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Publication Date: 
March 28, 1950
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Approved For Release 2001/03/05: CIA-RDP82-00457R004600160011-6 CLASSIFICIATION i ;. --;"..:7 25X1 A COUNTRY China/tiacno CENTRAL INTEL IGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. ONFORMATION REPO CONFIDENTIAL SUBJECT Comr^.unist Z'ilit^ay i'orces, Macao Area PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. 25X1A T CD NO. Ramn+ t GA il~w 25X1X DATE DISTR. 26 "nrch 1950 NO. OF PAGES I NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) 25X1A SUPPLEMENT REPORT NO. ljj~ A "few reginentsa of Communist troops are concentrated at Chienshan (113.31, 22-1zl?) on the Macao border. About 2.000 Communist troops are at Heiaohene.- chin (113-31, 22-10), opiosite ?4aeao. Gunboats of the Cormannist customs 25X1 A station on Nalaochiao (sic) Island (11331, 22-09) have increased arr.^, anent. On Communists at this base gathered 60 to 70 fishing Junks for an attack on the Nationalist naval base on Lafsami (sic) Island, resulting in a 20-minute battle with the gunboats. 25X1 A ~Cornr.Ient. On - the Hong Kong nrPSS state4 that recently a 25X1 A Portuz uese naval launch, after a short battle of Coloane Islanr1 (113.33 22-08). forces. 5 Communist gunboa.ts to lave Macao craters. The Comruni sts stated that their nission eras to arrest Nationalist soldiers on a bp.rge near the islrnd. 25X1A 25X1 A Corm-!nt. Accor .ir , to rm indetendent, about - the Ooz:rrn2n'i sts were prey wring about 6,000 troops in Chung- sh-'.n (113..36, 22-22) h& ie,,r for a rrroverrent against tianshan Island (113 21..), which is not: a be for 6 Nationalist naval ?.trot boats and about 3,000 rrarines. The Chinese Nationalist Air Force was cratching the area closely for major troop and ~junk concentrations. Document No. ----- j(Z_~. `r -r No, C. hrfin~7' e Ir. r, L=a z: 0_6L_.1UN_, CLASSIFICATION COzTi'M,"NTIAL 25X1X This do R_~r- ;;,t ?ebv reg.aded to CONE: ..vrdanc e with the letter o 1978 from the Director cf Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. Next Review Date: 2008 STATE ff' +TTkEE:::TIELdI:EEEIE kftv. Qp AR004600160011-6 Approved For Release 2001/03/05: (OM