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CLASSIFICAT' Approved For Reid W~Tq ?9 f ~ A- 081-004571 6 b 4 %1/q ' INFORMAT50N PO CD NO. 25X1 A2g 10 COIJNTRY Denmark/USSR DATE DISTR. 9 JUN 50 SUBJECT The Danish-Russian Society X O0 OF PAGES 3 PLACE (Denek-Russisk Samvirke) 25X1A6a NO. OF ENCLS. ACQUIRED (LISTED BELOW) DATE OF SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 25X1X6 l The Danish-Russian Society (Dansk-Russiak Samvirke) was founded in 1924. It remained rather static until the end of World Year II, when it expanded rapidly,. establishing local sections in several of the Danish provincial cities "because of the feeling of comradeship with the Danish Communists during the occupation, to express thanks for Russia's participation in the liberation of Europe, and because of the desire that the northern countries constitute a bridge between East and Vest" Many of the now members were not Communist. The role of the Danish Communists in the Resistance move- ment had earned them the respect and friendship of non-Communist Danes, end the wave of poet-Liberation enthusiasm for everyone who had fought against the Nazis carried many non-political idealists into the Dtanish- Society. With the resumption of trade and diplomatic relations between Denmark and the Soviet Union s, a certain number of non-Cormmunist business and government officials also joined the organization for professional reasons. 2. The basic membership of the organization is Comiimniet. The efforts of the Communists within the organization to turn it into a political instru- ment, and the clear-cut developments of the past year or two in the Iron Curtain countries, have led to dissension within the various local sections of the organization. This conflict has in some instances been so violent that it has resulted in the destruction of the sections themselves. The Esbjerg sectimr broke up when -its Chairman, Lektor SchAz-Christenseen, publicly denounced the methods of Albert Olsen** and stated that the society was not run in accordance with democratic Danish principles., The Randers section went out of existence as a result of the situation in Finland and in Czechoslovakia. The Odense section still functions but has lost most of its members., Continued membership in the organization is not in itself -Proof that the member is a Communist, since there are still people in high official positions who retain their membership because of the official relations of Denmark with the USSR. In the officer- list given below, for example, only the persons indicated as Communists should be so considered. ARMY AIR FDl~_~~_ _._e_L_w Document No. *~r-------------- No Change In Class. [] Declassified Class. CIIargtal To: TS S C~ Auth.: Kit TC.2 24 Dale; 2 6 _JUN_ IJ18 __ BY: ------- Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA- Approved For Release 19946r(Q i ?It2.00457R0050001 50240008-7 The members of the Board of Directors of the Danish-Russian Society are an follows: Acts" Chairman.:** Peter Alfred Jensen, born on 7 July 1903 in Aarhus Communist member of the Folkreting. Address: Tordenskjoldsgade 57, Aarhus. Member of the Central Committee of the Danish Communist Party (DKP). Formerly Traffic Minister. Was member of the Freedom Council,, Treasurer: Alf Usaing, born on 8 December 1892 in Copenhagen. Director of Bet Store Nordiske Teie ;raf-Selskab and Dot Store Nordiske Telegref- Selskabs Holding CooA/S. Board member of A,/S) Ole Sorensen. Address: Kongens Nytorv 26, Copenhagen. Folmer Bendtsen born on 8 February 1907 in Copenhagen, SecEtLa..r Well-known Danish painter. Bulowsvej 40, Copenhagen. Active Communist. Has several contacts in the Soviet Legation, and the source believes that he may be connected with the USSR intelligence service., Went to the USSR as a member of a Danish cultural delegation in 1948. During a Vanish tour of Georgian Dancers in 1948 :Bendtsen was engaged by Soviet Legation Secretary Nikitin to photograph the tour, incluing pictures of the troupe visiting various industrial establishments. Kjeld Abell, born on 25 August 1901 at Rite,:. Address: Henriettevej 21, Charlottenlund (Copenhagen suburb). One of Derm.ark's leading playwrights Believed to be a Communist. Member of the board of A./S Sovjet Film. Martin Andersen NexO, born on 25 June 1869 in Copenhagen. Famous Danish writer. Address: Morleneevej 36, Boite. Member of the Central Cc ittee of the DKP. Former chairman of Friends of the Soviet Union (Sovjetunionens Veneer). Professor Carl Adolf Gottlieb Bodelsen, born on 18 November 1894 at Helsir:ggr. . Address; Traverveenget 16, Charlottenlund. Was member of the Freedom Council Viell'kr own educator and writer. Christian Christiansen, born on 14 September 1895 at Hjortsh~j .. Minister of Fisheries. Address: Ajderstedgsde 16, Copenhagen. Ellen Margrethe Kirk, born on 20 September 1902 at Hadsund. Address; Fnighedsvej 4 (4th floor), Charlottenlund, Was a DKP candidate for the 1947 election. Contributor to Land o&Folk. Henri Aage Loft, Overtrafikcassistent (sic). Born on 7 February 1902 in Aarhus. Address: Skodsborgvej 25, Lyngby. Communist. S rera Madsen, manufacturer,. Address: Pea H jen 12, Gentofte. Gudrun Margrethe Sterner Petersen. Translator. Born on 23 October 1906. Address: 'fed Linden 6, Copenhagen. Communist. Frederik Schyberg, Ph..D. Dorn. on 4 December 1905 in Copenhagen.; Address: Schimmelmannsvej 44, Charlottenlund. Literary critic. Overborgmester H. P. 4rensen, born on 18 December 1896 at Silkeborg Lord Mayor of Copenhagen. Social Democrat. Address: Peter B>angsvej 213, Copenhagen. Ole Tillumser, born on 7 September 1908 in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, Pianist. Address: Thorvaldsensve j 15, Copenhagen. Communist. Visited frequently by Aksel Larsen and B Srge Houmann. CONIMNTIAL Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005000140008-7 Approved For Release 1999 I B :M-00457R00 p "08-7 CENTRAL TELLIGENCE AGFNCY .x3r. 4,. The Danish-Russian Society maintains an office, reading room and library at Iiiareboderne 8, Copenhagen. The society also publishes the periodical, The Soviet Union Today (o4 e!t .onen T~q ), which carries articles on Soviet foreign policy, trade unions, culture x, etc. The editorial comanittee consists of the following: Eolmer Rendtsen,,^ditor Icjeld Abell Professor Adolf Stender-Pedersen. Gudrun Sterner Petersen Agnete Olsen, widow of Professor Albert Olson The Aarhus section of the Danish-Russian Society is under the chairman- ship of Professor Adolf Franz Emil Stender-Petersen, born on 21 July 1893 in Petrograd, Address: 6?`I"unetr", Skolevangen Rila Skov, Aarhus. Philologist. Expert in Slavic languages. Professor Stender??Petersen is believed to be a Co:r.munist, and is frequently visited by leading Danish Communists end by the Soviet Minister Plakhin. The officers of the Aalborg section of the organization are: Laurids Fridt ji o:f Christensen, barn on 22 August 1.901 at Vorningo Filling- ataation attendant 0 Communist, Harry Emil Elvinu.s Larason, born on 15 October 290 4 ct Aalborg;, Fuel dealer a Communist,, Fru. Ei.rsten Elisabeth Lyngholm, born on 24 June 1911 at Hadsund4 Communist Chr, Marius Hansen, born on 22 November 1891 at Aistrup? Cashier, Communist. Niels E`i-gil Ydo, born on 7 November 1907 at Hell.igs . Credit-union employee. Communists Wit i&m Werner Hansen, born on 19 November 1905 at Nyborg4 Secondary- -school teacher (Adjunkt)v Communist, Olaf Ilelge Christian Poulson, born c i 1991W at Odense Se ;andary'achcol teacher (Ad junkt) 0 Cc iu unist0 **C'ashit Comment. Albert Georg Olsen, late chairman of the Danish- Russian Society, died on 17 October 19>+9a CON NTIAL Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005000140008-7 C1_ASSIi IGAi iJ 1 u., s. u'k' i;,Ls O TL'n Approved For R M W?W 'ACV IP82-0040 + Sb b INFORMATION RESORT CD NO. COUi.1TRY Spain SUBJECT Concern of Catholic Leaders for Power in a Transition Government PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF ',NFO. SUPPLEMENT TO ?EPORT NO. 25X1X6 1? Catholic leaders in Spain are concerned over the lecl of a Christian Democratic organization in a state of readiness to ti,-ire power in a transition government if the,FBANCO regime falls, a': ,ording to Luis VILALLONGA. VILALLONGA, representative in France c,-. the Spanish "Union of Middle and Liberal Classes,," said in mid-May t.h t he had recently made a clandestine trip to Spain. 2, a ,ndt, ARTIN Sanchez,* director of the Catholic !sriodical Criterio, thinks, according to VILALLONGA, that the FR,NCO -ngime will fall at any moment. He reportedly is attenroting to set a ,.olitical organization, which VIL.ALL01IGA described as a xnc? F=rnent of Christian? Democratic tendency rather than a party, to par;=,cipate in the interim government which would follow the fall of the f; esent government. VILALLONGA said the t NN,A:iTIN Sanchez had accredi. ,ed him as representative in exile of this movement, which as yet exit{,e only in skeleton farm. 3. VILALLOt'GA also claimed to be the repro sentrati ge in France of the Seville liberal Catholic Manuel JINJNEZ Fernandez. 1J wever, although he said thrt he had been in Seville, VILALLONGA. dii ? .,t indicate whether he had seen JIM-NiitZ Fernandez, 4. Alfredo LOPEZ Martinez, President of the ;a Tecs.aica of .&ccion Catolica., with whom VILALLONGA reportedly talked, al .to showed concern over Catholic failure to prepare for the fall of the govt:ti;cent.: 5. VILALLONGA observed. that the prestige o,,,.' F~, ?eign Minister Aluerto f,iARTlt Artajo had fallen considerably in Accioi olio, circles as well .s in the FRANCO government i teel.f. *taehing.ton Comment. UARTIN Sanchez, wh) r,' so it President of the Asociacion Catolica Nacional de Propagandi star, h; s :revs ?u.sly been described as a member of the prom1R.P.NCO triumvirate c' of _..olling Accion Catolica, the other me 1ART1N Artajo and 'n, A HY FNLk Oria, Bishop of Malaga. distributed 17 PV-,v -:'a 19-7. 25X1A2g [ARMY rX_ /CO1d?TRO1- - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY p$D*o :FoitRebismse 1999/01 This document Is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL In accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director cfCcntrai Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. 25X1A2g DATE DISTR. 5 JUN aC NO. OF PAGES I 25X1 A6a (LISTED OW L'' 081s40M?8'-7`'