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Publication Date: 
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CLASSIFICATION42COggegRtit.U.S. OFFICIALS 0? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800500007-4 REPORT UCNIKAL INItLLILitNUE. AUENGY ENF RMATO RI REPORT COUNTRY Germany (Soviet Zone) SUBJECT The Information Office CD NO. 50X1 TIAL DATE DISTR. II MAY 50 CONFIDEN NO. OF PAGES ? PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. NO. OFENCLS. 2 CUSTE0 BELOW) ? SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 50X1 -HUM irizASIZYMS.bwhnit7cM:rolistaRtirrlat7RWA:40.7 jt mut nocoriairr COMM? ItZVOIMATI On ApPECnC0 TIM AATanAL TIC/C2St OP TEE 101ITCD =ATM Vintin Ma mamma OP WE CSPIT/tIACII ACT SO t: 0.0. C.. at alio Cl. an aunt?. no trtacontsalou on run navaaavon or ITS COSTStati in APT Int= TO an OPIAOTROMMO KCMGS IS PC0- 01090113 09 MA. ISEPIZ000CTIO0 OP MIS POTIO Is ITA00110120. 498W$71:1Z694C:ZOSTSMMTCWAI,CS:47.C.--.?,IVNTTSIT.TRig2.4.4., THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1 -HUM l. The Information Office (Amt far Information), headed by Gerhard Eisler, which is located in the Thalmannpiatz (Wilhelmplatz), is not in a position to ac- commodate all its departments in this building and must seek rooms in various other buildings. 2. Before taking over the Information Office; Eisler had a long conversation with Nalenkov, the chairman of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. 3. For the year (sic) Eisler has at his disposal for his work 20;500,000 east marks and five million west marks. In connection with this it must be borne in mind that the costs for the five so-called state information offices (Tnivies- informationiaiter)must be borne by the Lander concerned. 4. Daily at 2:30 P.M. there is held a session for the issuance of orlers (Befehlsausgabe) at which the editors of the East Berlin papers must be present. 5. Subject to the Information Office are the press, cinema, theatre; cultural or- ganizations, all intellectual groups, the DEFA; -radio, the universities, and Various smaller organizations. 60 There is a special bureau for Western penny (Sonderdezernat Westdeutschland) whose job is to inject fa/se news reports into the neighboring West German papers; which must then be retracted. Thereby it is hoped to destroy the credibility of the West German press. 7. Tasks of the Information Office are: a. The stabilization of opinion in German politics with especial consideration for the attitude toward the Soviet Union. b. Reorganization of propaganda, centralization of the existing news sources, roified direction of the propaganda means, exact control of all political . currents. STATE el,' ARMY CLASSIFICATION NAVY ANSRB FBI AIR This document is hereby regra&nd tOi CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United Sta:es. Next Review Date: 2008 CONFIDENTIAL. 5. OFFInTATr! OMY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800500007-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800500007-4 -111, ? ^-""4.- U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY - 2- c. Ideological aid (Betreuung) to the Communist Party in the western zones. d. Preparation of the SED for acceptance into the Cominform as the twelfth . section. 50X1 8. Especial Importance will also be placed upon the bureaux (Dazernate) for de- fensive and aggressive propaganda. The bureau for defensive propaganda must repulse all Western attacks and present challenges in return. The special bureau (Sonderdezernat) for aggressive propaganda will give special considera- tion to events in the western zones. It will carry on attacks against the wast-zone rtime? against the occupying powers, and against the Marshall Plan, and exploit various disagreements between the western zones and the conquerors. -.S. OFFICIALS CNLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/10/17 CIA-RDP82-00457R004800500007-4 _