, Sebaki itu, sosialisrne itu he~ul cterno kr?atia. '5~^ticljuan ~osialistis c~~.ri-pergo~- ~ an ~-- 1 crd . a han a'b isa di Approved For. ~~I~~~~~~~(~8~~'~I~F~Q~?~ ~1~4~5i71~p~900330004-1 ~? r Approved for Release 200$/0'~/1"I :CIA-RDP82-00?57R005900~330004-1 ~p;orldidikan pacla Ykasta lat~ru"r. bor s el~utu `~.~eng ~:n r:st~ j ~.t j:~np ctserilisap(tani' clan pasta" pert - ngaho_1).Or~ranisa-~i ~g semat-dam itu sangatlah pEntin.g 'unt~z~t m~~ .z~g~:lahlcan` politikn~~. golcriao~!~ ketjil ~g meng~'tsap,rlan untuk me r~, nASib bang~a oleii ~;olong azi ~~ terbaxi,jak ~g clemokratisa 4~;anisasi dan pendi.cli?~a,n bapi ~?o lengan terY~ar~~ak lzan~a m~:nglcin tercl j~3.r~i clal~,m ne~a.r. n ~;;~; rno~~cle- ' . is, ka -clan demokrat ' ~g sedang ?berkobAr2 di Indonesia ~al~.h revolusi nauio- T n~.1 ~g rnenent'ang imperial~.wmc yin ,? tC.Z'nasl~C~Ylal C2&S'_ "~{:"' 3~:ti:~a ~1ra1- . ~~f'?ct.^,,ri. revnlus:~ ;1;,._._.a~ ,,~'~.PI~I 1~erd~oM.n~; .un~u.~~ mcn.pc;rtaht~,n ~_ kan dan monegu~.kan R~.~~ubla.k In- dori~sia, so7iag?ai ~angkah n~rtamo. ,. unt;uk rnent~~.pai mas~~.raka Lnd,o ncsa ~~ sosis,li.stis, Da]_~tm pc^ d oanaannnn~~ t.. u~~.~aniia "un-- Approved Por ~Iea~~ ZDD3~'O8~'~'Ir: ~IA=I~D~82~00457R005900330004-1 Approved For Release 2003/08%~1~4 C}FFi4-RDP82=004578005900330004-1 tuk ment~apai ria',sud a~;,3n ~ekerca- d~a bersaraa-sarn~; cte?~~an; semua or ~anisesi-~; ~~! ctc>mo?cratis ctidalazn c1a,n lust neeri,, Approved For Release 2003/08/11 :CIA-RDP82-004578005900330004-1 Approved For Release 2003/b8/11 :CIA-RDP82-004578005900330004-1 $ivGGARAfd..D,/SNAR ? FART AI KGivIUNx:~ INDONESIA, (pis~~hke~.n olch ICongre~ l.c IV ps~:cln. ~1-~1.2--13-~ D,~snu~ri 147 cti Surakf~r t~~. Fs;tss.1 1. N ~livI ~ ' I) ~N T E~iP ~AT KEDUDUK.AN~~ 1~'cr eril~flta.n ini bcrnar.~~+. 1'e~rt~i r Koriuni~s ~n.dn:.zesia ~t~u deng~:n sing ,kit I-'~I{, I. clan `b crlKec~uclulc~n di tern ,prt ~'cntrr~.l'C~~mite. , ~~~~,-r1 IZ ,~~, ~S DAN, TUDJU ~, ~~: De~.g~n~ ber~.7~slcfzn Ivl~.rxi~sm'-Lc - ninisme P,It,I,bertucl~u~.n terb.en- tukn~s. rn~s~~r~.kat sosia.l.stis cli Incl~zi~si~,~fl.itu susun~zn m~' Indcn_csia,clir:l~na semu~ ~.l~t-2 pr~- elukei climilil~i clan .cli~er~un~t- Approvedfor Release 2003/08/11 :CIA-RDP82-004578005900330004-1 Approved For Release 2003/08/11'; :CIA-F~DP82R00457R005900330004-1 "t. :an`untu~: rene~ltirigaz; masjt~ra,lcat, p, K.I. berusaha men~~Apai, tu- d,juann~a den~a:n dj.alar ~~erd~aang an kl,as ~~ang re~olusianer,jaitu- perd~oanaar~ kl~=~s burin., tani ,d an ~olondan-2, fan, terhisap sert~~. - tertindas t~~r).~}acZap l,lr~s burcljuis, k} a ~t s a 1, I V~~ `. .. K~Ai~TGC~ AUT ~.~I~T~ iap~2 war~u. n-a~ ark .~ncloilesa, l~~.l..._2, ~~nret~pu,~~.n, tat: Z~andang go- Zorn ;c.n, ci:~.r1 a~~ria j,ang sudah bcr- urnur ~i3 ~tahun ~c~an, tia~~-2 per.hirn-~ r~izns.n clan rvar,~a ne.~ara In.clon~si a (;plaatsel, ,~~ , ,.tau l~t?Zd,~li jtc)?fig: . ~z~,~Menje'tucljiai, Berta S=~t}:a ~epa~- da` a~~~s d