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CO N E R D ENT A approved Release 1999/09/09; CIA-RDP8 04 5600430012-4 CLASSIFICATION A" 1 CQUNTRYwSOV" $ Zone of Oe.rmny REPORT NO. TOPIC. Soviet Rail Movements 5:. EVALUATIONS 25X1A DATE OF .CONTENT ?5X1A DATE OBTAINE SOURCES came from Brest Litovsk and headed toward k~e7 swab ae A train carrying 50 new trucks and escort , er?sonn.el wearing gyred-bordered green epaulets was observed at Frankfurt/Oder on 25 June 19504 The train came from Brest Litovsk and i,.ro seeded to an unseoified destinationo A train of 32 boxcars loaded with ammunition was seen at Frankfurt/Oder on route to Cottbus on 29 June 19500 The train. came from I-Oland. A 'train ?f 20 boxcars, occupied by an unknown number of ar- tillerymen and. air force personnel, was observed at Frank- furt/Oiler en route from Brest Litovsk.-to Strausberg on 1 July 1950. Fifteen gondola cars loaded with armor ;,fates were observed at Frankfurt/Oder going from Brest Litovsk to Dessau on 3 July 1950. CONFIDENTIAL T CONTROL/tJS OFFICIALS ON CLASSIFICATION S80 This document is hereby regraded, to. CONFIDENTIAL in accord ance"With tfie~ letter of 16 October 16, $ ?rpi3~ the Director of Central Intelligence to the 9 'LV 1fiRkbO A 5ft 560043 Next Review Date: 2008 2. August 1950 to Eight boxcars, each o004ied by .0 soldiers wearing red-, bordered black e;ia.ulets with artillery, and tank insignia, ?assed throughFrankfurt/Oder on 22 June 1950. They came from the direction of Cottbus and proceeded toward Bad. Freienw.aldeu 20 A train of 54 boxcars, each carrying 35 to kO soldiers wear- ing red-bordered black e,E,aulets a most of them with war deco- rations, ?k,assed, through Frankfurt/Oder ' 23 June 1950. The PLACE OBTAINEDGa,xt121~n,- Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005600430012-4. SECTT/CONN;TFOL/US OFFICIAL 2 13. One truck with hoisting gear was seen at Frankfurt/Oder an 25X1C route from Brest Litovsk to Velten on 9 July 1950, consigned to '5X1 - km Fourteen slatcars, each carrying en-SP gun, shijment- record No. 86/8#52, were observed at Frankfurt/Oder an route from Brest `Litovsk to Muelirose on 3 July 1950. The consignee was A train, carrying 48 trucks, an unknown number of armored scout cars, eight field kitchens and soldiers wearing red- bordered black e.aulets, was seen-in the.Frankfurt/O.der area on 14. July 1950. The train came from the direction of Cottbus and _[.roceeded to an unsw.ecified destination. Truck 9. A train of 38 boxcars loaded with ammunition, coming from Brest Litovsk, was broken u,L, at Frankfurt/Odor on 5 July 1950, the cars going to Jueterbog, bamxaendorf, Altenburg and 4ltenhaino 10. A train of boxcars loaded with ammunition, shi_.ment-re- cord No. 86/116, was seen at Frankfurt/Oder en route from Brest T .~ Laniitsch on 5 July. 1950. The consignee was Unit 11, A train of 30 boxcars, allegedly loaded with cotton and metal but bearing ammunition labels, was seen at Frankfurt/Oder on, 6 July 1950, The train came from Brest Litovsk and headed toward Dresden and Leipzig. 12,, A train carrying 148 used trucks,, shilment-record 5X1C was observed at Frankfurt/rider on 6 July 1950, The train, 2M'signed to Unit AlN 18702, came from Brest Litovsk and was 1k0 A trooi. train carrying soldiers, canvas-covered tanks, trucks,, and trucks with box-like suk'erstructures and rod antennas was seen in Jamlitz on 2 July 1950. The train had ,iassed Cottbus in the afternoon an route to Dresd~ 1d soldier from the train said that his unit came from the collection cam6 in the Liebe, wF going westward. 15. The loading of an unknown number of trool.s in 15 boxcars, twenty 37-mm Ar, guns and 24 trucks, including L 5-45-56, N 5-45-72 and E 5-45-85, was observed in iotsdum on 8 July 1950. The train left toward Magdeburg. ~, similar train carrying search- lights Was seen on 7 July 1950. 25X1C 16. An AAA unit was loaded at the iotsdam railroad station at 10030 a.m. on 8 July 1950. Twenty rXr.ns, of about 30 lam ca- liber and 30 to 110 motor vehicles 25X1 C Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005600430012-4 S.I/C/,T/GOTLTLOL/U3 OF'r 1G1,,LS ONLY Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005600430012-4 /GGI;I ~oL/LT~a OIi' i'3Ca .; CI 25X1X M 17~ Tvaenty-eight boxct:rs loaded with wbshing detergents were disk.atched from Genthin to Berneu on 10 July 1950? The 25X1C consignee was 18- One boxcar, loaded with boxes, was diskatch?d from ";alters- h:ju.'en to ,4ildau on 12 July 195o, consigned to 194 Two flatcars carrying four large crates of aircraft st rare arts were observed en route from :iarchim to Otaaken on 25X1C 10 July 1950- The consignee was The shill- ment was escorted by three soldiers wearing blue e;;.aulets- 20n Three tank cars conttiining leaded gasoline, marked A 70A shi.,.ment -record No. 62/60798 were disj.aatehcd from Velten to 25X1C Lieberose on 11 July 1950. Dispatcher vas Unit consignee Unit 25X1C C-2 21, 1* trook train w84-- assembled in Teml.lin and dell orted north- eastwards on 12 July 19500 The train carried about 360 trooks in 12 boxcars; i;.AA guns of about 50 mm caliber; 7 trucks with AA machine guns, including E 2-31.--25, L 2-34- 27s, E 2-34m29, ,Jj6C434mxx axzd.118-02-1~2; 6 or 7 'trucks loaded with billeting ecuiiment, including 7-34-09 end ( 7-34-94, 7-34-10, truck E 2,33-99 carrying three heavy machine guns on wheeled carriages; 6 otter trucks, in ng B 3-62-29 25X1 and B 3-62?3i.; and ambulance b 3?64-764 25X1C Aa train of seven boxcars occuj ied by soldiers, and 27 flat- care carrying tanks and 14 trucks, kassad through euru,. in at 11 v.m- on 12 July 1950, heading toward :; i" 25X1C 23. A train of eight boxcars occua,ied by soldicrsfl and 24 flag cars carrying trucks, rc,Assed through Ptieuruttin at midnigh 5X1C on 13 July 1950- The train headed toward ~` 2 .- Another train of seven boxcars occul,iied by soldiers, and 27 f1 tcurs carrying tanks and 14 trucks leased through Neu- 25X1C ru , .in at 3 acct- on 13 July 19508 heading toward .~1truji in- 2 25 Three eza ty trains, returning from the direction of L1tR- B-3 26- ruii in, L.ussed throe h Eeurur.&in on 13 July 1950- - 25X1C The loading of tanks and trucks on a. train in Iialdensleben was observed on 22 FO - 3i. tanks and ton trucks with numbers of the 9 a 1 J sr observed going to e L 25X1C the cur, i, in the woods- 12 and 13 ::IILC~f T/C0hTi;0L/U6 OF ICI tLO 01-:LY Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005600430012-4 25X1 C L Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005600430012-4 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005600430012-4