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January 10, 1950
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mm OOCww0IrC cOC.'T6II751tlFO@JAttoit APC6C17It6Tttt3 tIGTtOtdaLOSFrYL3
Ott WE OIIIT,*.o ETAT't. s Crriuu 71 13 02PHIPo O? TH3 IMPi0IMOS ACT 5o
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F',r! i !! 177 ?. 7. C'i^:tlt?4CF}OZ OP TRIs Tam t8 PSOtttfl7T'St/.
Assistant Political Officer; ;.a i ,. ?
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Approved For RetU 11J[I Y I ICf RDP8Z-O'UX57R0'0'39'~'04500
State Aemiinistration Oskar Fdel
Personnel : Artur Schl.iebs
Culture )nd Education Hiestermann, fnu
Women's Affairs Frau Gcrtrud Gloeckner
Fdi for of the off. icir l SED Tarty
naga71.ne, "Der Partrifunktionaer" : "'ills Forner
Party :;ontrol Commission Kurt Hausmann
4 o SED Her,dgaaarters for Dresden.
Faxon- is divided into thirty Kreise, of which Dresden is one.
The 11-'RD-Dresden Kreisleitung includes both the Stsdtkreis ar'd
the .andkreiso Functionaries are as follows:
P. Political Secretariat:
First Secretary: Adelbert Hengst (had been first secretary
of SED Plauen until thi. s appointment)
Assistant : Arnold, fnu
Walter '''eidauer (Lord :C`ayor? of Dresden)
Sneis'r, fnu (Landrat of Laadkreis Dresden)
Heinz Glaser
Arno Schoenherr
Marianne Samtl ebo (Fraeulein)
I Cot naen.t: The above group of inda.vieu-~ls determines
the Pntirepol1t_ical life of Dresden. )
b. Section IT-ads
Or,,anizrtt aon : "Bambi" Gimmel (was head of the SED
Dresden party school until. June i49)
Tula ' ;enagitation : Karl Fs iedemann
C,alturee and Fducati obi: Eugen Braun
E:,o.>mics : Koelach, fnu
P;irty Control Arno Echoenherr. (Schoeiherr had
om ,i ssion been bead of the Saxony Police
School.. in. Dresden until anr)ointed
F: cr. Ament was formerly head of the Communal Policy
Seca1Or_.of the Dresden S:D, but is now attending the zonal
SED School in Klein Machnow,, the Karl MMarx lochschulet.
;z?. it "`arch l949 the first and second chairmen of the
Drr s. n OFD Were fnu Saupe and `t''errler Torn respectively,
At th, t :ime bath -.were a `?acked in the partyr councils as
pu:'s :rag vea i i olicies, i%'hereuoo a ?supe ?'JD's transferred to
the ;-ozt ::f Cultural Director at the Ri.esa steel works
(whelp. he still i s) n A 25X1
than Sr. Dresden functionary affected by t'r i s houseclean-
ing, f,.-\! ,;,nnkner, was transfer red from his position as
heat ct the personnel section and given charge of the
Saxcnz k,.{.re Office (Saechsisches Brendschutzamt )
it-;t the str';ctura] rear. -ani7eti on in .he summer of
i 94~., he SET Dresden Krci aleitung Personnel Section com-
rarisee thirty-three risen. Tl-d.s section has now been dis-
mantla\ leaving only two risen, ';?rho are resraonsible 'co the
first secretary. These personn-~l specialists now reciuesti
the I:: lrraation they require f -ora the Organi2~ation Sect on.,
The, '.anization Section of the SEX) Dresden KL now has
el ever _ns tructors, -e-ho are dispatched from ~: ime to time
to rho lower rarty units armed *i ?t-h full executive
autho ity.
~.;ED )i-Qsden :i s divided into 23 precincts (rt?adtbezirke)
and . -.vvpr cork areas (ArheittsFehiete). the latter found
c?n..l.y n the rural areas on the outskirts of the city, for
?21.i'iry: e? tsf Part? o'rc a-i i 2 ati n.
Organization.- nstra.ac or Scot .on t1he SED Sa~,on=
Hea varters has es E:htenn instructors ?a _.ts d:i sposal.
Cn~N'Qa r'~TTil F `.11AL/ COWW11`OL
AppprovJd'P'v~ RTa 2006//03/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R003900450002-2
C:.`F1.C1'.LD ONLY 1 25X1
Approved E.QNR*qI@Ase g%6/1/1 ZRRDf
't8A4,57R00390045000 1 2-2
M -3.
SED Party Schools in Saxony.
The Lenrlesrartcischule (state 'party school) of the SED for
Saxony is located in Ottendorf. One of the earliest courses
given there ma p from January through March ic46, at which
time 160 students, partly from the KPD and part.ly from the
SEP particir.atecl, r^gon Rentsch was head of the school until
June 3948, when he wwac succeeded by Minus Hamann. (Rentsch
then became a Sl'ndtrat in the Dresden gov&rnment in charge
of cultural affairs, but left in Au gust 1949 to attend a
course at the Karl Marx Hochschule.) The school her eight
permanent teachers on its staff, the names of four of whom
Fritz Beyer
Walter Grabs
Doric Wollmann
Fnu Xawae
In addition, lectures are given during the vrrious courses by
distinguished visitors from the SED Central Secretariat, etc0
Among the students at the January-March 194.6 course were:
Heinz Glaser (now in the Dresden BED Political Secretariat,
stayed on at Ottendorf for two semesters as a
teacher after finishing his course.)
Fnu Feel lisch, State attorney in Dresden (Staatst nwalt) .
Eugen Braun (now in char ,e of the Cultural Section in the
Dre rden SED.
SED Dresden maintains two loser (Kreis) }fin ty -,chools:
1) In Moritzburg, the "Ernst Thae:lmenn Sehoo iz has
ninety beds. and a course lasting six weeks. Head of
the school is friu Peter.
2) In Dresr:;en, the "Georg V of is -cnool r, has e i gray
beds and a six-week course. EeaO of tne school is
Gerhard Henschel, who hta- completed a tuo-year course
at "be Lenin School in Moscow
Finally, there are 26 study groups, or Zirl'el., currently study-
ing the Short History of the CPSU in Dresden, sponsored by
the SED.
The Saxony SED also runs a Special School. In Biberstein
(Saxony) at which various courses are given under v*rious
directors. These courses are usual3y relatively short, and
normally are attended by selected groups, as for example,
school teachers, party cultural workers, trade union organ-
izers, etc.
The Saxony PED also maintains two rest areas, or Erholi ngs-
heime, one in Oberreinsberg and the other in Seifersdorf.
The SED-sponsored daily news-rzar er in Dresden is the Saechsische
Zeit urn , ediKor-in-chief of vii ch is Hans -oenig. The Saxony Police
Minis ter of the Interior for Saxony 1 s Artur Hofn ann (SED).
OM-Mief of Police for Dresden is Thu E~aehier. (Was Max Opitz
who is now Lo-~-d-- is for of Leipzig.)
Chief of the Dresden Criminal Police is fnu #Totpe.
Chi of of the X-1 section o- "`i3" D e.=c'en Cr nil?I ~. Police
Thu Schuster
sdvn. SED
is e' ,-' 3:'!n i_ I.
7 n rest ave,:
Approved For Release 2006103117r rkl-' T,{9pr4 `f 90390045FjDEN 1 IAL
Approved Fo Release 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP82"-64tl*dO3'6~450002-00 N!71 f I- 7?`
OE}1T t1:~i, INT LLIG!:NCIr I t [
7. Front Organizations ant? other Political i'arties in D:eC,s3en.
FT'GB (trade unions): Head: as fnu Arnold until he was trans-
ferred to the BED Dresden Political
Secretariat in October. 1949-
(present incumbent not knowni.
DFD ("'omens' Organization), Head: Fraui Froehlich (SED)
Kulturbund: HF:ad: Karl Kneschke (SFD- as in England during
7!orld Tar II).
Helmut von Gerlach Society: Head: Fr?u 'rurpat (also edditor-in-
cri.ef of the periodical Zpit tt~a Bald).
LDP: Head: Schoenl ebe (also heat of Dresden "'ohnungsamt) .
"DP: Head: Prunzel, fnu 6w-as SFD before joining ?-DP).
VV!`: Head: Herbert Hilse (SED)
FDJ : Head: Fnu Kimmel (SED).
Kreisvolksausschuss: Read: Rudi Jaeger (SED)
$. Dresden City Government Personalities.
Dresden now has a population of 450,O0O. Lord-mayor (Oberbuerger-
meister) i s st"n1ter "'eidauer, who is at the same time a member
of the political secretariat of the Dresden SED, and head of
the Dresden branch of the Society for German-Russian Friendshin.
Assistant mayors (Buer`ermeister) of Dresden are as follows:
Schoenlebe, fnu (LDP), in charge of '"ohnungsamt.
Assistant, Director Hahn, fnu (SED).
Richter, Martin (CPU), in charge of Social 'i'clfere Office.
Assistant, Director 1'ov:otny, fnu (SED).
Wagner, Otto (SED), in charge of civilian supply office
Assistant, Director "'eller, fnu (LDP)
The remaining six de;oartments (Dezarnate) of the Dresden municipal
government are as follows:
Personnel, under Stadtrat Frau Dietrich (SED;.
Assistant, Director Glockner, fnu (SED).
Cultural Office under St adtra t Schiotterbeck (SF)).
Schl.otterbec'; moved to Dresden in August 194P from
westr'rn Germany.
Assistant:, Director Hnhnewald, fnu (SED).
Feonomics Office under Stadtrat !concak (II'P).
Assistant, Director Braun, Hans (CPU).
Finance Office under city treasurer Frau Riess (SED).
Assistant, Direc11:or I.ietsch, (CDU).
Public Health Office under Prof. Hans Huebner (LDP).
Assistant Director, n_2-t- 'unknown, non-rr rty.
Construction Office under Stadt.rat `ermunth (I,i?i).
Assistant, Director Rummrich, fnu (SED).
Thus the SED has filled the number I and 2 slots in the derart-
ments of personnel and of cull-ure (propaganda), and has either
the number 1 or the number 2 slots in all the other departments
with the excert on of economics and public health. The
Econoaics Der.artnent, be it noted, concerns itself only with
private enterprise,, a sector of eastern German economy which
is rapidly dwindling to the vanishing point.
Other Dresden public bodies are headed up as follows:
Radio Dresden: Intendant Reichert, fmu (SED).
Labor Office: Director Hofmann, fnu (SED).
Dresden Pail r~av Ot'z'i.ce ('BD D ?eden): uncdrr Barth, Max (SED).
Head of the 1'BP Dresden S"r'.D G'nop lrrroup is Gi,nd.
Dr esf'Pr Postsl Office (Ohernosfd:=.rektion Dresden): under
fn-a (SED):, strap? oJ.' the SEr shorn group is
a n s '-e ;nc r ,
Head of the Deesdea'!
Hochschule.) J.s Prof. Str.un, o:.
Nr ,t 4 c~ :e c
the SED sthop group is Hilde
QELDEAITJAke W%-'tJA44(ft-15bWb7ROO3900450002-2
~ oI Zia , /c o TRo U n, O11'T ; ~. QQA i
Approved For Re se 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP82-0O4 '1Rd39004.5'd002-2
,.c - C.',n"TR.'.L Ii!'p_`?:'.F..:IG:~PIGL ,I G2 'ICY
9. Saxony Control Commissions.
The Saxony Land Control Commission (Landeskontrol.l--Kommission)
was headed by Fritz Grosse (SED) until l i`'ovember 19499 at
which time he waF slated to become ambassador to Czechoslovakia.
Grosse had previously be~-n head of the Personnel Section of
the SED for Saxony. The Dresden city Control Comm ssion is
headed by-Horst Ttaake (SED), but consists of only three men,
25X1 The latter has no rerutation
for either great efficiency or or injustice. I./lost of the
actual control work is carried out by the Land Control
10. The K"`U (Kona: ]viirtschal tliche Unternehmen, or municipal public
utilities) is a socialized unit set up as a corroretion at public
law. It comprises the follo,?ing sections in Dresden:
1) The electricity, gas, and water --orks (the former DREWAG),
with ca. 4,00C employees.
2) The city street car lines, r'ith cc. ,0CC employees.
3) A construction office which does the major cart of public
construction in Dresden, v?ith ca. 4,800 employees.
4) A reconstruction office, mainly engaged in city p1nnning.,
with 60 employees.
5) The city printing cress (Ratsdruckerei ), tits, 400 Pmnloyee s.
6). The municipal farms and gardens, with 400 employees.
7) The municipal laundry, with 200 employees.
8) The municipal mortuary, with 3C0 employees.
9) The city Darn shops, with 20 employees.
10) The city market halls, with 30 employees.
11) The city zrological garden, v;ith 20 employees.
12) The epidemic control office with 30 employees.
13) The city ratchman service ('Mach and Schutz) with 150
enuloyee s .
14) Hotels and restaurants office (includes all major hotels
and restaurants in rrevden) with 5,-O employees.
1`) Municipal. central steam-heating plan' v,,ith 30 employees.
16) Administratio:, of city-owned dwellings with 50 employees,
17) The technical t orkshor tP; 150 emcnlo Sees.
iP) The reform school-workshop for juvenile re].inquents, with
400 employees.
19) The city slaugh`er house with 21".1 employees.
20) The city warehouse, with 2(0 employees.
21) The municipal bath houses with 100 eynnloyres,
22) The office for. the a"mInis-r-tion cf exr.ositions with
23) The ci. ry curchasin off' ce, -' 7 t:S; F;r m, :Ioy~Fes- concerned
only its] i)vychnsing for }'n '01'TT
lrp 006/03/17:CAR P82-0 457R003900450002-2
Approved For Rele e,,2A0.6/ 3/47, ? C PA - 04 7J3900450002-2
This complex, v hi ch war set up in Dresden, as i:. ,post other
cities in eastern Germany, in Janu.:rv 1q,40 in accordance with
directives drawn up at the D" K (Deutsche 'i.rtschaftskon ission
in Berlin) is administered by a council (Verti.nltungsrat) of
eighteen members, tr'el ve- of rthom, inclr?ding Lord-L ayor ".'eidauer,
are members of the SED, *??i+h three from the CDi.' and three from
the UP. T1--Js council aoroints the three directors of the
K,''U, rho are a~ follows: Orgnr_-7 7ationai Director- Koch, Fritz
(SELL); Finanncia'; Director-- ITeir_z Anthony" (SED) bmntil he
d(--fect ed to the Test 28 October 3949); and the Technical
Pirector. Schuster, fnu (CLU). on paper the K"'U annears to
be intenderl to function on P purely business basi,-. In rract:ice,
ar source points out, ;i IF often subordinated to the needs of
the SED and occasionally to those of the Russians. Source
comments: "The resolutions of the SED Dresden secretariat,
transmitted to the K"M tk=gh the permanent SED representative
in the KW`U9 bAve been of purely political import, designed to
gain prestige for the SED by forcing through pleasing but
economically unsound measures. (The KTI: directive was origin-
ally drafted by Pr. Kalimayer (SED), assistant to Tilly rumpz
in the Administration for Auditing and Trusteeship, and by
Lord-Mayor T"'cIr suer.) Examples of such unsound practices
a. Scarcely four weeks after the 10'J was set up, in January
1949, the SED Dresden demanded and received from the KWU
treasury 5,000 DM for use in narty work.
b, The SRD then required the KTU to set up a factory called
Mibaulit by I May 3949 for the purpose of manufacturing
a cement substitute out of blast furnace slag and soft
coal filter ash mixed with sandstone. The aim was to be
able to provide the people of Dresden with a cheap roofing
material for the repair of bombed-out houses, thus
achieving a degree of oonularity for the SED. The roofing
tiles thus developed were, ho-:ever, of such poor quality
that they very quickly bet-an to disintegrate, and It has
already become necessary to remove them from the houses
to avoid injury to Passers-by.
c. Next the Soviet commandant of Dresden required the K'U to
construct two hotels in the vicinity of the Koriendatura
for the use of the Sr4A0 The cost to the WU was 200,000 DM.
d. The Dresden slaughter house (cart of the KP'U) is required
to deliver to the SMA b-r the end of 1949 3.2 million DM
worth of meat. This money will. nrohebly be reimbursed
after a Period of months, but the cost of the actual labor
involved in the slaughtering of the animals must be borne
by the VU Presden.
The above and similar exauinles all add un to a def ' ci t of about
four million rM for the year 1949.
The real properties of the K'iU Dresden are valued at 540 million
DM while th
e c~erreci aced vr:lue is currently reckoned at
25 million.
11. Conclusion. In co''c?.1 ision it may be stated that as far as
Germans are concerned, the three Peoria who exercise decisive
control over the entire economic, political, and cul-rural life
of Dresden are:
1) Adelbert Hengsl-, the first secretary of the Dresden SED.
2) '"At(-r Teictauer, the Lord--Mayor of Dresden.
3) Otto Schoen;, the rear? of the Or_'anizatian Section
of the i'-',' ony ,.SIR 1..
Approved For Release00/V,r '7116TAZ8fi457R003900450002-2