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CLASSIFICATION.XC0:;TROL u., S.. 01"1,'TeTATS rrnT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004800130004-8 OM= IC %JEAN I a ritisiutmut AGENCY REPORT ? ? INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Bulgaria SUBJECT Bulgarian Airports PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. co FIDENTEAL DATE DISTR. 3 mky 50 NO. OF PAGES 4 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO RFPnRT Nri 50X1 50X1-HUM ATAAJCAtTa TATTOF-70CTIMT Tem notacnr commas MFOCTIATIOIT Arita= TIM CATiMIAL DITIMRSC OF WIZ MOVED STATIC OMNI TIM =AMMO OF TIM ITSFAXIACII ACT SO U.S. C.. 31 AIM AZ AS AOIIIDAD. ITS TRACSOISItt011 on IMO MIVIUTI011 OF ITS COMMITS TU ANT MAMMA TO AU OrMITITIOITIZIM MOON IS POO- MONT= OT Ifl. RISSIODACTIOS OF TOM TOSS IS PTIORMAIIIIT, 47.1 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-HUM V There follon a partial list of tie airports in Bulgaria, the majority -of which are under the supervision cf the Soviets. 1. Donhurishte Airport. A permanent airport under the supervision of the Soviets. One transportation squadron is Licated here. This airport has only one very good rurvray, 1,100 meters long oad 500 meters wide. There are three hangars and one underground hangar. 2. Plovdiv Airport. This is a permanent military airport which is also used as a civilian airport by the Soviets. It had some damage during the war but was repaired by the Soviets. Thein are six large natal hangars and one repair shop. At the north end there is a warehouse. There are installations for both day and night flying. ft; present, 438 Soviet Bombing Battalion is located here* There are also four Bulgarian pursuit squadrons, equipped with new JAK-9 type fighters. 30 Gotta Dikanya Airport. This is a permanent airport, One Soviet bombing regiment is -located here. This airport has an exceptional runway, 1,500 meters long and 750 motors (ride; a content runway 1,000 motors long ant 45 meters wide was recently ccnstructed by Bulgarian soldiers under Soviet supervision* There are fix') hangars and others under construction (number not known). The airport hrs a repair shop, one radio station, and all installations for day and. night flying. 4. Dobrich Airport. All work vas completed in October 1949 at this airport. Two hangars were constructed by the Soviets, There are underground resovoirs (presumably P.O.L.) with a ..:apacity of 30,000 liters and another of' 10,000 liters. The runway is constructed of cement, 1,200 meters long and 60 meters wide. There is also a redo station whose antennae is located near the airport. There is a traroportation squadron which the Soviets use to transport goods to Albinia (airlift) and as a link with the Soviet Union, Large four engine carp planes land at this airport.. 5. Yarabol Airport. This is a permanent airport under the control of the Soviets. A cement runway was constructed on Soviet orders.. There are four hangars and one factory with Soviet machines. There is also a large under- ground tank of gascline between jje hangars. The airport is used only by CLASSIFICATION U. S. OFPICIZIS ONLY STATE # * NAVY ;ix NSR8 DirWirkifinrj NT Li ARMY 0 k& AIR At? FRI 'This document is hdeby tezaded' to CONFIDENT/4 in accordanceWW1/1e letter of 16 October 19T6: trent. the Director of Central Intelligence to, the Archivist of the United States. Next Review Date: 2008 . 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 CIA-RDP82-00457R004800130004-8 -A? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004800130004-8 Mak:TA:01MM n? C. so OFFICIALS ONLY =THAL ranunErcE11?II!CY a 2 a the Soviets. There is one bombing, one .pursuit, and a transportation squadron here. There is a large warehouse for bombs and ammunition. Tho airport her installations for night flying. !. Telish Airport. This is a permanent airport used by the Bulgarian Army Air Porce. It was constructed and used by the lemma. This airport has an exceptiOnal runuay of cement 1,200 meters long and 100 motors wide. It has installations for day and night flying. There is a new hangar and one shop, a radio station0 and a radar station. One Soviet bombing squadron it located here. 7. Kazanlik Airport. This is a permanent airport which was used by the Germans. The cement runway was constructed by the Germans; measurements of the airport are as folloms: 1,500 meters long curl 1,300 meters wide. During 1949 tla ' Soviets constructed another runway of cement and concrete taxi approaches. This airport has installations for night and day flying. One squadron of the Bulgarian Bombing Division (135 Bombers Squadron consisting of 112 type planes) is located hare. There is also a "half unit" of Soviet transportation planes which are used for the airlift to Albania. 8. Vrazhdobna Airport. This is a permanent airport used by the Bulgarians. Ifhilis one of the best and largest airports because of location and the native terrain. The airport is 2,000 meters long and 1,000 meters wide. There are four large stool hangars, one repair shop, and various other installations. At the beginning of December 1949 the construction of one cement runway was completed. The largest portion of the Bulgarian Air Force is located at this airport. There is also one pursuit squadron, whose airplanes have been furnished by the Soviets. 9. Dolna ritropoliya Airport. This is a permanent airport of the Bulgarian Air carrngthewar ft was almost destroyed but it WAS repaired in 1946. There is one defense squadron with jot planes furnished by the Soviets at this airport. Its commander is n Soviet officer* There is also one Soviet transportation squadron at this airport which regularly conveys goods and men. It has a cement runway 1,500 meters long and 200 meters wide. The other cement runway is under construction. Tho airport has all necessary installation and one new radio station. There are two hangars and one repair shop. There is one gasoline tank located between the hangars. 10. Atanassovo Airport. Thin is an auxiliary airport which is scheduled to 'become a permanent airport this year. At present there is a pilot school there. There is no cement runway and only a repair Shop constructed of cement blocks and steel. The personnel of the airport and the pilot school is housed in four buildings. To the left of the airport there is a 50,000 liters cement tank for gasoline. There is an active radio station and installations for night and day flying. 11. thorn Gora Airport. This is an auxiliary airport with a firm, dry runway 17212Mflmeters long and 1,000 motors ride. It is Plovdiv's alternate airport. At present there is one formation of Soviet pursuit planes and ono squadron of Bulgarian pursuit planes located here. The. Soviet formation has JAKal2 airplanes, and the Bulgarians have nesserschmidt 109'00 12. Ivanovo Airport. This auxiliary airport is located near the village of Imanovo near -Bvilengrad. There are only two buildings at this emergency airport which are used for housing. 13. Karlovo Airport. This is a permanent airport of the Bulgarian Air Force. The war damago has been completely repaired. There are four large hangars, ceas permanent repair shop, and the regular installations of a permanent airport. 14. Dalcik Airport. This is a perraanent airport of the Bulgarian Air Force. The is 2.000 rioters long and 1,500 meters wide, and has a cement runaay 1,000 meters long and 60 meters wide. It has four large hangars, and two more under construction. There is aworkshop and a gasoline tank with a 100.000 liters capacity. There is one Bulgarian bomber squadron and two Soviet transportation squadrons here. S'XIET/CCEITROL IT. S. Wile TAU amy Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004800130004-8 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004800130004-8 2yGoliTi:01, E. 3. OPFICIALS ONLY 4? VIITRAL MTLILIG:21;CLI ASECY 15. Dospat Airport. This is a Bulgarian auxiliary airport and is located on a pla .au of the Rodopi Mountains. During the war it was used by the Germans. In 1940 it was reconstrudted and completed with non installations. Although this is an auxiliary airport: it has two cement =slays. One is 650 meters long; the other is 45 meters wide (sic). At this airport there is a Soviet pursuit formation. The airport is guarded by a company of the Soviet Army. 16. Rrumovo Airport. This is a nou airport constructed in 1948 with two hangars and one factory. Tho airport is 1,500 motors long and 800 motors wide. The runway Scomodabas the heaviest planes during any season, There are installa- tions for day flying only at present. There is one Soviet pursuit squadron (15 planes) and one unit of the Bulgarian Pilot School under the osnmand of a Soviet officer. 17* Buhovo Airport. This is a Bulgarian auxiliary airport 1.000 motors long and 450 motors wide. There is a mall radio station and a gonimotor (RDF equipment) which was left by the Germans during their retreat. There is a training squadron of the Bulgarian Air Force located hero. 180 Sopot Airport. Construction of this airport began in 1948 for use by the Soviets. Construction has not been complotod. Until now hangars, one repair shop, and two fairly large warehouses have been conutructod. Thero in one coment runway 1.300 notors long and 60 motors wide under construction. 19. Stara Zagora Airport. This was used during the war by the Germans. It has no permanent runuay and floods easily. It is 1.000 motors long and 600 meters wido. It has four hangars and one small repair shop. It is used only for training purposes during the aummer. 20. Dolni Burnie (sic) Airport. This airport was built for the use of the Soviets and is designed for bambors. It is 1.600 motors long and 1.000 meters wide. It has installations for night and day traffic and is now being used by the Soviets in their airlift. 21. Graf Imatiev Airport. This is a permanent Bulgarian airport with a cement hangar and a new permanent repair shop. South of the airport is a gasoline tank. An underground tank ,is also under construction which will have a capacity of 100.000 liters. The airport has installations for day and night flying. There is one formation of Soviet bombing planes with jot motors. 22. Chirpan Airport. This airport is still under construction. It is being constructed by a unit of the Bulgarian Army. 23. Lovoch Airport. This airport is located near a temporary factory whore airplanes are assembled9 the parts caning from the Soviet Union. This factory also makes general repairs to airplanos. Because of the good terrain the heaviest planes are able to land during all masons. For this reason it will be one of the largest bases for Soviet pursuit planes. 24. Maslerevo Airport. This is an auxiliary airport 1,600 motors long and 800 meters wide, it has a dry runllay at all seasons. Thore is no commit rumay ? .but construction is to be made during 1950. There is one Soviet pursuit squadron. 25. Urba Airport (sic). This airport is five kilometers south of Varna. It is small with a few Soviet transport planes stationed there. 26. Orlino Airport. This is a Bulgarian auxiliary airport which was used by the Germans during the war* A cenorrt runway is under construction. It is located on a plateau on the Rodopi Mountains near the village of Spatsko (sic). There are only a few Soviet planes here. There are plans to make this a large base for Soviet pursuit planes. 27. Yambol Batevo Airport. This is an auxiliary airport and is located 10 kilmoters smith of Yambol. This airport will be used as a pilot training school by the allgarians. There is only one hangar and a few buildings where the Bulgarian personnel lives, SE .5T/CO1!TROL - U. S. OFFICIALS OULY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004800130004-8 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004800130004-8 .LICIZVCCI!72110L JI. Se a riticias OIlY cni:Tata, n:5-raLarr.r.c: ? 4 - 28o Varna Chaika Airport. This is an old Bulgarian base near the Black Sea. It has two hangars and installations for Saviot sea planes. Those are mainly transport planes and are used to transport coeds from the Soviet Union into Bulgaria. At the same time it is a station for sea planes which fly from the Soviot Union to Albania. Mout of the tine it is filled with planes. Cornont 10 the following airfields as listed beltswere not in existence at the end of 1945: Paragraph 3 Paragraph 10 Paragraph 11 Paragraph 12 Paragraph 17 Paragraph 18 Paragraph 2p Paragraph 22 Paragraph 24 Paragraph 25 Paragraph 26 Paragraph 27 Paragraph 28 . Gonna Dikanya . Atanassovo ^ Cherna Gora ? ITMUOVO Buhovo ? Sopot ? Dolni Dupnic (sic) ? Chirpan ? Maslarovo ? Urba (sic) ? Orlino . Umbel Botevo . Varna Chaika 2. Most of the places mentioned above are in Mmnediate proximity of existing airfields or leveled off emergency landing graands and it does not appear probable that the alleged elaborate constructions were carried out. 3. The airport alleged to be at Atanascovo might have been mistaken with the airport Sarafovo. The former is a village within throe miles of Burgas and is located on terrain unsuitable for an airfield. The airfield of Sarafavo is within five miles of Burgas and has been in use for a number of years. Similarly the airfields given as Urba and Chaikas near Varnas might refer to the established air bases known an Peinordjik and Sessevmez. 4. The alleged concrete rumvay construction doss not seem feasible? Prior to 1945 Bulgaria had one inadequate concrete runways at Vrazhdebnas whioh was about 800 meters long and could not accommodate heavy bombers? 5. The existence of underground hangars and radar stations likewise do not seem feasible; they did not exist in Bulgaria up to 1945.and the present size Of the Bulgarian Air Force hardly warrants such construction. SEUL ONTROL U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/21 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004800130004-8