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Document Release Date: 
December 30, 2003
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Publication Date: 
February 28, 1950
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25X1 25X1X 25X1 NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. Except as noted THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 25X1 25X1 1. On 10 July 1950 flAO Chun-feng (p1 ), Conmissioner of the North China Trade Bureau, arrived in Hong Kong fro Peiping. On 15 July MAO sold, through tlallem and Company, 10,000 tons of pig iron at Hong Kong (HK) $280 per ton, and used this 'sum to purchase 60 boxes of radio materials rtrid 100 sets of telephones from the Chung Yuen (It J )* and Kai Ming (J'G 01 )* Electrical Supply Companies, at a total of HK $350,000. On 1 August the radio and telephone sets were sent to Tientsin on the RIMATT, which belongs to Butterfield and Swire. 2. MAO also purchased 300 tons of various kinds of water pipe from the Jen Jen (k)-, ) Company, 600 tons of iron wire and steel plates (thickness of 1 to 3/10 inch) from P1 Ta Hang (.,;41 fJ i ), and 650 tons of sulphuric acid, nitric acid and other industrial materials from Wing Wah (fir )* Company. JK- All will be sent to Tientsin. Approve l?For-Release 2004/04/15: CIA-RDP82-Qp457RO05700100001-4 CLASSIFICATION CC '... T ?;- yTI..L CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. 1 FO ATION RE-PORT CD NO. I Io 25X1 COUNTRY China/Hong Kong/Macro DATE DISTR. 28 Aug. 1950 SUBJECT Chinese Communist Industrial and Medical Purchases, Hong Kong and Macao T1/18 DOCOGiCNT CONTAINS INFOR6]ATTON AFFECTINGT11E 11AT1011A. 02FEN83 OP TI]Q ON]TE0 STATES T715'1]ICI THE CEADIING AF THE ESPIONAGI ACT 90 O.B. C.. 8T AND 82. AS AG18x0172D. ITS TBA881T180105 02 THE ROYCIATIOI7 OP ITS COOT?NTSS IS ACST UANNBD TO AN O11AOTNORM0 PBSSO6] IS PRO- 0161TED By LAW. 8EP@000CT10N OP This 5050 18 PR011I0lTEQ 3. The Communist South China Trade Bureau has commissioned Li Rua Hang (4.ij Macao, to purchase a large quantity of medical supplies - the main item being penicillin from Hong Kong. It Hua ordered HK $1,')00,000 worth of drugs from the Man Ring (% )'Drug Company, Hong Kong. On 4 August all of the purchases were sent to Macao on the YU MEN ( s ) of the Min Sheng ( ~N 9E_ ) Shipping Company. 4. On 12 August the Canton Military Control Commission (MCC) sent WU Ting-chung (~w ) to Hong Kong to buy 30,000 rolls of white Indian cotton cloth. Owing to the shortage in Hong Kong of this cloth, WU bought only 3,000 rolls. He commissioned Yu Chi (i -$ Cornpany* to order the remainder direct from India, with the stipulation that the transaction be complete(. by 1 September. 25X1 25X1 131 PI I?THF T - CI~f PA OFLT { Approved For Release 2004/04/15: CIA- 04 Deismen/ Ni. ------- No Change In Class. E3 De 3sif d Ruth.. dyh fS CLASSIFI 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005700100001-4 Approved For Release 2004/04/15 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005700100001-4