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:.:7J11 Approved For Rg :25X1 A 3REQP82-00#}?704p- FO 'A ION I F `' CI)NO.' COUNTRY Albania DATE d)STR. 11 JAV 50 BJECt i Oerterel. Albanian Domestic Information NO. OF PAGES 3 ;,1; P[_:A CE ACCuIRED T40. OF ENCLS. rt eSSED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 2B(:11017 'NFA, ?. , In order to establish their identity, Albanians must at all times? car 7' their identity card 1 Letra :`ioftimiee wit`t their:, All persons reaching t' fe r c..e er age of 12 are required to have an identi t,y ca--d. The card has a, red The cover page has at the top a red star and in to center the words r,letra 'Rx.oftimi" in black. There are three pages; on the first is con- . to ined the photograph of the holder, and his signature;, On the second page there is a personal description and the 'hird page is blank., The identity cards are issued by Town Hall cffici.t:ls; their validity is not dear yet. They were issued in 1945 wit.1out 'acing recalled. Aliens sic at ppli..ed with special identity cards whi.h d:.""fer from the regular identity cards. They have nine inner pages; on tie fist t'.Aare is a personal dec.- cr. iption of the holder as well as his photograph,, and the other pages .:;.re u.E=ed for entries by the police for ch niles and travel. the oorder. rdiryto tra rel i-_=-thin Albania, aliens must declare In the distribution of food and clothing, the foll.ohring are eligible tc F.. A receive rationed items AIR 25X1A any cooperative, a, Corunnmists, b 'T'hose woricing in state enterprises or those who are civil servant . c, Farmers who surrender Their crops to the coop ativcn Tie families of the above categories are also anti ied to rationed items bat, they receive only 50 per cent of that Which the head of the faaily .; oceivees (this is only a "part ration" and i-, given to wives and chilthen under 10) , Those not working and farmers Who do not turn in their prud:,xcee t,o the collective are not entitled to ra.tion~= For the distribution of food, there are four -ategorles. Ration. books,, of various colors, one for each category, are ue-3d _ '[.'hose are vat -,.d gene:. alli fit one ,Fear and are i ed throughout the country. a First, Cate ?,: !. Foodstuffs (for Cor~,runi ),s) issued include 750 g~:' of bread per day,: However, this ration boots is reeplaced every three -inonths. For the acquisition of other food i esms aeci~;:L "blocks of :,ou ;ens have been issued bearing the stamp and s'.gnatu;.?re oi? the secretex,;,1, of th:,; Party on each coupon:, This gives the holder ti right to receive ratiol,< from 25X1A 3~nT yL (~ NAVY Document No. awl NO CHANGE in Class. ^ fl DECLASSIFIED C1ess. CHANGED TO: TS S DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 Approved For Release 2001/03/05: CIA-RD 1h80~_. 7Ot3"-` )ate: tmu y: f , 13 isa F t r . .. . 1 {tI3~J f I 17 ....... s~~-~.............. .._.....w.- 17 Approved For Release 2001/03/05: CIA-RDP82-00457R004100030004-3 CEN?Ai INNMLIG ICE AGENCY 25X1A b: Second Cat! j&,=. "Yorkers employed in heavy Indust, y and farm rs who surrender their produce to the eo>perat.ives :rcer:eive raaioar.s on the basis of their ration card, each coupon of whirs' carri*:s the amount of each item per month (inclu? b?sad), fi iiq date and the daily amount authorized., Allowances ,? a ak foilvv.s: 750 grams of bread dally . (cos(> 511 14-:1-0 ; kilo of sugar 50 grams of coffee 100 grains of soap 1 kilo of flour 1. kilo beans or 3/4 kilo of ma0aroni kilo of oil `third Cateos r Vbrlcors employed in goverament-controlled a terpriv ss and civil say -vice employees recblve: 600 gar of bread daily 5o grams of coffee L,..(K) grams of sugar 300 grams of soap 1 kilo of bans 14.00 grams of oil dR Fourth. Ca__t~~e~ ror Includes the raei ber3 of a ram11y~;, who receive one-half ration or `Zf that which the head of the family receives). They draw Uc.e ration only when they are not meodraerrs of a ?.4ooperative massy If they are rtm ers of a cooperative mess, th,,jy hai e to surrender their -ration coupons and pay from 1, 200 to 1,300 1:,, ~ in the first category, but the clothing is not of the first quality: The prices, however, are lower. co Third , Cate oY1 j Those in th18 category arr. all,vr~;.~d 40 points., c.en bars of the 'ainil c-s of those belonging to the E.`irst and second cap egory belong to this category, and this excludes all but the wives and children under 10 years old. Thcse who receive food and clothing through th,1 use or ration cards cor;,~pose only 25 per cent of the entire population; the rest of the peoples are oki igod to get their rations in the black market,, ran , ite?M cannot be f,xwd jr. the biro;ck market, and exist only in the cooperatiy stores. However,, thosc --wi hout ration cards can acquire the rati'ned :,_tems by exchanging item, of iocd for theme in addition to moneys, titanians are allowed to travel freely through out all of Albania ?uith the ext eptior of the frontier areas. No special pisses are needed for tray 1, the. identity card being sufficient. There are, how aver, control point:, at the entrances of the following cities where th