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Publication Date: 
January 19, 1950
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CENTRAL INTELLIGE-1 ~: J P Y iiu3 ..Approved For Rs PERU: CI~~-00457R R~,040 F'O EE OR T CD NO 25X1A SECURITY if 1 6 r" COUNT Ill` lio,; Son;~~t ~c a f C ~ioz f Ja.~a?~ ti . d DAK E. CiS T R. 3.9 SUBJICT? USSR iJrocurer. ant of Tin in Hong Kong and Macao "VG OF PAGES PLACE 25X1 A _ NO. OF ENCLS r.CQUIRED tLiSTEO BEio DATE OF IN 25X1 X SUPPLEMENT REPORT 1. Yvanchenko, EI:s?)ortkhleb representative in Hong } onr,, who has been ?n.rchasing tin throe,?rh the Yangtze Sun,)1 Cc rporation* has stated that the USSR wants all tin eurchases and shipments hrntled secretly,. T its may be the result of the Soviet fear that if all tin purchases are made pablic, the Combined Tin Ccmrittee nawr take steps to control all tin 7aseing through Hong Kong to make sure that none gets to the USSR.** L`s..rIng the first three quarters of 1'x;9, only one tin shipment was recorded by the Hong Kong Govt rnrent as having gone to the USSR. This arounted to 60 metric tens, and occurred r1urtz the second ,_uarter. The com;anry that sold th e tin is re aortecl t h ifd th oavenormee government of the sale, thereby occasioniri~; some concern in the Y^.n;,tze Suua?)ly Corporation. Shipments "^ ? th t USSIp o e dur:n ; the thirdtrt . quare were no recorded by the Hong Fong Governrent. t** However, it is re:anrte~. that total of at least 200 tons of tin was jurcliased during this period, of Wrich 40 tons was shipped.. The rem a.inder may either have been shiea sect or stored in warehouses. rr,ere was also a shipment which laid-'a Hong Kona Government exchange surrender certifi- cate with the destination given as a ITew York firm but the tin was altxnped to Chinnarmo., North Korea. and. did not a--),)ear in the Hong Kong Government trade figures for the third quarter of 1949. USSR tin shipments -arior to 1 :+cvember 1949 had Chinese Government exaort permits. The Soviet vessels ALDA;T, AZOV AZAIV0SKY, were re`)orted to have loaded. tuii sten and tin in Hong Kona and PMMacno. ***41 T-44 - -arinci,al shi r meets of tin from 1. a.cno have gone to the US L . which in 1948 received at least 800 tons from Macao. The leading firms ma 3 ing these ahi rants were the Tung Dah Cor ny of T'&acno, the Sui Cheng International Trading Compf*ny of Hong Kona,.***, and the Hong Kong-Canton irx~ort Company of Hong Kong. 4. The Yangtrye Sup??1.y Con-any Cor'aoration also handles tin shipments from 1!acao. 25X1A This docl!rnent is hereby regraded to CONFi`l. EN! l L in acce:d ;ca .v th the letter of f;om the Director of Cei'sal lc}ei'.gcnce to the Archivist at the Untied States. Next Review Date: 2008 A0 Proved For Raiaa~a 2001/03/1 Doouaent N.. NO CIIAiWE i ~C a J DELI 1i~I JAN 50 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/17 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004100430004-9 25X1A CE TMAL I?MLLICiTCE A(E.-?TCY 25X1A Co ne t, aun 1 cone ntrr.te '-rar=I.9Ps have been nru1e mire opeii . 25X1 A 25X1A *** 25X1A 25X1A Comment - renor is that in 194,9 all shi~rn~nts oi' t 25X1A 25X1A wmsten an:l tin were nar?e in Socket vessels. 25X1A Camnen_t. cc;,panies as the , inE; Comply, Limited. Cy 1YlT)f., ,? ~. ~/..~;.~,-... _, ..., ...4.. i'.?'''.~" iii:,. t?'.',~Y 25X1A rE??orteci the two chenp, lnternatt or-,11 Approved For Release 2001/03/170 6 n I Je11At7ROO4l 00430004-9 CONRnrN