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Publication Date: 
January 23, 1950
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cLASSI ICA1ION 4 Approved For Re lgggY~bdbJJM%ENff -- t2-0045f$ b i 1l~fA1< 11 1 F ATIO REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Chile SUBJECT Sergio Volosky idironch 25X1A PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF 2oX PPM NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. ,TAW 50 2 1. Reports have been received that Sergio Volosky, who was arrested as a teacher of political economy in the Communist Party of Chile (PCCh) in September 1949,, was the secretary of a Communist tell which was charged with the task of penetrating Jewish circles in Chile. When Volosky was arrested, police found a list of names in his possession which they surmised to be Communist militants or supporters. It has since been learned that many of those individuals have never been Communists, and that they were listed possibly as representing groups which could be penetrated. 2. The following individuals on Volosky's list have been identified as having Communist affiliations: Bodrack Moises Ile has been reported by the Chilean press as of Ioaown Communist Party affiliation. Ile was sent to Iquique by the government as an architect in the Departamento de t?rbanisro but was recalled when his Communist connections were revealed by the press reports. b. I3onadog Ernesto lie was one of 11 individuals arrested In July 1949 for distributing anti- government literature and writing subversive signs on walls c. Berzon, David One David Porzon was listed 27 August 1949 as a foreign student and ner..bor of a student toan which took over a place of Feder scion do Lstudiantes do Chile as part of the Communist Party plot and was forcibly ejected. One David Dorton Chulak, 21, was listed as an engineering student and Comunist who wan arrested for distributing anti-gorernrYent par.Yphiets in July 1949. lie was also is';ed is zxa_nber of the second group of pioneers for time youth publication Ada I3uM, and a member of the stiff of the Communist Party Youth. ?Ic'lt ent ELI. 2; Cbaille I .1., Approp6 /00/18 ~4_ TDP82-0 l~\ CONFIDENTIAL __ __ `' This document is hereby regraded to AOctober accordance the 1978 from letter r Of of 16 16 fett Director of central intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. f 41d6b`u1-6 Approved For Release 2000/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004100490001-6 CEUTRAL IWELLIMIME AGENCY `~;ONFIDENTIAI d. Dulitzky, Otilia 25X1A Otilia Dulitzky tags listed on the faculty of the Colegio Alvin of Loa Gui.ndos,, Chile,, April 1945. e. Lawner, Ester Ester La,,;;n or was listed by l{a Si..l in October 1947 to be one who would assist in evacuating children from the coal zone. One Ester Law er was listed as a representative of the IMICh, Communist women's organization. f. Pi.lowakyg Jorin lie wwiss 11sted as a Communist, Party to-ador in the University of Chilep as a pioneer of the Second Brigade,, to carry out resolutions of the Cornmist Party Youth "Plan do EnrulnciozP a and in August 1948 was listed as a Communist Party represont?ativo on the Executive Cor aittee of the Fedoras ion do Estud1antes de Chile. P litoff,, Sergio In 1947, he ryas listed as a Berber of then Communist Party Youth. Casa Sergio Politoff was arrested as a Canan1st Party student distributing literature in July 1949. h. Reltichg Jaime lie was lie-bed in q as a Communist Party leader sent by. Regional Committee of Juventud Comunista of Santiago to Puonte Alto 6 September 1947. One Leopoldo Stn tar was listed by I ",g3Q in 1.947 as a Communist Party Youth member? 3 It has been reported that Voloskr has been in disagreement with the Party directors on sore aspects of the economic situation since he will not admit that the capita l i. t system is now on the verge of collapse. 4. Sergio Vloloslty, an engineer and a Chilean Jou, wao a student loader and worked in the Ministerio de Vias y Obras until 1948. :1is sisters, Linda Volosky, is a professor in the T scuel a do Educadoras do Parbulos, and is a militant Communist. She is ii rieid to Dr. Julio Cabello, assistant to Dr. Graz Coke. Cabello was one of the doctors who attended Ricardo Fonseca, deceased Secretary General of the Uoi iu gist Party of Chile. Another sister, Dora Vol osky, is carried to Luis Hernandez Parts r? former Secretary General of the Juventud Conunista,, who was expollnod from the Party in 1933. lie is now a political co:. ntator on thu) I dio Sociedad Il acional de Agrricultura, and political editor for the nagazino T rr~;j~. Ile has been accused by tlh) Communist Party of being an Atszerican agent Volodiaa Teitelboim, pre rsinant Communist Party director, is also a cousin of Vol osky. Approved For Release 2000/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004100490001-6