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.,LASSWFICPAT10N Approved FERAEeii~AL r G - t - 9 F AT FO T' CD NO. COUNTRY Finland SUBJECT Fincash Lappland 25X1 PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. THIS DOC011IIHT COt1TAH13lt;FORUATlOH AFFBCTINOTHN IIATIORALD2FINSR 07 THS OIIITED !RATE'S $I .IIt1 TIID DEA11SH0 OF TIM ?SPIQUA5 ACT 30 U. a. C.. 31 AHD 3?, AS A1 41-W11171). ITS T2ANSI1ISSt031 OR Trig REVELATION OF ITS C011TEHT3 to AM FrIAt1E3 TO AIa UNAUTHORIZED PEFSOt1 IS P1t0? AIIDIYFD CY LAW. GEPWDts r318H OP TlttS POEM ID PROIIIHITKO. 25X1 25X1 25X1 DATE DISTR. L"' M1.T 50 NO. OF PAGES 3 NO. OF ENCLS. CL45TED BELOW SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1~ Pop alation~pi.'ia ration and :ousinG,, a, Ptecon atruotion of viil.a[;es and buildinzio in Finnish Lappland began as soon as the tzar ended and has proceeded so rapidly that Lappland has now reached t ho housing; lovel. of the other Finnish pr evinces o 11otablo prof ress has also boon vado in cloarinC, arablo land., In addition to restoration of ware-damaCed buiidinzs, an oxtonsive pro-ram of nou construction is under ii-ray, All buildin ,s are of pormanont cornstruc- tion and modern desiG,n. As an incantivo to quick rebuildinG, the i,innich Government Granted full compensation for buildimrs destroyed or da . Ged durinG the rrar, subsidized no'A7 construction and laand- cloarinG, and placed buildinC naterial3, blueprints and o.rport con. eultm-Its at the disposal of the population. bo The former resident's of Calla end iiuolajtavi have all moved -crithiri the new Finnish border, l.Tost of ti-tor have o tabiishcd homes dust inside the border, although soma have settled alone the road toward iomi j~?rv7. and others on the lotaar hi, mray from Cavul oski to Poll>osennienie 111o buildinGs aro spaced close toCothor, particularly in the productive river valley south of Pelhosonniomi. In the north, the Finnish rosi- dents of Potsamo and the Pus ,icon CLolty Lapps have also ma-Ted within the now -Finnish border a The Pot came Finns have sottlad at Inar3, and on the Tana !'liver. The Ckolto Lapps are nevi encamped north of Inao.ri 2 U l a; ;;lation -1 o3itical -y zpat?~~ios, The percentage of Cmmunistc in T,appland is sliGiatly hijior than the port- ,. ccv ':aGo in i inland as a t yzalo;, Political of:_iliation of lei cdaa; izar.~bory frcu the iar'ovinco of Lappland is: .t rarian Party eeacasee...?oe Coalition Party ova..pat. eeeaJ social Domocraatic Fnrt e e , a t .l Deraocrat:i_c Urn i. on I" .. l)L) ....: 2 25X1 CLASSIFICATION _STAT_ _E. ;^aytf sa ges DISTRiBUTcON ~ _ _ ( ARMY ~- Asa wi .~ a ... ~."~P 41 NaAppoved For Release 2004/07/08: CIA-RDP82 JES 4400760011-5 25X1 ,osts are i.uch sou after because pay and housing are good and the activity of each officer is noro of loss indopondont, I.loralo and discipline are good, and scorn to be unaffected by the monotony of guard duty, The source remarks that the individual, independent nature ~. f the guard assiDaments, carried out in solitude, seems peculiarly suited to the Finnish temperament, The Finnish military authorities in Lappland have announced that all road- building of any kind till be reported in Ro?vraniomi, peh,'o~pen Sanonat and other local nowspapersg This step was tarn >za a means of quoin ing rumors that roads, airfields and/or fortifications were to be built at Soviet re- quo sto 6o Fortifications,, In 1940-194-1, forti2ications more built at I. rlcf j rvi, Juotsi jdrvi and Savukooki for the Fiarema Brigade, thich was responsible for the entire Soviot frontier of Finnish Lappland. (T"he main forces of the urigade 25X1 were sta%-.'Rued uoar fiG.r'*, ;; ~;,?rl ,) Those fortificat; ons are still usable, and still equipped with tank '1-raps and barbed-wire barriers, The I.IdrI - 25X1 =drew, fortifications are mostly of concrete construction, 25X1 there are rumors along the Swedish border ?of new r or -a ice ions, u Inc nsuch construction has boon observed? the rumors have arisen because of the building which has beer, wader 'iaay for the 25X1 past two years on the oastorn bank of Tonne Ever. This included barracks for three border'-guard companies, built about 7 kilometers south. of Ylitornio in 1948 and put into use early in 1949, 7,, Finnish La land as a IlilitarV Factor, a, The only ai:?'fields in use in Fixmish Lappland are those at Komi and Rovaniomi ? the Rovanioini field is to be en- 25X1 l.argod, and that the solid ground here will make possible the addition of runways for heavy planes, This could be done at Eemi and Ivalo as. 25X1 well. The pebble surface of the vaatershod in this part of Finland make possible the construction of good air- .:lo s within a relatively short times. I?or-Wa.or n Finland offers possib-' 25X1 ilities for airfield construction that are not equalled in northern Ilortiaay (mountain terrain), northern Soviet Karelia (numerous bogs and 25X1 lakes) or northern Swodonr Finnish exports con- firm his opinion that modern mecaanica equ? pa-aunt plus natural conditions would make it possible to conpleto a considerable air-'base area is Finland ~rithin one month b, Ileither roads nor terrain would present great difficulty if the Soviets should decide upon a sudden invasion of Finland by way of Savukoski- %'~drled jdrvi, Keni jarvi or Ivalo. C ' anize l opposition to an invasion in this area would probably be on too small a scale to stop a strong :.i nvading force, and the Soviet authorities are believed to Imow enough of the local torraia, to enable Soviet forcer, to operate between the roads, The Finnish military authorities are said to be fully aware that the wastes of north Finland present e:collent conditions for effective partisan warfare, in contrast to the loss favorable conditions in southern Finland, 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004400760011-5