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ik'.._,.urAX 6 Approved For Release 2000%06%26 CIA-RDP82-00457R003700190011-3 CIASS!FICAT16. COUNTRY S `lt 4~+ REPORT NO.- TOPIC~~~ ^~(~t ~~(~~ nr? ~,,.ats EVALUATION_ -_PLACE OBTAINED DATE OF C :NTENT,_~. Q. .. .. ~._.~. ~._....~ ,,.~,.....~ .~.... ...~~... r.. ... . 25X1 C DATE OBTAINED _.-DATE PREPARED _19 October %-.q..._. REFERENCES PAGES-. _.w -,~ _....,..ENCLOSURES (No. & WE) REMA.RKS...._....~ _.~ L._. _ .,. _.,.....~_. _...~~ w.._ ~.~.__ SOURCE 25X1X 27 JpjZ_1919 1 An artillery unit with which the following, 'troops and materiel were observed. was detrained at the POTSDAM (N 53/Z 63) freiLht station; About 20 officers including; three lieutenant colonels About 200 E Seven canvas-covered mains of 100 to caliber on low four-wheel mounts Seven canvas-covered high rectranSulor. boxes an two-wheel c arr aF ;e s 25X1 C About 30 trucks with numbers of the aeries. in--, the numbers 25X1C Two field kitchens. The unit left in the direction of 1'TEDLITZ (II 53/Z 63) 6 ~Iuj: us t ._L949 2, as `s'he fo1lo:fita convoys passed through POTSDAI;I and pro- ceeded towards UM: LITZ: (1) =a convoy of ten trucks, pulling 100-mm howitzers and four trucks, loaded !rith cluarterine equipment. The trucks puili.n; guns Were each occupied by 8 to 10 soldiers. The truck number E 5-46-xx was secured. The convoy had come from a southerly direction. (2) A convoy of ten trucks with mounted, canvas--covered searchli;hts followed the first convoy about two hours later. One of the trucks had the number and 25X1 C another truck also a number of the series. The 25X1C convoy had dome from a southerly direc Ron. This document is hereby r6 1 1 CONFIDENTIAL i ' , n accordan Itn the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United States. Next Review Date: 2008 Document No. ---------- ' No Change In Class. (T 'ke eclassified Approved For Rel all o20QW : CIA-RDP8,~O` R003700190011-3 Date: --------- Y_ 19-71 By: __ lass. Changed To: TS S R003700190011-3 5 to 20 tiuu.. t - 114-2 b. follo;.iii; observa 4iono iicx+e made at the PLI2Si)ri3.: m.ilit.;i'y post. . + (1) i]'ormer a3eriu.n "3.Gari".e Ulanen" Kasexne: About two hundred recruits iere obwerved being trained. Officers voce tank insi nia follotiillLi, motor vehicle. goere i;~entifiod. 25X1 C (2) Adolf Hitler Kaserne: The fo21o lii. motor vGjile os as! ed thxou-,h the kaoorne 25X1 C (3) Garde Husaren Kaecrne on Bcr linerutrae:3e : (dccupica by only a -uL' d i etail. Construction vior~f was per oriaad in ~e i uss ^YLB. (4) artxllcr~eLaserne on l:culitzerstxw;se: ? i ; o11c ire . rya for ve ii; s )used tl ouch the kw3er:~c: ;;ate : 25X1 C Dui ei bei 1 o erne on 2; jolt lice ccu AoLI by only c u;.: u detail. (6) exerci cb .it.z three atisuult bouLz on t~1es'_avel _i_;.ver no .:r ~ ivia .. on 16 uWu: t 19490 (7) A ovie?1+ trZ:CIin en -'6,cz )ri. o motor pool t':wto loco 4ed at 25 Jf.iCti;:,j'ollee. 'the e1Lt %'~~['-Pac hod the rind 25X1C vaao Sul) ~r tte to Col :. ~, li Vulsi, chief of eeul~),?ly drainis-- tioii,, .:Iie Moto vehicle o bobon-ed to 'utle t1 z: niotur pool: 25X1 C oS$en:"cr cgtr Approved For Release 2000/06/26 : CIA-RDP82-00457R003700190011-3 31 ti u,: uu t 1949 c. 'ton tanks corning i.'x'ora te direction of DGiiLL-LiiIT Z. (L 53/ Z 65) i moved into the kasorl.e on the . roi:,d to GL{vSoGLI NICK 53/Z 64). The truck. ,acre .Mod seen enterin;; the kz:sexrie za^eaa 1 jeptember 1949 d. About 1QG trooL)s carrying entrenchin ; tools move6. into the former J nzer Kaeerne, VAl;i2IiIT2 . the troops h:.,d come from the direction of DOB _~I~Z. 25X1A 25X1 C 2 _ e,? tember 1 42, ea he ~:o~rnc;r rtillerie 1~aoerne, s~'~'. )IIa2, was only li fitly oeeupir-:d by ertillcryraen. :.e-x;ir ?::orlti Fees done at the kaeerne,, NEWomment 1. a. l..c report indicates t'w-,- artillery uni?s re turl_od to ; G :;Dn-,~ in 1~ ,ca July and earl u? us 1949 (upon cam .>loti on of o euvers in its the units, v are seen leaven-- i2 the 2C1 ~'aDiA: iaiiroa; std-:;ion toward ; UEDLI Z9 it can be ta?suse' th iu they were s;tioned in the tirtillerie Kasernes saut__i oz =' ,ed.litzer : ruecs.e''. Sorile troops from these krz;;errkeo had not teb rned by 2 Set ;ber 1949. 25X1 C b. he motor vehicle nurabf:,rin;_. aerie s we e previcur :'y obaerve in t awe kaBerneo. The 25X1C series i, :1on-s to the 6th Gds I'lecz -iv (Cadre) an. s therefore bolicve to hove been misidentitiied. cn Col ;,MA ;II:j(jVSKI was reported by the some source to hove been chief of t. e P roue of Occupation i orces Ccxnany Supply and d-~ rain iotra ~,i on Division (AP11 16 455) in July 1940,3. Cat L A IiTOVS KI's of .Ace is located in the former :;golf Hitler Fescrne, his a,artr en a at 25 Jae ;crallee. :A motor pool is said to be loca--. ted in the former G-uzr .e Ulo:i(,,n Kaserno (also caller} Ilohn elope Kuoerne). 25X1C do lie is acsi ~cd to a ,'~ovict cot:iaercial eriter?-- .L)ris e in . . ? acco-, to previous reyir soues;all unit of the group(] o-~.LCeupi. ,~ oil lorccs 4cruuny .ILkA -.Ile 1~ay Fa are Rltt 1J~~i~J4~ 111 tae ka.,,er'nct;S :?rizic. t?.exe rcportcu1y occupied by only ;uirc- deto1l Approved For Release 2000/06/26 : CIA-R.DP82-00457R003700190011-3