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Document Release Date: 
February 24, 1999
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Publication Date: 
May 1, 1950
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CON F I ENTIAL Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005000200002-6 CLASS IFICATIOI\I-o-el-li .'.L vt .-- f C"S fiYld .`in (I , n1 i ch. nnoflni R 'CO YRY_... - m._. '-e r9 r"n'rrnnv REPORT Nt7._ ~e.~ 1 ~~ GT. TOPiC..~.:+ sr ic= 1 - . ?i 11 t. - r"r '.La i 1~. 'r v rm F..n t. ~ n t{; c , - nfr ~ t/26t;r~I3r8 st, Litovsk Lire 25X1A6a EVALUATION.., .,_.JEW _. 'LACE OB AINED.o ' DATE OF CONTENT to i1 ': .~refl c?F,01 ~._ .,. 25X1A65 DATE OBTAINED__ REFERENCES-- PAGES ` -. --ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS DATE PREPARED__ RETURN 25X1X6 The followincr military Tail movements were on the -rankf'urt/0Ger (0 53/V 63) n, roznan (P 53/X 26) Varsaw Brest Litovsk (S 53/L 87) line between 23 and 31 ~,:Grch 1950 . 1, Leaving Frankfurt/Oder 23 March 1950 and arriving Brest Litovsk 27 March 1950, ;'; train of 50 railroad cars loaded with coal., 2.. Leaving Brest Litovsk 2-( i}arch and arriving Frankfurt/Oder 31 M,`arrh 1950 rA train of 23 boxcars, occupied by about 200 officers ranking from second lieutenant to captain and about 2400 young soldiers without (;ecorations, wearing red-bordered black coaulets... The train also carried fifteen new, urnumbered,, tAo=-axle trucks and fifteen new "IT guns of 70 to 80 rnm caliber with muzzle brake, about 3;,5--meter-long barrels, gun >i;ield., split-trail gun carriage and single _:neumatic tire; The officers and soldiers were dispatched for JLnterbog (N 52/F 69) and the trucks and guns to Magdeburg (M 53/Y 67) during the night of 31 ;,;arch l950 , according to a Frankfurt/ O(ar railroad emcloyee of the train dispatch office, 3.: ;phi l.e passing through I' eu =-Ben t-schen (0 53/w 153), observed a train enroute to Brest, The train stopped at the station the morning of 31 March 1950, Twelve tanks with five bogie wheels on each side and three-.meter==long barrels without muzzle brake could be seen on the train, 25X1X6 not observe any other military trains on his round tri;;,, Except at Brost all :lb-olish stations on the CLASSIFICATION 4frr,VCONTROL/US -oFEF'i(,'TAL S ON Approve ThIs document Is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 13 October 1378 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. 4wa s1ja99Q109 : CIA-RDF Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005000200002-6 ~~~_11 /V 1.. .1 .".l r. 1/v .. 1 1L.+ tof VA 141 1 F I VA E 10, 1'; t I no iL G~..l:si~ll' c., line had rather ;srabll otoc'-;w of coal:: 25X1A2g I: i. .r:_h~nt of ersor.nel and .,J teriel from the Soviet Union.. The off jeers t? ere s i,..,.ed to tt e Soviet None of Ger.m any under the known rer;lace::ent ,roc;-rum (young; bachelor officers from tike Soviet, TJni3n re lacin older, nurr.ied o i'f icers who Lave served? in the Soviet one of Cerm&i y for several years) ; T e :'?rl /,'ere 5hirf.ed to the Soviet ,one. of Gerr..fany to fill vacancies? avscuation of T3 tanks to the Soviet Union,, probably for repair.. Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005000200002-6