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Declassified in COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ? ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. ? Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160005-4 CLASSIFICATION CRET2CONTISOL - U.S. OFFICIALS 0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. 50X1 EN Germany (Soviet Zone) COA/r-f, DATE DISTR. 19 June 1950 wriv7-7 Polizeibereitsohaften AL NO. OF PAGES 8 (People's Police Units) NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 50X1-H UM I., TM eocugun COMM, UrAllatiTTOM Antal= MS TIATIOIILLCSTPISSC Win 0111TED GUTS ennui TOS =AMC? OF IIIS CSVIOSAG2 ACT SO O. S. C. SI ACO OE. a AIIICITCD. MP T===101.1 OM Tilt 127TELA1I01. OP ITS OCACITSTS 111 AWf SIAlall TO AP OSMOTII0122tO PC1000 PI VIKA 10113110 SP UV. ansocoatati 07 IIII3 Ma IS PEORIEUTISD, THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-H UM 1. 'dolksoolizei-grrnag:ereitschaft "Rini: in ber..an' . The Volkspolizei-3renzbereitschart ttn Berlin" ms reorganized in late December 194c, . The 9ercitschr:ftsstai; (unit i)eaciquarters) v:hs iaoved to ,eitovi (N 53/Z. 73). 7. (bome: sector 11..,.aneuarters) w estabLishes in Klein JacL.io. (I: 53/Z. 73). Crack:tints were nit ctia:4;ci, 1.1e :tor: araza- tion ::nd net been co.r.:..d.eted _.c.-oriin i:osice,..an fled. oiksoolizeibefeitschnit tovini? ydt. of drannentrire. (, 531.: :.ctivntior. of v. net toliteihereitschnrc. 50X1-H UM n. The swan :enburi:',011:3 -ili:_eibereit.scar,f le nor, zed h.:d -eft iLie 1..cnn or. .11. Jece.rber id Lail...and? nh-vea to Loecnu ra/A co), .he hochst. ot U52/t oC ;.na the' 3rd. Kom.7.nndo to Treptow (V 54A 67). aLer kora:a:sue w%a att:.,clieJ to ....:.t TrePtOW Vo 57)0 si'Leibcreil,sc:iRr in excess of autherIzed b. The Brandenburg ;:olksposizeibereitscnt_i-.. tutn, nor. a,)2(X) ;once., was La.:.lideliburt. in J:.nuary rite new ...::ereitscrsc,ft is s.id to be nn eiki:teer talit t. lOtlierb:iltitSChastj, a.u_ezedly eo.1...:_nded by h for.aur oilicer ordnance ei.pert of Lie :.;i2rInrarl AtiliTaStratargln 0; LIU Interior. c. boon trailer rte. f: Uraw.enbirg to itre.21.o.y., nc hiawouhrters of :.he :;rd oi Liie dissolved iiranuenburL i oliseibe:eitscaa2t whr. L1/4, Gotta (N 51/4 06) in late janur.ry i< v:nere h now l bercit.scnaft v.ps allor.ofily to ie nctiv:ited. 3. Voicspoli.zeiscnulo in ".lpLesin (11 54/Q .28). info rfir:tion on the 4 *Juin Voiks::011zeiscnuie Tyre: ren;:tr:: Or anizr tion : Ofiicer candithte school thn .2(I0 rrriimps about .1.PODEM i>' flP1IEALLOflM CLASSIFICATION SE - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1-H UM DISTRIBUTION ilFOOCU ENTIAL in accordance with the to letter of 16 (Dokter 1978 from the Director of Central intelligence to the Archivist of the Unfted aa:es. Next ReWew Date: 20:28 SI. Ana: a'e, 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160005-4 Perscnnel: Arnament: Tr;lane,: Volks olizeiSchule /CONTROL c-? U.S.OFF/014LS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Inspekteur Philipp, school ca?ander InspekLeur Ludrig, PK o;iicdr A Soviet, instructor One 105-mm tun Five mortflis of vall:MAS cnilbers ? Ttenty :Lachine runs, model 42 Fifteen anchinc guns, wodel Cf/15 450 carbines, model 9E K. 300 sub:: *chine Euns, moull 42 ? lEC Astols, mJciol 0E. ILLensive indoctriAation and in firing nnd engineer sorvico A- floev.en kiL 53/Y V) 4. ? t c:4n.Ltz n for -;tion on tae 3ioeten Vol.:spolizelschulc ? Previous deaLlintl::n: 5. Type: Strength: Personnel:. Avf,ent trini :u: Polizeibereitschart II/1 Artillery school, Ata the ele..Lehts belt:0 referred to as batteries. School cadre perso:1:.01 of 4..g0 and 1,000 trd.neLN laspekteur Teloh, schUol cmmandant Inspekteur Thiele, r-A-ofricer lAmunandeur aetzoch, in charge of military training, Kam:handcar officer Larisch, adinistmtion and supply 50X1 .50X1-H UM 50X1-H UM Three 150-mm field nowitzers for Tc.-= AT guns Lit to ten iiot irn.nnLry g:uns (sc6e boin6 dP af,nd). ? Six to eight machine itans of model C8/15 Submac:dne auns of :,..edelS 42 Carbines of model 9CK istols of thodel 08 Primarily artil.LL ry traini inf omin Lion OG the Sloe% en loiiiiscnule ?C3) . Type: ;artillery school School hcadounrters 50)6 -HUM 'v.() bat talion henucsnrte rs Ten companies (meal WAS addreL,sd not to Lae caupnvles out to, kb teilunc,en, e..... the 5th '..:o wrs ;:oLeiluni.: R.) SI 2C. k-CCOL iI JUS CiCIA.. ut .3 LY Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160005-4 50X1-HUM CENTRAL 1NTE1LICE'NCE AGENCY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160005-4 1 ersonnel: Inspekbet.r Teloh, sehooi co... fildar... ?,/ c; the zJi:fratie:i iivil ar on Lre ..ea slue) hra.a:nent: ?.otor vehicles: Inspoltteur Pietzoc4.73ftdjutant o.L' artillery c?tininL? ?I(fonae t? firs; Lieu tenant, (A rty ) Oberitccutissar thteinber,c, J or 5th CA. Obericoil....issar PK-cales oi I Da ano tmctical instructor i;o-cassar .carror, tactic,l. instructor ?.4.Ln Lae I La Aoaratissor taot.h, Eunnery i.,struotor Polizeimeister fcfljnn, tact1cf.1. instructor iii!U;:toAachtmeist.e r hott:zr& 6'u sch, ordnance instruc- tor Three heavy fluid :Ar:.i..zers or model 16 karrivd in lar e January 1950 four to six 1.1,y,ht field howit....ers of model 17 .liii MU-21L. brake (;rrived in Miq-JnnUAry 195%).; One EE-rtm AA gun (a...r.lvea in 1.e Januar" .1.950) Three 75-mm: AT tans (arrived in Decdaber Three hundred sub;t.achine ;tins r assault rifles of :odel 1.14. Jarbines of model- %%it Qalie zach.l.ne guns of :sodas (t. had 34. three passenger cars ? Two supply cracks Print movers for artillery plect:s were not yet avail?able. Radio equipment: portable rat..io sets ty es U and 1). ::month courses for ;.rtiluery ofacer c:.ndidates Are ,Jelai, conducted ;,.t tine school. Courses stA.Irteu 1:.16b btsic inikntry Ordnance. insLructi,n roma baiiislics were e,.:.pnasized at the time the reportini:. ponce:flan fled. Service 3j t _se piece driii was also hold in to drill halls. The training proimm provided for three hours or poli- tic:1. indoctrinatic: each ds.y G. Volkspolizeibereitsclut st-Innekannn in i.:rOse.enhain (LN ca) informntion on -he Volkspolizeibereitschaft ..nast-Tnadl_ann S.); Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160005-4 50X1 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160005-4 ..u.a. unacumionLY GEBTRAL IITZET4SIGENCE AGENCY Loction: Strength: OrganivAion: Casernes :t the c..4?osse:thf.iin airfield. Lbou. 1,000 police lour ::o:.:randos of lour Aheilungen eacn. -ach Kom:hando numbel-ed 250.men. CO of iieztitschhft: Oberpolizeiret Ziei!:sner. Mout 30 snail armored vealeses (possiel.;. Wrmored tmck-lvinz mnsaunition carriers of tne former Genann 1.r.aed eorees) Six heavy x.:-ch;ne guns of model OC/15 SulltinchThe zuns of models. 42 am.1 4.4 Carbines of model 96K Pistols of .odel 08 l'ne arms were xept in a closely .guardA ordnance room and onZy issued for the duration of duty - hours. . Training: tinily practices with tareu anLoreu vehic..es, es.cn. 4.anned by co-an..ant WrIu2twac1le;.eister or Ober- wachtmeister),.c driver, f, Amchine ::i1C five suUllachine Lunners. jucn a crui exceeded toe cfcJacity of tne nnxored venicien. Caty one VOLiC-C wcs ar4ed with n machine gun. 7. .Vokspolizeibereitschaft in kinnar: (..; 54/.7..4.) infors.ation was obtained on iinnew berenschert Designhtion: Locf,tion: 2d Po.Lizeibereitschaft Srandenburg iormcr children's rest. center ktne unit 11,:d previously been stationed in Kyrit. 53/Z 17;' ?-;trenth: LbouL .:.,000 police "iersonnel: Oberpolizeirat fohl,Ind4 e0 of uereitschaft Oberoolizeirat -endt, Opty e0 of t3ereitschart. Limameni: One 134 tanh ..iotor vehicles: Ono SP gun One armored reconaissance 51,47..ach] e Dins of r.:odel 44 Carbines of model 9Lii Fistois of *node). One ::essenLer I'xo trucks ' Two passenger cars One .notorcycie Field trainine. (At squac level; (attack and del.ense) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160005-4 50X1 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160005-4 mum rummoncs maga Jallistics hnd /bine tith-smh11 ems., .:alatenance P.rld Servicin: of encines. b. (1) Dhily tr:dning with fc.ur i31. tans WAS obscrv..:_ witn La. .innow -voikspolizeibexeitschaft la add-Febru.sry .1.(J5C (2) file Dereitscnaft wr.s eouipimd Uth the L1o.in addi- tialal iseavy teapons: :our 1O5-cuta runs ;Ind four 75-ma owls. (3) It -,.aS said tnht tLroo inflation ohsL..hrks were enr_Ihrked for the construction of storace buildings in the nreh of tilc olizeischuie in 1950. Volkspolizeibereitscnait la kotsdua-Liche. Li inf omhtion on tne i'otsd ,a.a-:Liche V elk spoli zei be rel s ch:?f t Designation: Type: 6th VolkspolizeihereitschhA scheduled hs hrtillericbereitschait (artillery unit) Strength: 700 police Oryanization: Stabskcmaanao And 3 KoricL:tndos Personnel: Oberpoliseirat _luegel, CC of 3ereitschaft Oberpolizeirat rL-chief L Soviet instructor Armaent: ten infantry c.uns of uniuentified Lachine omas of model 34 (those of model GC/15 had been turned in) Submachine c.u.s of mcoel 42 Carbines of model 9a. 9. Volkspolizeischuie or Volkspolizeibereitscaaft in a renallau (a: 54/ iaforihLion or'Volkspolizeiboreitschaft 50X1 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Ji;): 50X1-HUM nn tac renziau Volkspolizeisc.aile50X1-HUM (7) trencth: ? 40 officers and ob3ut -,1-0 Organizt=tio len co.:pa:nice Personnel: ihspe'eteur Stadia?, school co .:anndant Aommf:.nuer a:isenc-scaer? deputy coaL ndant Soviet instructor Lopieanacen Lnot_ent; One anoured vcnicle ci unidentified tyl.:e About 40 mortrs -One AT gun Assault. rifles Submachine guns Carbines of moncl riCK Pistols of model OL 50X1-HUM Ten throwers were Aleaedly recently issucli to tato school Theoretical ins.,ruction on ; anzerfaust hnd bbcpsicoNTaok/us CP2ICIAL?5 LU Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160005-4 I ? avnmalthImmunr ? IT C nertirrwm MTV Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160005-4 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ii f Ascellrneous: innzerschreck (bazoo)cas) kite officers at Le school were Liven the secret infortation Uoit the 1st. tnrouji 5th Cos %Neve :oscov for inspection. The dhte of de- parture was still dnknown. 10: Polizeibe.eitschaft in fruueabrietzen (N 53/Z 5t;) inforAhLion on Treuenbrietzen Polizeibereitschaft Designation: Location: Strenc.th: Orrepization: i.crsonnel: kr.ment: L.otdr vehicles: ? Trainini: 50X1 50X1-H UM Eth Polizeibereitscnaft (oritinated from the fonaer 10th Polizeibcreitschaft, Sondersanusen 54/1) 1.1)) 10 to 12 cantonment buildin,:s in Treuenoriet.4enbulter- hof (new quarters were scLeduled to be built in the Spring of 1950) 800_police (whs to be increnseu to 1,.:00 bi tile Sprin of 19)0) StabsabLeilung oi 70 zen end 3 KoA....andos of Lame 60 to 83-..&m AbLeilunAen eaca. ?olizeirnt CO.of Se:eitscnalt (aboat 45 years of heft) folizeirat ih-Leitev ,abou 31 years of a,e, coniinacd Communist) :::lizeikomaissar herald, Sr.uos-PK (hbout 3 yes,rs df aLe) folizeikommissar ;aierbe, Stabs -PK (about .43 years of age, Antifn graduate) Soviet artillery colonel wearin Uric: uniion of -h Obcrpolizeirat, instructor. Aire or six heavy acnine guns of models 0E/15 :ald ?aksim rifty submachine Lens of model 44 :wo hundred carbines of model 9Ei. Fifty pistols of .aodds. OF. and 3E Three trucks Three or four'passener cars inf.ntry (attac;?, defense ane cIose-co.abt) Theoretical en64neer trainick; Incoretical simal Artillery trainindwas aii.e.d1y to be Laken up s.:Q.7 ? ILA-C.:t L'iNr.LY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160005-4 atGRET/CONIROL LS. OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 77- b. The 'iolkspolizeisc,uie in Tredenbrietzenhelterhof (fonuer imuunition innt) receive? four 75-mm oins in .0.nnuary 1950. The scnool nmabLree abou.. paliee nt Lnt Litre en:;aclty about s,200 :.en) Most of L: were staid to have coa:e from ihuringin.. 11. Polizeibc.-eitschaft in 7eissenfeis iL 543'29). . The Qlizeibereitschaft. in. the Lrtillurie 1:aserne, ..:eicseniuls? WAS dissolved in Juno i9490 alleEedly becarse of n mutiny as 'Anis lesrned in December 1949. :isane of the 7ersonnel were discnarc.cd, sa:.e were transferred to .other police Unit s in ":.uudlinbur. (IL 52/il 34) :in..; at Lne border. b. nother police unit vhich had been nctiveteu in the snme eAserne hnu wnu allev.edly dcsiontcd is; rolizeibereitscnaft. .fis transience to au- burg 544% on 1 hui.:List c. Tae octivation in -eissenfuls of n police unit, desi;..:uated 5th Polizeibereitsche w;:s strted on 1 Juno ...?)49. 1.hu 1st Lawa:muo consistinL of .3 :i'tons encn nitn 1 officer nnd. 50 '62.) wnr activated by 1 i',Li:.ust 194? the 2d haunndori mio-Auzust 194(; nnd tno 3rd Le ndo by zr1y September 1549. ? d. Strencth: Or anizntion; Personnel: Armament: '..,:eLor vehicles: Trninin dnta on the Bereitschaft About 1,000 police Stnbskammandov Lnd three Ka:..Lnlidos (eac? car,pfd)y lraclu5 n6 two elite Loons Lot the trkinin,i, 0: NZO candinFtes) FolizeirP,t leichfischer, CO of bereitochaft (caaes f ram Oebi siel de (- 53/Y .c fl. ). Polizeirat 1:arl Lleyer, i:C-Leiter (ca:.es frxn Cc-M.5201de) 50X1 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM zeirnl. Lathe r, ndatinistrn Lion me sup,sly 0J:ricer (comes from Oebisfelde) ::co bviet Inspekteurc rnnkinz Oberpolizeiraete neavy ,ancninc j;:uns Fifty subLnehine Kuns,model 44 Uundred-fiftv c:IrOines, model 9EY, lzenty pistols, model 36 'No trucks C: rs four :1;0 torcycles LrOneer trLinint, eield trninin?: Theoretic:-], radio trjainp :aintenance nnd survitilv of enceines Sb3nA-CC....11.06 CLLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160005-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160005-4 ? SE /CONTROL ? U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 50X1 Connetit: 50X1-HUM the Ulciiven school is a br:sic traininc: .scitool for ..rtilierie . bereft schaf ten. 50X1-HUM The eliegerhorst Xaserne is knotn to be occupied by SoviLt troops. 50X1-H UM (7) The .i.J....kspulizeleinneit is statiou.ec. 50 in tile: lor.zer ?ustl.?..len miserne ?nt tn.: :.-.1rfield. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/28: CIA-RDP82-00457R004800160005-4 1-HUM