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COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. CLASSIFICATION r. - ?..?) Approved ForRGE4s412815Wkigel9baRg'82-004etraT4Y90 INFO ATION REPORT 6ONFIDENTIAt Germany (Russian Zone) Miscellaneous Information from UV& 25X1A CD NO. 25X1A DATE DISTR. 21 MR 50 NO. OF PAGES 4 NO. OF ENCLS. (USTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT No, 25X1X 1. Effective 24 February Chefinspekteur Zorn, head of Hauptabteilung Inspektion, was appointed chief prstemoof the Hauptverwaltung fur Ausbildung to succeed Generalinspekteur ailhelm Zaisser, the first anister of State Security of the DWI Zorn has already moved into Zaisser's office. 4orn3s appointment came as a considerable surprise even to those staff officers of the HVA who are generally well in- formed on impending developments. Zorn has always been in the backgreund of EVA affairs and only recently while substituting for Chefinspekteur Heinrich deitsch, Chief of Staff, has he become known to a wider circle of WA personnel. Zorn was a major serving with a German Air Force Staff. As a result he is not too well veraed in land warfare problems, but has compensated for this shortcoming by accepting tne advice of staff officers with more experience along those lines. Zorn's appointment, by-passing both Chefinspekteur !,u1z and Chefinspekteur Heitsch, may have been prompted by political considerations. Zorn returned from the USSA with very high recommendations attesting to his political reliability. 2. A new function has been created in the person of the so- called "HVA Verbindungsoffizier" (EVA liaison officer), as- signed to each Objekt, who will be charged with handling extraordinary occurrences affecting the security of the Objekt in question, sabotage, subversion, espionage, deser- tions, etc. This development was foreshadowed at the Bereitschaft commanders' conference in Berlin-Treptow on 1/2 February 1950. One of the commanders had been severely reprimanded for not promptly reporting the failure of one of his officers to return from leave. His excuse that the Sovietnik had advised against an immediate report was brushed aside by Zaisser, who pointed out that the Soviet- nik occupied merely an advisory position and that the ultimate responsibility for what should be done in a given 25X1X CLASSIFICATION CONFIDt.NTIPI. Approved For Release 2001/03/17 : CIA-RD Document No. No Change I [R Class Auth.: &ZOO Approved For Relea e 3/1 04500260004-4 25X1A CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY - 2 - situation reats fully with. the Objekt commandant. Further- more, Zaisser stated, it was contemplated to a3Agn a German liaison ?Meer to each Objekt whose function it would be either to report cases of tis type to tne Hiaa or to take a decision on the spot. This liaison officer, in matters with- in his purview, would be responsible only to Berlin. In at least one iLstance an official has already been assigned and is known to be working in closest collaboration with the 2nd Covietnik (a:lieved to be a representative of the Soviet Secret Police). It must be assumed that the liaison officer has his own re- porting caannels. aothing definite is known about the or- ganization o: the apex of the liaison system within tne HVa: Conceivably, a branca of the state Security aiinistry has been established in tne HVa, in control of tne liaison offi- 3 A staff officer of Hauptabteilung AuSbildung (training) of the affa is quoted as stating that the officers now undergoing training in the USSR can be expected to return by the end 25X1A of larch. adding one month home leave, 25X1A they will be available for assignment not later than 1 May. This, is one of several indications that tie major organizational moves may be contemplated for that date. 4. The recruitment of iftA personnel through Areispolizeiamter (district police headquarters) is no longer in effect. All Objekte have been instructed to recruit forthwith 50 men each over their T/0 strength. these 25X1A recruits will be used to fill 'vacancies which will develop as a result of the activation of Leitstellen (intermediate headquarters, one foe each land). The new head of the Sanitats und Veterinar abteilung is in- spekteur Dr. (Fad) Lehlback, age: 36 years. He is a native of Ketthen, Saxony-An4alt and an eye specialist. During tne Third Aeich he' held the position of ilSICK Sturmilihrer. He was an officer in thbi Garman Army and was taken prisoner by the Russians during the Stalingrad battle. In'1946 he was an inmate of the Orahki PO4 Lamp, where ne played a leading role as the propaganlist of tne camp Aktiv, being generally consicjered the best indoctrinated and most vocal exponent of the ?iarxian philosophy, thereby gaining the enmity of most of the captive officers in Oranki. Because of his im- placable fanaticism the Russians considered it wise not to place him in charge of the Lageraktiv. This latter position was occupied by .ngelbrecht, new chief assistant of Heitsch, and Colonel leridios, former aide of General Vinzenz Aehlback returned to Germany in spring 1949 and resumed his practice in Kt5then where he later occupied several leading political positions. a short while ago ais services were en- listed by the AVa. His deputy is tae former chief of the abteilung, KomMandeur Dr. Gerhard Sabinski. A central ordnance collecting point servicing all Jbjekte of the HVa hair been established in the Lichtenberg slaughter yard. Obeapolizeirat (FU) Schmidt, formerly quartermaster of tne VP Ichool in i;aumburgAaale, has been placed in charge. The coleecting point is controlled by Hauptabieilung Inten- dantur of the dVa. 7. In conjunceion witn the celebration of the anniversary of the founding of the Soviet army, a special medal was pre- sented to the following, Chef Inspekteure von eeecn (comman- dant of the VP School in Prora/auegen), Oberpolizeirat Hans aiegenhagen and Kommandeur aellee (Hauptabteilung Personal). The award consists of a plaque depicting a Peoples Police- man carrying a black, redland gold flag, eita the police star in the center, and an inseription to tae effect that the bearer has rendered meritorious service to the police. Approved For Release 2001/03/17 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004500260004-4 SeiCaET/CONZAOL, Approved For Release 2001/03/17 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004500260004-4 CENTRAL INTELLIGiNCE AGENCY 25X1A - 3 - 8. The 3rd Saxon Bereitschaft at Leipzig (Category B) has been Issued an 88mm PAK 243 on a split-trail gun carriage. The HVA reacted very strongly to a recent rumOr sweeping the ireptow Bereitschaft, linking tho name of Oberpolizei- rat Pannewitz with the alleged activation of an air force unit. One result was that veveral of Pannewites old friends In the Berlin Bereitschaft approached him regarding job prospects in that unit. Inepekteur Tutlitz, the commandant of the Berlin Bereitschaft, was instrueted to initiate an Investigation. Although he succeeded An narrowing down the circle of persons from whom this rumor is believed to have emanated, no disciplinary action could be taken in view of the Lick of definite evidence. 10. The two key members of the 9.arty Control ,;ommission of the HVA Party organization are Inspekteure (FLO) Teigel and (Fi4u) Arochen. The former is said to have returned only recently from the USSR. He is approximately 3& year of age, height: 1.60 meter, build: slim, hair: dark, parted on the side, balding. Continuously wears a scowling expreesion. De- scribed as the prototype ofia GPU man. Both leigel and Atochen belong to Hauptabteilung Polit/KultUr. 11. Still impending is the move of the HVA Adlershoe premises formerly occupied by an Army test station. KomeandeUr Engelbrecht has been assigned the allocation of sffice space. As of the date of the move, it can be presumed tLat the rule forbidding all HVA personnel to enter the li;estern oectors under any circumstaeces whatsoever will be strictly enforced, since S-Bahn communications will be such as to make un- necessary the crossing of destern territory. . 12. The wife of Generalinspekteur Zaisser has lived for maey years in the USSR and studied in that country. Persom who know her describe her as a highly intelligent, interesting and entertaining woman. Her daughter, the personal inter- preter of 'i:alter Ulbricht, has a perfect command of the Russian language. Ftau Zeisser reportedly occupies sone cultural function within the Gesellschaft far Deutsch- Sowietische Fteundschaft. 13. On 26 February a special training course was scheduled to begin at the Pirtle school which will provide special trait- ing for wireless transmission personnel. It will be at- tended by 120 men specially selected from all Objekte, either on the basis of their technical proficiency or theit general IA. Housing space for these 120 studeets has beee made available in the so-called "Graue Kaserne" at Rottweit- dorferweg 20. 14. The school at Pirna is composed of 8 signal companies, four of which trate wireless transmission operators and four telephone operation personnel. In addition there are two engineer training companies. Pirna is badly hampered by. its lack of experienced instructors. 15. Kommandeur (FINi(J) StArker, formerly instructor in the VP school at 4ggenin, has been appointed commandant of the 1st Saxon Bereitschaft. In that capacity he is also post cem- Mender of Leipzig. He returned from Riassian imprisonmett In September 1948, after serving as an officer in the Genian Army. 16, The Leipzig spring fair has confronted the Leipzig Bereits- chaften with serious security eroblems. Aeeroximately 45 000 visitors are anticipated what sheuld be done in order to prevent the uncontrolled mingling: of Bereitschaft personnel and curious foreigners has been the subject of a high-level conference in dilhelmsruh. The decision finally handed down was an order to place the Leipzig Bereitschaften ApprotddefiordEekelaset;0611d08/HrinMikDR820004571400452226?0004At duration of the fair. ri m T1 a 1-; Approved For Release 2001/03/17 : CIA-RDP6cliMf -WkagClaig0004-4 j- CENTRAL INTJLLLIGENCE AGENCY 4 25X1A 17. Polizeirat (FNO) Haak, commandant of the K4chensee Bereitschaft, has been transferred to Berlin-Treptow and placed in charge of training (Ausbildungsleiter) of the Berlin Bereitschaft. His predecessor, Polizeirat Adams, has been appointed chief of one of the four Kommandos of that Bereitschaft. 16. The term Sonderkommandos is applied to mortar training platoons, one of which is believed to be part of each category A Bereitschaft. Its strength would be approxi- mately 30 men. 19. An unconfirmed rumor places the location of the AVA naval unit, alleged to be in the process of activation, in the city of Stralsund. There are indications that repair and construction work will have to be done before personal housing facilities are available. 20. A former officer of the VP School in l'irna, Oberrat (FiU) Schmidt, has been assigned tO the Operations Section of the Hauptabteilung Stab of the HVA. This section now con- sists of Kommandeur Engelbrecht, Kommandeur Heimann, Kommandeur Amm, Oberrat Uxal Oberrat Schmidt and Polizei- meister .iernicke (office manager). 21. Kommandeur 01110 Schombarg, head of Abteilung Gerate und 4affen, Hauptabteilung Intendantur, AVA, has been dis- missed on graunds unknown 25X1X 25X1A *MN Comment: Zaisser, as *.dinister of State 25X1A Security, will also be in control of EVA affairs. Since the AVA has officially been designated an "angegeliederte Hauptverwaltung" of the .dinistry of the Interior, presumably a decision of the cabinet would be required revoking that order and placing the HVA under the ,Ilisdictl.on of the Ministry of State Security. A great deal can be said in favor of soarce's surmise.. For one thing it would be incongrubus to leave a strictly military organization under the linistry of the Interior. Up till now the functions of that flinistry in respect to the HVA have been merely formal, con- fined to certain types of logistic support and the rendering of assistance in negotiations with the Lander linisteries of the In- terior. Furthermore, Zaisser's intimate acquaintance with AVA affairs and their kinship with the functions of the State Security :Ainistry would make logical the placing of the HVA under its juris- diction. CONVIDNIAL Approved For Release 2001/03/17 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004500260004-4 -6-tcaErn?Gaiati0.1.._