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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release-2013/08/28 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160007-2 e, mr CLASSIFICATIO i.1.3 0 CE L INTELLIGENCE AGENCY EPORT ONFOR ATItH REP RT CD NO. .COUNTRY Germany (Russian Zone) SUBJECT Survey on the 1947 ? 1948 Fuel Plan and Consumption PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. 50X1 DATE DISTR. ei 501 NO.OFPAGES NO. OF ENCLS. 2 (4 Pagai (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT 50X1 -HUM MIS DACIMEKT CCOATAMO INFOISPATIMI APPECTIUSTIM SAMOSA MISTR132 OF TOT 1111111110 STATES IUTITIM THE MAKING OF MR COPIOCACE ACT GO O. IL C...111 MD St. SO AMEEDED. ITS EIMEICOGS1012 02 TIM OWMATIOR OP ITO COMMITS EM ANY TO MI 11/1AUTHORIEZEI PERSOM IS PAO- MIIIMM ITT LAO. 211PISMUCTIO11 OP EMS POWS 10 PROMEITED. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1 -HUM Tne two tabulated charts 1. Co_parative survey on t'ae 1947 and 1948 Soviet Zoile of Gennany motor traffic fuel supply. ::.nd consumpti3n, dated 30 April 1549 2. 194E Soviet Zone of Genaany motor traffic fuel supply and consumption dated 19 January. 1945 (file reference 0 K III Ad/Sohn; Comment: b. following percentage figures the five Soviet Zone Laender 50X1 -HUM ? 50X1 - H UM the SMAD in harlshorst approved only the of the fuel and lubricant amoun., requested by for the motor traffic in i947 and 1946: 1947 2948 Gasoline 5:;.5% (71,206 tons) 39.25 (10,852 tons) Diesel fuel 67.5% (46,471 tons) 77.E;:= (65,917 tons) Oil 32 ;:; ( 5,719 tons ) (see column 2 on annex 1) The gasoline and Oil (-mote actually issued for motor traffic in 1947 and 1946 is even belcx: the figure allocated by the SE;.D (see column 3 of Annex 1) while the issued Diesel fuel quota was hig.ler. However, in addi- tion to the fuel supply allocated by tne SEAL) the Soviet Zone of Germany could procure, in 1948, considerable fuel stocks from other sources. These additional fuel supplies surpassed the gasoline allocation by 22 percent (96,674 tons) and the Oiesel fuel allocation by 4.5 percent ( ,L,043 tons). Foreign trade agreements and interzonal blackmarket transactions may be responsible for thee additional fue CONFIDENTIAL! c. The indications on gasdiine and oil made inthe fuel supply said consucAntion list for the first and second half-year of 1946 (Annex 2) CLASSIFICATION SEE U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intell:gence to the Archivist of the United Next Review Date: 2nrst peel _227_itINPM7A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160007-2 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160007-2 4. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY - 2 - agree witn tnc c,rnsponding 154e fie.:ures Of iquiex 1 except br so...e mi nor dif feronc? :lowever, a difference of about SO, f.;OU ?tons,listed in column 3 for Diesel fuel. d. Soviet ',4;one Ger...any ltA7 :we 194E iyisoline d Oiesel fuel pro- duction: 1547 194? Osoline 236,700 tons .c:5E,E00 tone Diescl fuel 156;100 tons 244,500 tons 2 tnnexes: L:omparative survey on tne 147/194E Soviet Lone of Sermtny mo4.:Ot traffic fuel supply ::nd consumption 2. Survey on the 194E Soviet one of Germany motor traffic fuel supply and consumption r 5-6C4KT-COA:ROLAS t:1f21C1....L3 CL:A. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160007-2 50X1 50X1 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160007-2 CompamtiVe traflic .-id Colwan 1 SECRET/CONTROL U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Annex 1 survey on t:ie 1947/1948 Soviet 4-one A.' Gemr:ny raotor fuel surw.117.7-md consumption Snxony 1947 Schedule Carburetor Diesel fuel' rues Oil Percent 561448 24,229 4,947 act; 341 Thurint.i.P iv).?. 20,611 154C 31.a4 0,044 3.09 :ccklenburg 1947 11,265 7.061 1,130 1,431 1;4E 14,337 6,30 brandenburc, 1547 1U,952 7,764 154E 25,516 10.361 joa jbxony-nnn:dt 1947 33,790 17,E44 1'46. 35.975 16,304. 3,444 124E64 Total 1947 141,266 6C,943 1;412 206,069 E4.707 . 17,810 Column 2 SI4AD hllocations PertentaLe of schedule Carburetor Diesel fuel Percent fuel Percent Oil Saxony 1547 Z5,238 44,6 12,545 51,E 33,925 39 23,092 79 2,169 31.3 ? Thuringir, 1947 12,oe2 56.4 9.069 75.4 194e 14,512 37.5 14,465 72 1,130 ' 29.4 .:ecklenburp 1947 \6,993 62.1 7.3 104 1546 6,400 44.6 ? 5.8E5 92 535 37.3 Brandenburg 1947 9,374 49.5 ' 7,572 97.5 1946 5,930 39 7.6E5 74 660 33 Srxony-Annnit 1547 17,541 52 10,141. 56.5 1946 16,085 40.2 14.790 81 1.1E5 34.5 Total 1947 71.20E 50.5 46.471 t0,652 39.2 65,917 67.5 77.E i.719 32 1;4E 0F,ICI.j..j ORLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160007-2 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160007-2 SECRET/CONTROL u.s. OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTLILIGENCE AGENCY Annex I Column 3 2 Saxony 1947 Cuota issued to motor traffic (as registered) Percentage of schedule Carburetor Percent Diesel P-ercent Oil fuel fuel iercent 25.078 44.4 1-,E55 49 1,449 0.3 4E.,8;6 3c.t.4 21,449 1,6o7 43.6 Tnuringia 1947 10,511 N.. '99.793 Cl. '567 2711 1948 11,796 30.4 60 13,318 6,634 66.5 94 622 515 16.4 45.6 .....eckEenbure 1947 6_,715 7,560 54.7 7,947 124 462 34.1 Brandenburg 1947 8,057 44-6 6,61U 85 520 31.7 1948 1:4,637 4.5 11,10 1UL. 70 3E..5 Saxony- 1947 18,263 54 1Z,09t 76.6 882 .29 Anhalt 1948 16.254 40.E 16 293 85 1,052 30.6 SECO total 1947 6Z,631 48.5 46,993 61. 3,733 29 1948 7i,143 37. 70,4.70 fuel ,stocks of ruota Percent piesei fuel 82.8 Percent 4,607 25.8 Column 4 Self-procured Percentage Carburetor fuel Saxony 1947 7,043 4.4 3,641 16.8 1947 Thurin4a 1948 4.470 38 4,190 16.4 1547 ::,ecklenburg 1948 .698 10.8 599 13.2 1947 Brandenbur!:, 194L 2,615 40.7 1,6.6 14.5 1S47 Saxony-Andalt 1946 6,705 41,>31 41..3 ?7.9 23.7 1947 5:J,,0 total 1948 11,E73 16.5 SECUT-.00MTkeL/us oivicias ChLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160007-2 ? 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160007-2 I.? ?291.urt SECRET/CONTROL e U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL IN ni GENCE AGENCY Annex 1 Total' co;,sumptien 'Percentao: of allocation 1947 Saxony 1948 35,939 106. 25.070 10E.5 1947 Thurinja 1948 16.266 112 15,p08 lu7.5 1947 Yecklenburg 1"d?-4---------S-a--a----Lt-a?th.'L___ 1947 Brandenburg 194E ' 15,252 154 12,788 167 1947- Saxony-Anhalt 194E 22,959 143 20.151 136 40( 1947 SIP -Ansi . 194e 9E.674 122 E..2 , 043 1"44 . , 40 Carburetor fuel Percent Diesel fuel Percent x -Renuested for the Leipzig Fair xx Self-procured fuel only for the second talf-year 194C For both half-years of 194e see AtInex 2. ? SEC:i.r.,T-00:1T0L/US Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160007-2 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160007-2 ? ? First Hnlf-ye Second Half-ye 194E: "T/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY OENTRAL.INTTLLIGWE AGENCY Annex 2 Survey on the 1948 Soviet Zone of Germanic motor traffic fuel supply and consumption Scheduj.ed fuel supply SMAD allocation plan/ Perce 1 Amounts,delivcred by. the .tnt - ? 50X1 Garbure- tor fuel Diese :lama fuel oil 1 Garhure- tor fuel Diesel oil :1'neral oil daroure- tor fuel 'Diesel fuel iLineral oil kr ec,07.1: 40,256 E.0495 43,467 390E07 3,289 39,370 51,359 %,4E1 49% 99>!, 40 X 9l'; 129% 75% r*117,997 44,451 9,5E4 3E,339 2E,510 2,340 3E,057 29,399 1,E5 32S6$ 64 % 2.5j 9%.3Z 103% EU ;I' 206,06984,701 17,E79 EllE06 ?l75,629 77,427 0,75E 4,331 39.e. -;,; co ';: 31.6 ? 9,..6 :; 118 % 77.f * including specid contihisont recueAcd for the Leipzig fair and Lhe sugar beet harvest, Ss AST-CONTROL/US OF2I01/..l.S ?ELY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160007-2 50X1-HUM