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July 28, 1950
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'11TEL1.0fAX ? COUNTRY SUF3JECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF I N FD. cussincnoN cdepOk 1T. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For ReleemeWilft?tfctNgegfaef2-0045TIRMirstiej INFORMATION REPORT Kriresit is SR Soviet Participation in North Korean Unitary Activities. 25X1A CD NO. 25X1A LATE DISTR 22 JUL 50 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 25X1X 1? I4'ive Soy:J: et mechanical ez.lgineers arrived in Pyonaang from the USSR on 26 April? They were received immediateJy. by KIM_Il-s&g and then had a long secret conference -ilrLth CUIOE Yong-ain (i,i 4..) 1 of the PA. The Soviets are headed by Darinibus (? Darnivich) and are assigned as tech- nicel advisers to the North Korean government for an indefinite periodc., 2. In May, lit, Colonel 71 Yong-su trztc.h. -.) and five other PA officers were sent to the USSR to purchase military eq4pment. Delivery to North Korea by the inR. of 25 lat.Idium-sized tanks and 25 armored cars was expected by 15 June. 3. Lt. Colonel Bunedich (k .Denovich)? a Soviet militaxy.adviser .of .the PA, end five o-....her officers le..Et Pyx.y.gyang 1%-sr .:,./2 undisclosed destirlation in the iorthe..ast in late April 1950, L In F.,,,Drly May 1950,, eight Soviet ofiicers? five majors ana three lieutenants., arrived in PyOnLwantz from the USSR.. Thcv-. held a secret conference immedi- ? atel:iir with the People? s Arrg staff. These officer3 are to be attached to the PA, as advisers. Oiciais of the Soviet c...,ti.assy in Pyongyang conducted a special secret :in- spection of the Parallel border on 20 May 1950. 6. A reassignment of Soviet :military advisers to the Border Constabulary in late ay has permitted the attachment of ro additional Soviet officers each to the Third, Fifth, end. Seventh Brigades,,, Soviets in charge at special militaly training are: First Brigade, It. Colonel Buwich3na (?13uvichin); Third Brigade, Major Sobuwilichi 050-ga:rich); Fifth Brigade, Lt. Colonel ',1-istikayang (Tilstikoyan); and Sevaith Brigade, Durousiv (?Burusev). 7,t, On instructions from the Soviet alitary Advisory Group, companies of the PA tank unit stationed :1.a Chortron (127-12? 33-10 were moved into border areas of Kangmn Province in late May for special trainia. Each companT ILCONFIDENTIAL STATE AkIkiY i RAW iii Ai MR Va..... 1,....,xlv ? .....? ?......... IX N3RE3 1,2(213.1._ DISTR BUTION This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. 4ttitt5401398669-7 P014 Approved For Release 2000A10 IRDP82-00457R005401111111 CENTRAL INTEa 091IGENCZ AGENCY 25X1A -2- is under the command of a Soviet officer and has attached to it about ten Soviet soldiers to aid in training. 3. On 7 June 1950, four Soviet airplane, tYlie unknoun? arrived at ...Jenson (127-26, 39-10) airport. They are said to be the gift of the USSR to the PA. 9. At the end of ::ay? thero were the followinc Soviet vessels in North Korean east coast ports: three varshi)s, 1,500 to 3,000 tons; five P-type sub- marines. liree nine sueepers; and twelve motor torpedo boats, besides a nunber of transport vessels, Lost of these craft reaain at anchor in port except for trips to Nojin-dong (130-15, L2-10) and Chon,jin (129-49, 41-46) to receive supplies. Approved For Release 2000/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005400190009-7