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AYE1-ti-1- Approved F IGUNFIDENTIA .' E Ac N CY 01:7017-)T O. 25X1A 4.00457R005800 E; CD N0., OF 25Xl)X 16.'3 COMM' In ANY i.1%:BER TO APB USJflIMMI Z j rBP,SOF "t PRA` :]i'12n El? LIM., 1"r.9R11B7Sd: 0B or, "MIS !?t7:7) e0 nAi~B,'PCMM 'uS ?F;- OT Bd' " ' :; % Tim, W" 25X1X r, X 1 IRCI 'CCh -".ttemnts to Have Deli: e.tes at 'orld. "le _ ce ConF4r-zss NO. OF ENCLS. WSYED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT 1-0 REPORT NO. TI?a;S IS UNF11ALUATED INFORMATION '~1c Poll .'tic l Co t issi~~r ?D t ho Communist Party of Chile (PL'Ch is a present. attempting to arr3n7c to have Chi7een delegates attend the boccnt V es r1_d Congress of Partisans of Pe, c?e which is now scheduled to take olaco ,.en London on 1; October l95O- S nce the Chilean Colrantzrr-ist Party has no funds to cover the expenses of its delegates, the Poli- :ical Co ;r^:ission decided ha each C1.eleg t Y";Oul be . ske to pay his r vin 'transooY'tatio COst Their. 6J"$; ter expenses, it is reT)orted,, will. be covered by the orFzwilzers o,-" the Congress,, .. ""he Chilean rep rsentatives ti -ill he chosen by the Political. Corn.iss:;_crn but p blic l y their names will Esc announced as delegates of the Nati orkal., Commd ttee of the Pro-Peace, a avcrnenty, Therefore the Politioni Coenis'.ion decided that dole water should be per?soxs Yiho are not widely knc.-n as Cornnunists, `t he PCCth named Santa a:'o it guirre, Pedro .}.~obos D ia-.and Juis Vargas Ro zaa: as emissaries to approach the s .lected individuals, Those chosen to bo asked to go as dcr_}_oaates are Guiilsrao do].. Pedregal..~ P sident of the C 'o-'Peace Santiago Iabarca, Ca ml-) Lori Ler rnnoy Lily Crarafuli_c and Jose enturelli Eade. Verttu.rel:4_.ry , proviousl.-r reported to b a expecting to tr vel. to Eu one. ; obtained Chilean nassnort 2166 on 8 Au ust 39 O to enable buy. 25X1 X to travel to T... exico for studs Veryturr ? li Ti-ay have k,rocceden from E'exico to tal Dart in the Second Congress of International Union of .students in Priem', Czechoslovakia held 1J. 2 :;w-,ust -15 ',50. o4.>.. JA-1)r riarafulic is repo ted to have declined the :i nvii,at '.. n to become a Chilean. ?-gate to the London Congress The r reaction o the 'othG'1` Y' an .1 }5 ~'= :1,C:Y'teC~ candidates . , not krown. c ii:TE!~ AR MY ApprovcNb I~4-F~`[~'P8~-0045.7.RQ f~~~eFeB X0/04/18 : C Joaquin .rutierr?ez, Co.t a Rican manager of the ~cl.:it:o cx ..~ ~?ac is +_~3f to and an _ ntimatc friend of Pablo l er?uda, well-kr n -n Chilean Com}a.eunist poet, was also .avited by the PC h to tr:.xel to London on -s o;m accoi}xrt as a. r'ele ete to the Congross. V utiorzrz, urho 3.s not a COY '.unist Party member but who is synoathet.ie to Comm unist aims ronorteu.ly did not accent the offer., On 7 __ugust, dutiorres wrote to Joaquin Garcia "onge, -roll-know Costa }?:"can with Coxznunist leanings, asking; to be given credentials as the Costa ....can delegate to the Pe...ce { eergress: He stated that be was going to .:auroo(31 :n S entember, and would T)a117 his o~.Y2 ex ertsos, Al-}e mentioned the offer of the Cy-.ASSIFICATION St C \11S1 ,F asf~n iUTIONI thts document Is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL In accordance with the letter of 18 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. 104RIPC:NTIAL Approved For Release 2 S? IA-RDP82-00457R005800390007-3 25X1 C ... c y ut rc,7-3:';.UC~ i C3? 01;_C0 J L `. ': E?C' G Chile to n mm "i L zl as its C!( Ac- , {^ +,:1 ,.G t? _ .r)v)T'(:s(Ili. "'.:`_s .''ir7 t, lc::ts.Go 25X1A CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04;.:,;,CIA-RDP82-00457R005800390007-3