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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
July 27, 1950
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25X1A Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005100020012-4 SUBJECT Tank Shipments Observed near Yanenshelinka 25X1A COUNTRY USSR (Chelyabinsk Oblast) r Lk N TIAL DATE DISTR. 27 July 1950 INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. CEN CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CLASSIFICATION '' 'MIS DOCUREOT CONTAINS INRORRATIOH AFFRC11NO TR6 RATIORAL D6WIBR OP THE 0111TED STATRB WITHIN TUN I UARINO OP THE ESPIONAGE ACT SO U. I. C. III AND 32. AS ALaINDRD. ITS TRANSS1WSIOH OR 11W RRVRNTIOR OF ITS CONTWHTS IN ANT NANNRR TO AR ONAUTRORIT?RD PRR:ON 19 P1~ HIDITTO RV LAW. R!PRODDCTIOR OP TRIO PORE/ 18 PROHIDIT$O. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1X SUPPLEMENT TO 25X1 REPORT NO., 1. a. U ;ually two freight trains daily rarely only one freight trin, load ad with tanks came from Chelyabinsk and passed the brickyard" during 1947. The trains had about 60 railrond cars. One tank waas on each car. 25X1 b, According to the informationi the largest tank shipments on this roa ne a been in June 1946, when between six and eight freight trains with tanks allegedly passed the railroad line daily in the same direction. c. From February to May 1943 only one freight train with tanks coming froma Chelyabinsk passed this line daily. The shipments only rarely increased to two freight trains daily. 2, There were three typos of tanks being shipped at the time of obser- vation: 25X1 ae T 34 with the ch:iracterictic chassis, 25X1 b. T 43 with the chassis of the T 34 and the turret of the Ky-1 as well. as a 76.2-mm gun. 25X1 c. Stalin tank Wraith six bogie wheels and three tuck-sur orttn rolls, The? turret was armed with a 122-mm gun This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. CLA SSIF AThr 4g I mad NO. OF PAGES CIA Library' NO. OF ENCLS. LUSTED BELOW) CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA- REPORT NO. inn t No. -- - C1aas~ Auth. Date: 25X1